Università Roma Tre - Corso di Studio in Lingue e Comunicazione Internazionale - a.a.2003-2004 - docente: Patrick Boylan



Seeing and saying things in English
Modi di essere e di esprimersi in inglese 

(modulo di base per gli studenti del primo anno del curriculum Operatori della Comunicazione Interculturali)

       click  on  the  orangeCliccare QUI SOTTO. / Click BELOW.dots   Cliccare sui puntini ROSSI. / Click on the ORANGE dots.   cliccare sui puntiniCliccare QUI SOTTO. / Click BELOW.rossi

Enrollment - Iscrizione>  
Office hours - Ricevimento>  
Aims, credits - Traguardi, crediti>  
Syllabus - Programma (v. anche 'Dispense') 

  <News - Notizie
  <Handouts - Dispense
  <Activities - Attività di ricerca
  <Assessment - Esoneri e esami

Per domande inerenti a questo modulo, usare unicamente il seguente indirizzo e-mail:  oi @ boylan.it

Mondays and Thursdays, 4 to 6 p.m., Room 17, from 13 October to 27 November 2003

I programmi dei moduli offerti nel 2003-04 non sono più materia d'esame dopo febbraio 2007
non verranno più conservati dopo tale data i compiti svolti dagli studenti né i relativi voti assegnati.

IMPORTANTE AVVISO  Questa pagina dà il programma e le date degli esami per l'anno accademico 2003-04.
Il programma rimane valido fino a febbraio 2007 soltanto per chi era iscritto al primo anno di Operatori interculturali, inglese 2a lingua, nell'a.a. 2003-04.  Per le date degli esami che si terranno su questo programma dopo il 2004, cliccare
qui un mese prima di ogni sessione.
Non frequentanti: vedere notizia per voi nella rubrica NEWS/NOTIZIE di questa pagina.



Click on the newspaper to see the archived (old) news items


Exam on Use and Usage (3 tests)
- written production/reception: 16-17.9.04, Aula Magna. The week before:
- conversational interaction, listening comprehension. Dates indicated on the Sign-up Forms outside the Lettori Room (until July 14th).

Exam on the L-Lin/12 modules
These oral exams are in the Aula Magna
1st session for
- first year students -- 22.9.04
- second year students -- 23.9.04
- third year students and VO -- 24.9.04
2nd session for

- first year students -- 6.10.04
- second year students -- 7.10.04
- third year students and VO -- 8.10.04
Sign-up for them in Sept. at least 10 days before each one. Use the faculty PC or
< click here or, on your own PC, enter


Do you feel frustrated at not having been able to speak during the class discussions? Send me your views in an e-mail (use the address: oi @ boylan.it) and I'll post it here:

To read a message, click on the icon before the date.

Ledina (29-10) Please explain how to do the Identi-Kit assignment, I didn't understand the explanation in class!

29.10.2003 . Groups: Please sit from now on in the areas indicated here > .

17.11.2003 To see a picture of the members of each group, click here> .

Group Reps: please send me an e-mail with the names of the students in the picture for your group. The position of the names should indicate the position of the students in the photo.

Does this course count for a credit?

The President of the Corso di Laurea is investigating a way to make the course count for regular credits. So please do not abandon the ship yet!!!

The news this morning (6 nov.) is that both the Corso di Laurea and the Area inglese reportedly "si stavano orientando verso un riconoscimento dei due moduli Modi e Accomodamento per i 5 crediti richiesti."

What does "si stavano orientando mean?" Don't ask me, you're Italian!!!

You don't have a PC at home? Use the PCs in the computer lab (across from the language lab) on the ground floor. See the hours for Language Students here> .

Or use the Pcs in an Inexpensive Internet Point... Or buy an Inexpensive PC with help from RomaTre.
Information here >
.. .
(In Italian> . )

This module will meet 12 times:

October_ 13___16___20___23___27___30
November_ 3___ 6___10__ 13*__17___20___ 27**


*Nov.13: Teacher away (conference)
**27 November = partial exam; **June 2003 = final exam
__The final will be on the book by Byram.
__The partial will be on classwork & the article by Boylan.

Students who attend regularly and do all assignments will be exonerated from a certain number of chapters of Byram. Regular attendance means present 9 times (the exam on the 27th of November counts as a lesson). Thus, 3 absences are the maximum.

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* "John Doe" (and "John Smith") are the U.S. English equivalents of "Mario Rossi"

Enrollment form and instructions (in Italian)>    
              (Informativa sulla privacy> )

  Problems with your PC?* Ask a fellow student for help!> 

*A common question: "I don't have a PC or money to buy one. But you use the Internet in your teaching. And I will need a PC to write up my research findings for the esoneri and my tesi. What can I do?"
For some answers in English, click here>
.. . . (In Italian> . )

  List of students enrolled -- last update: > 

Attendance for Lessons 1 to 7: click>

To see the names of the members of each Group, click>

To see a picture of the members of each group, click here> .

