In 1993 UNITED
NATIONES accepted document “The Standard Rules on the Equalization of
Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities” which contains instructions
about what needs to be done for the people with different deficits,
impediments and disturbances to contribute equally and actively to the
society they belong to.
Another document called “The Salamanca Statement on Principles, Policy and
Practise in Special Needs Education” was accepted in June 1994 at the Word
Congress for Education of the Children with Special Needs in Salamanca,
Spain. This document supports inclusion in education of the children with
special needs and emphasizes:
Schools should be accessible to every child, especially for the children
with special needs Diversity and dissimilarity should be appreciated
Different needs of children should be taken into consideration.
The purpose of this workshop is comparison and exchange of different
experiences and practices in various countries, in particular Slovenia and
Italy, in their relation to people with special needs like: the deaf and
hard-of-hearing, the blind, the mentally and physically handicapped, the
behaviourally disturbed, etc.
We will be interested in the distinction in various countries’
legislation, policies and practices in care for people and children with
special needs.
Together we can see the possibilities and deficiency of our own country
and thus we can learn from each other.
CIF SLOVENIJA - CIF ITALIA speakers/facilitators: MAJDA KNEHTL, social
worker in the Education Centre for deaf and hard-of-hearing children in
Ljubljana. Experience as social worker with children, adolescents and
adults with different social problems, families, foster families, groups
of children. Also experience with co-ordination within professional
committees in social area. CIF participant in Germany 1996.
Dušan Kuhar, Psychologist and Family Therapist in The Education Centre
for deaf and hard-of-hearing children in Ljubljana. Experience as
psychologist with children, adolescents and adults with different
psychosocial problems, families, groups of children, students, teachers,
parents, refugees and others. CIF participant in Sweden 1997.
Laura Pilu, born in Milano, Graduate in Education. Special teacher.
Speech and psychomotricity therapist. During an age-old activity, had to
deal with several different kinds of problems and difficulties (handicaps)
that people can suffer from: deaf and dumb, and children with severe
organic or functional speech problems as a teacher of a special school;
emotionally disturbed children and youngsters, as the principal of a
children’s home; brain-damaged children as a teacher and a therapist
again, in a special school. In the same school, transformed in regular
primary school, five years experience of integration of two handicapped
children in a normal class of twenty. Since the ‘70s engaged in studying
and observing the challenges and problems related to the integration of
handicapped people in schools and society. CIP participant in Cleveland
(1959), founding member of CIF Italia. |