Alessandro Lucchesini    ORCID iD icon
Area della Ricerca
Via G. Moruzzi, 1
I-56124 Pisa

Curriculum vitae (ENG)
Curriculum Vitae (ITA, Adobe Acrobat®: 155 kB)
Publications (Adobe Acrobat®: 277 kB)
Curriculum dell'attivita' scientifica svolta (ITA, Adobe Acrobat®: 115 kB)

Besides the "Molecular Spectroscopy by using laser diodes", actually I am involved also in the study of the
"Light Induced Atomic Desorption (LIAD) effect by potassium in PolyDimethylSiloxane films" (Adobe Acrobat®: 165 kB), the
"potassium saturation spectroscopy" and the
N2O detection by the Gas Filter Correlation (GFC) technique using a midinfrared light emitting diode (ENG, Adobe Acrobat®: 454 kB).
In the past I worked also on the "Diode laser spectroscopy of atomic oxygen, via sub-Doppler absorption spectroscopy" and on the "Light Induced Drift (LID) effects on rubidium".
My old Thesis work in the field of the Solid State Physics:
"Preparazione e studio di fotodiodi a barriera di Schottky in silicio amorfo idrogenato" (ITA, Tesi di Laurea: Riassunto)
"Study and realization of Schottky barrier photodiodes in hydrogenated amorphous silicon" (ENG, Thesis of Laurea: Abstract)
Here the metal-semiconductor a-Si:H / a-SiC:H etherojuctions are studied also for their possible application to the field of the photovoltaic solar energy conversion:
"Study and realization of Schottky barrier photodiodes with hydrogenated amorphous silicon" [ENG, Thesis of Laurea: Adobe Acrobat® format (850 kB)]
"Preparazione e studio di fotodiodi ..." [ITA, Tesi di Laurea leggibile con Adobe Acrobat®: 855 kB]