Group Reps: please send me an e-mail with the names of the students in the picture for your group. The position of the names should indicate the position of the students in the photo

NOTE: The following students have not sent me their enrollment form in time and are therefore now classed as “non frequentanti”.

Group | Student

C Irene Cipriani

C Irene Rocchi

D Cinzia Serra

D Marco Fubelli

D Valeria Pacella

I Ilaria Marchetti

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Exam calendar for September/October 2004

Exam booking
         Avviso su come prenotare
You must sign up for L-Lin/12 oral exams at least 10 days in advance.
                  For the written (Lettori) exams, use the registers outside the Lettori Room.

        -assignment 1
(recorded group conversation on "Being", pages 1-10)> 
        -assignment 2 > 
(Cultural/linguistic Identi-Kit of your “double”.) >

   Exam contents:                   <Avviso per i non frequentanti

I capitoli da leggere per l'esame finale a giugno
per coloro che non hanno fatto tutte e 4 le attività
Seeing and saying things in English

Michael Byram, Developing Intercultural Competence in Practice.

Tutti devono portare all'esame i capitoli 6, 7, 12 (57 pagine in tutto).

Chi ha fatto 4 delle 4 attività: bastano i capitoli 6, 7, 12.

Chi ha fatto 3 delle 4 attività: Capitoli 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12.

Chi ha fatto 2 delle 4 attività: Capitoli 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12.

Chi ha fatto 1 delle 4 attività: Capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12,

13, 15.

Chi non ha fatto nessuna delle 4 attività: Capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

(Quale erano le attività? Va sul sito del corso e cliccare su ATTIVITA'.)

Chi non ha fatto l'esonero deve portare all'esame anche l'articolo: P. Boylan, Being one of the group.


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(texts for exams, extra reading, notes from lessons, etc.)




Downloadable copies of the monograph appearing on the Reading List

Mongraph: P. Boylan, 'Being one of the group'
You can choose from two versions: 'htm' (a version you can read on your computer) and 'rtf' (a version you can download and print).

M. Byram, Developing Intercultural Competence in Practice. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, 2001. This book is available at the book store across the street from the Faculty Building, or on the web through Amazon.com and other virtual bookstores.

Notice for non-attendees / Avviso per i non frequentanti>





Extra Reading – only for attenders (frequentanti) – Not on the final exam

1. Linda Beamer – Cultural Parameters Illustrated: How to predict communication friction. Warning: To see this text, your computer must have a Power Point Viewer (most do). You can get one free at www.microsoft.com.

2. Roger Bell – Background concepts for the study of English for Intercultural Comunication.

3. Patrick Boylan – A DEFINITION of Intercultural Communication (in Italian)



Common European Framework of Reference
You'll hear teachers at Roma Tre (and elsewhere) speak of 'European Levels' of competence in a second language. For example, our university entry test is targeted for Level B1 in reading ability and A2 in speaking ability. What does this mean? Click the orange dot if you want to know more about the system (which many people criticize as simplistic, so it will probably undergo change in the near future).

_ESL portal page_

Learn English on the Internet... FREE (no fees to teachers or schools!)
Clicking on the orange dot will open a page full of Internet sites where you can practice and extend your English. But you have to know how to distinguish the most useful sites for you. This means asking yourself what learning English really means.



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13 Oct.


"communication" "language" "English"*

*This last text is a .pdf file. This means that your PC must have a PDF Reader. If you don't already have one, you can download a Reader, free of charge: click here




16 Oct.

("When we communicate, we communicate above all outselves")

Film clips: Wall Street available in the language laboratory;
International Meeting is not available.

See "Activities" (on the Menu) for the first Learning Activity: Group discussion of the monograph "Being one of the group".




20 Oct.


Your double should speak an English from Kachru's Inner or Extended circle (click here). See also Graddol's representation (click here).

You can hear national, regional, ethnic and class-distinctive varieties of English in many films in the language laboratory: click here.




23 Oct.

Urgent: Send in Enrollment Form!

GENERAL DISCUSSION ON "Being one of the group", pages 1-10,

The concept of "parameters": (1) Beamer, (2) Bell.
The "Identi-Kit" of your double: click here
(For the Group Rep only!) Evaluation Sheet: click here




27 Oct.

Continuation of the discussion on "Being one of the group", pages 1-10.
Continuation of the discussion on defining cultural "parameters".




30 Oct.

Slides from the lesson here>


1. Meet with your group and discuss/criticize your Identi-kits (first version). Then assign a mark to each paper. Do this before next Thursday (Nov . 5th).

2. Also, in the period from Monday to Friday (Nov. 3 – Nov. 7), take the L-Test ("L" means "Level") in the language laboratory, in the hour assigned to you.




03 Nov

The concepts of Identity and Culture as mediated through language; examples from the English speaking world




06 Nov

Slides from the lesson here> (films in the lab)

ID kit due!


and what it is not >




10 Nov

Discussion: How to conduct a University-level English course.

