Maria Stefani.
"Introduction to the conference and presentation of the theme."
Sergio Tavassi.
in children unbringing"
Roberto Ghirardelli.
"Diversity or
Carla Collicelli.
Deputy Director of CENSIS (Center of Studies for Social Investments),
Foundation legally
recognized that contracts with public and private agencies).
She has conducted part of her studies in Germany on Education and Immigration.
She started her research activity on health and welfare.
In recent years, apart from research, she is vice-director of the Foundation responsible for research of internal
She is the author of many publications in her field of interest.
The presentation is available only on audiotape on request.
Clara Sereni.
Born in Rome.. For the last few years she has been living in Perugia,
where she served from 1995-97 as Deputy Mayor. As a writer, she published her first book,
Sigma Epsilon, in 1974. After a number of years dedicated to various activities,
including work in publishing--she was translator of Stendhal, Balzac, and
Madame de Lafayette--she returned to writing in 1987 with the novel Casalinghitudine (Housewifeliness), which was followed by
Manicomio primavera (Spring-Time Asylum) in 1989, Il gioco dei regni (The game of Reigns)
in 1993, Eppure (Yet) in 1995 and Taccuino di un'ultimista (The Notebook of an Ultimist) in 1998.
She is actually president of the "Sun city" association.
One requirement of the "Città del sole" is to be able to welcome people with
different kinds of problems, both physical and psychological,
as well as their families, and organize for them specific tourism programs (see the "Tourism for all" project). On the other hand they can offer original "themed"
packages with a cultural content for people looking for a holiday with an intellectual
slant and as a significant experience.
The presentation is available only on audiotape on request.