Drug Calculator
Allows the user to calculate how much money is spent monthly and annually on
drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.
Ecclesiastical Calendar
Calculates the Ecclesiastical calendar for any year; includes movable and fixed
Western Christian Feasts, as well as the movable Orthodox Feasts; includes links ...
The Salary Calculator
Compare the cost of living in hundreds of US and international cities.
Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day
Calculates the times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, transits, and the
beginning and end of civil twilight, along with information on the Moon's phase by ...
A Simplified Easter Dating Method
(with charts and explanations) by Ronald W. Mallen of the Astronomical Society
of South Australia.
Astronomers calculate age of the universe
Postage Rates and Fees
Domestic and international rates and fees for residential and commercial customers.
Includes link to rate calculators.
Calculates the biorhythm compatibility between you and your (potential) loved one.