CBC Marketplace: Pre-paid Legal Services
"For a fixed monthly fee you can get phone advice and discounted hourly rates
with a lawyer at a law firm. But in buying a membership to one company, Pre-Paid ...
CBC MARKETPLACE: YOUR FINANCES » Pre-paid legal services: Worth the money? Broadcast: April 11, 2000 Ever wanted to pick up the phone and call a lawyer, comfortable with the thought you weren't going to be hit with hefty fees? You can if you subscribe to a legal services plan
"The services they offer range over various areas of the law, anywhere from someone suing them over a contract or a criminal charge, to a family law matter like divorce, separation or dealing with custody of children
The basics of pre-paid legal services
Article describes what these services are, who offers them, and how they differ
from legal insurance.
API | Splash | American Prepaid Legal Services Institute
Resource for lawyers, human resources, management and unions on legal service
and legal insurance plans.
American Prepaid Legal Services Institute 321 N
Clark Street Chicago, IL 60610 All site content copyright American Prepaid Legal Services Institute © 2005
The Dollar Stretcher: Questions to Ask a Pre-Paid Legal Services ...
Article includes ten questions plus a brief introduction.
Search Our Site Before you buy or refinance: A minute now could save you thousands! Questions to Ask a Pre-Paid Legal Services Provider by Linda Cicchillo Search our Site! Also In This Week's Issue More Stories About: Although recently becoming very popular, pre-paid legal service plans have actually been available in the United States for more than 25 years
In many states, pre-paid legal services are treated as an insurance product and are monitored by government insurance regulators
Although most legal service plan memberships only cost between $10-$35 per month to cover you and your family, services vary, so ask these 10 important questions when shopping around: What types of telephone consultation services are available for my use? Are letters or phone calls from an attorney provided on my behalf without additional fees? Is attorney review of legal documents such as contracts, leases, and business agreements included? Can documents such as personal wills, deeds, powers of attorney, etc

Photo by www.metroactive.com
Yahoo! Message Boards - Pre-Paid Legal Services (PPD)
Message board discussing whether one should buy or sell stock in Pre-Paid Legal
which trades on the New York Stock Exchange as PPD.
MediaMoogle.com - A Critique of Pre-Paid Legal's Opportunity
Evaluates claims made by Pre-Paid Legal to recruit associates. Links to related sites.
The sad truth is that PrePaid Legal services arent an exciting new technology, barely about to make its mark. Having said this, there are countless (though often seemingly unverifiable) stories of PrePaid Legal getting so-and-so out of a ticket, clearing someone of a controversial bill, and of course the free will. And yet I think back to the last speeding ticket I actually fought, where I was cleared because the officer failed to appear in court, or the countless times Ive called a company over a controversial bill or fee I received and walked away without having to pay it
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Photo by www.susaneppsward.com
Legal insurance catching on with companies - Tampa Bay Business ... 1998 article from The Business Journal of Tampa Bay, discussing how
legal insurance
is being offered as a benefit.
Members: Not Registered? for free extra services
It works much like an HMO giving businesses access to a network of attorneys who agree to provide services for free or discounted rates in exchange for a steady stream of business
"We make attorneys affordable, " says Gregg Sturz, a former attorney who sells legal plans in Tampa Bay as an independent representative for Pre-paid Legal Services Inc
Monthly premiums as low as $69 are paid to Pre-Paid Legal Services in return for access to a wide range of free services
Attorney services that aren't free are discounted by 10 percent to 25 percent
"People take a letter from an attorney much more seriously." Another free service provided by Pre-Paid Legal Services is litigation protection
In America, a lawsuit is filed every three seconds, according to the National Resource Center for Consumers of Legal Services
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Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc
is a leader in legal services and their mission is for everyone to have a quality legal partner for the many life events a person must handle
Victoria Medina, Independent Associate from Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc
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Data pertaining to the sums, distribution, and usage of money donated to public
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This may have been reduced further in July with payments for legal services
The committee had spent $247, 775 on legal services from 1/1/05 to 6/30/06
Ney is chairman of the House Financial Services subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance & Government Sponsored Enterprises
Since the Fund began it has raised $152, 000 and spent $101, 082 for legal services
FEC Gets Pulled into TX-22 Legal Question 7/26/2006 The law firm of Jenkens & Gilchrist has filed an [.pdf] with the Federal Election Commission asking if it can provide pro bono legal services to the campaign of Republican , a candidate in former Rep
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Nat'l Committee 07/20/2006 The DNC Services Corp./Dem
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