(Final vote: 80% for task-based non-directive learning. 20% for lecture-style lessons.)

Slides from the lesson here>




17 Nov

DISCUSSION ON "Being one of the group", sections 5.1, to 7.3.

HOMEWORK: Do activity 4 (the activity is a group discussion of the sections, during which you must speak as your double would. Click here for further information).

NEXT CLASS: Come to next class and participate as your double.




20 Nov

Comments on second part of Being one of the group – click here >

NOTE: The following students have not sent me their enrollment form in time and are therefore now classed as “non frequentanti”.

Group | Student

C Irene Cipriani

C Irene Rocchi

D Cinzia Serra

D Marco Fubelli

D Valeria Pacella

I Ilaria Marchetti



Mid-way Exam (“esonero”)

Discussion of the 10 most common misunderstandings
about learning English (or any language).


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Message Board______

Read how to interact on the internet.
(Click on the Notepad here to the left).

1. Click on the icon of the girl and boy talking.
(It's the one here to the left, under the notepad.)

2. You will see a red rectangle: click on it.
(But first, read the instructions!)
3. Write your message as your English-speaking double.
(If you want to be yourself, write in Italian.)

17 Oct

For Monday, October 20th, please have read the first 10 pages from the monograph 'Being one of the group' and be prepared to discuss it.

"Be prepared" = make a summary of each of the 20 sections as a group and make a recorded discussion using your summaries (give the cassette to the teacher for a mark).

"summary" = 1 or 2 sentences explaining themes

Exercise evaluation sheet >

Sections in the first 10 pages:

0. Introduction; , 1. Aims; , 2. Experimental task and setup; , 3.1 - Previous studies; new directions; etc. (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7).

First, clarify your ideas in Italian then, in your group, say them in English. Ask the other members of your group to correct you, if necessary. If you want, you can write down what you said and, if called on in class, read your summary.

Example: Abstract/Introduction

The paper analyzes conversations between native and non-native speakers. It shows how apparently marginal behavior, such as eye and head movement, may contribute to making a participant an ‘insider’ or an‘outsider’. The paper also asks what it means to "know" the meanings that other people give to their words, gestures, etc.




27 Oct.

For Thursday, October 30th, please complete the Identi-Kit questionnaire for your English-speaking double. For the questionnaire, click here>

For instructions (if what I said in class was not sufficient), click here>

You will meet with your group (between Oct. 30 and Nov. 6) to decide your mark using the form available here> But when you meet, be relaxed and don't worry about the actual mark: it can't be high because you have no experience with making a cultural Identi-kit! This is just a first attempt.

Later, you will do a second, more accurate version (using the same double or changing your double if you want). This second version will count for more.



30 Oct.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What's your level in English? Next week, do a reality check!
Self-assess your knowledge of 'English-as-a-symbolic-code', in the language lab.

What are the questions like? Here is a sample. You will hear in the earphones:

"What time do you usually finish work?"

On the computer screen you will see:

a. My name is Mary.

b. At about five.

c. Very difficult, indeed.

d. No, I'm afraid not.

You then press the letter "b" on your computer keyboard.

There will also be some reading comprehension questions of the same kind.

Listen to two sample recordings from the language lab test:

Recording 1> . . Recording 2>

You will be assigned an hour in the lab in one these time slots:

for the period Nov. 3 – Nov. 7th

Further explanations during our lesson.




17 Nov

Read the second 12 pages from the monograph 'Being one of the group' and analyze them in a recorded group discussion. The new group leader will give the cassette to the teacher along with marks she/he has given to all participants and to herself/himself using the

exercise evaluation sheet >

on or before November 27th.

The group rep moderates the discussion, as her or his double would.

The rep assigns the sections to read as follows (each student receives 1 or 1½ pages to analyze):

Student 1. - 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2,
Student 2 - 6.3, 6.4,
Student 3. - 6.5, 6.5.1, 6.5.2, 6.5.3,
Student 4.- 6.5.4, 7.1,
Student 5. - 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3,
Student 6 - 7.1.4 7.1.5, 7.1.6,
Student 7 – 7.7, 7.1.8, 7.1.9,
Student 8 - 7.2, 7.3.

Note 1. The group rep does not discuss any paragraphs. Thus, in a group of 8 students, NO ONE will do the last part assigned to “Student 8”. Indeed, in a group of only six students NO ONE will do the parts assigned to “Student 6”, “Student 7” or “Student 8”. There is one group with nine students so only in that group will someone do “Student 8”.

Note 2. The group rep must indicate the name of the students as they speak, using their double's name. For example: “Gandhi just defined the concept of phronesis. Now Jim Morrison will tell us how that applies to learning English. Jim?”

Note 3. At the beginning of the recording, the group rep should indicate the students' real-life names, for example: “Mario Rossi is Gandhi, today.”



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