The Valkyrie Power Page is designed in order to look as good as possible on any system and browser. Anyway some known incompatibilities
exist and this part of the page is dedicated to solve the visualization problems or bugs you may encounter.
Here is a list of tested browser and OS combinations, with notes about known bugs/problems.
Symbols explanation
Slide :
The slideshow used in the Gallery sections doesn't work on NS3 and Windows system. That's strange, because it works
perfectly on NS3 and Linux.
Non recent browsers don't support CSS. That is the page can't force font styles and sizes, and text is not justyfied, but only
left-aligned. This is a minor problem, but if you use e large font the page might be ugly to see :(
JS :
The browser doesn't support (or partially support) JavaScript, so a large chunk of Valkyrie Power Page features will not be
available. Nevertheless the page is working and you can access the gallery sections without troubles.
On some Unix systems and Netscape 4.x, the text is completely white. I suspect of a CSS misunderstandment, and I'm trying to fix it, but this doesn't happen under Linux, so I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to it... I've also tested a Sparc Solaris
station with OpenWin rather than CDE, and it doesn't happen there, so it may be a CDE problem after all.
? :
A question mark indicates the combinations I hadn't time to check. These will be completed as soon as possible. On the other hand,
a blank box means that the combination indicated doesn't exist, or I don't have any information about it. I'll be glad to
receive hints and suggestions about this combs...
Known problems and notes
Internet Explorer 4.x (1)
This browser has a problem on window management: when a window is open and a JScript tryes to open another window
with the same name, Explorer signals a JavaScript error. This doesn't happen with Netscape implementation of JavaScript; the window
simply closes and reopens with the new content. The trouble is that all the Gallery sections of Valkyrie Power Page spawn a new
window for each image selected, but if you reselect an image, IE will come up with the error message. The solution is (beside the
quite radical change of browser :) not to reselect pictures. I'm not going to waste my time fixing IE or NS bugs...
Amiga browsers
I started the developement of this page on an Amiga A1200, so I'm quite sure it should work well on IBrowse, AWebb and Voyager.
The JS implementation of AWeb is fully functional, but I couldn't check the "multiple windows" aspect of the page, because I
only had the demo offline version of AWebb.
Now, thanks to UAE, I can test the page on Amiga browsers. I don't have new ones, just the old IBrowse, AWebb and Voyager. Everything works well on AWebbII, but it seems that it can't load external chunks of JavaScript, so the use of the galleries is quite limited. IBrowse has some layout problems I'm now investigating.
Oh, yes; this page uses cookies. Before anyone thinks I'm stealing informations about his/her machine, let me say that I only use
Cookies through JavaScript to obtain informations about the browser/OS in use, or to check the date for funny surprises. The
use of Cookies is also vital for the working of Galleries: a Cookie stores the number and filename of the picture you select, and
tells it to the spawned windows. If you still think Cookies are not worth enabling, then disable them (who am I to force you?)
but you'll lose almost as much functionalities as if you disabled JScript ...