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The Oz Report




Domenica, 21 agosto 2005

Bloggrolls, revisited. Again.

Now of course, it works. Just exported straight from NetNewsWire and it went in just fine. Check it out on the right...
10:24:43 PM    

Blogrolls revisited

I had an outrageous struggle a few days ago trying to sort out my Blogroll. It resulted in going round the web looking for ways to edit OPML files, even going to Dave Winer's site and downloading his OPML editor.

What I couldn't get to work was how to make Radio understand that the export from NetNewsWire was OK as an OPML outline. I struggled and struggled, not really getting anywhere. There doesn't seem to be much user-friendly advice on the web as to how such a straightforward thing should be handled.

In the end I went back to some Radio Userland Outliner support page and looked at the step by step how to. Until I got to the bottom of the page and realised they put the most useful stuff there.

If the preference is enabled, Radio maintains an OPML file which links to all of the sites you're subscribed to in Radio's news aggregator, and radio.macros.blogroll can render this file, along with miniature XML buttons, and little coffee mugs for subscribing to the site in Radio. To render your subscriptions, use the URL of mySubscriptions.opml for the value of the opmlUrl parameter, for example: <%radio.macros.blogroll ("")%>

I finally created my automatic blogroll by subscribing in Radio's aggregator, then turning on the auto MySubscriptions. So now, to add new subscriptions to the outliner I'll just add them in to the News Aggregator too. Even though I can't tell the difference between that one and the one from NetNewsWire...

10:06:21 PM    

Domenica, 29 maggio 2005

NetNewsWire 2.0

Upgraded to NetNewsWire 2.0 - a painless and simple process which consisted of loading the new application into the apps folder. Basta. It found and took over all my license info and RRS feeds without a hiccup. Software like we used to remember it was.

And it even adds in a few nice new features: browsing directly in the app window for one.
10:35:35 AM    

dynamic blogrolls

My blogroll is a clumsy piece of junk (no offence intended to the feeds I'm linking to).

Maybe I should get one together like this... cool.
10:11:31 AM    

Martedì, 15 marzo 2005

An open thank you to Davis and Gerry

It's been a while for me to get around to writing this, but better late then never.

I consider the OZ Report subscription equivalent to what I used to pay for those glossy magazines, that used to wind me up for two hours every month or so. Better to place my money into a kind of low level daily fix.

Improvements for me in 2004:

getting the RRS up and running, tuning it to work better. The structure has become more regular, more disciplined, and I can read the articles that interest me most, first.

Those pop-up photos - really adds the personal touch. So are the in line links.

The map search features I think are cool, even if I don't use them much.

Increased use of photos: I think that adds a nice feel.

Improved graphics and design in general - although it starts to get a bit busy (main pages, the article pages are fine)

The podcasting is a bit whacky, personally I'm not into that much yet, but who knows... maybe one day.

What about 2005 ;-)

Well, at the moment, I don't have a big wish list - I'm just really enjoying reading it 4 or 5 times a week.

One idea: how about a HG blogroll? (Well, you could put PGers in there too). I managed to collect together a few (the XML OPML is here, but it is visible on my blog), but maybe there are more. I couldn't find where you might have one on the Oz Report.

Also your logo is a bit too large (for me) so I haven't put it up on my site - but the link is there,


After starting using my Radio Userland aggregator a lot a year ago, I finally gave up in the summer when it seemed to get blocked on the connection at work. A computer upgrade at home (iMac, plus broadband) and I started searching again for a decent aggregator, and finally decided on NetNewsWire. This meant I started using the RSS feed much more, virtually daily.

But another cool way to use the RSS feed is to switch to the Firefox browser (PC as well as Mac), and there you can place feeds as "livelinks" directly on the browser bar. I can just click on a link and get the list of the latest feeds from Oz... very cool, no reader involved, and free.

So once again thanks guys for doing a great service to us all and keeping us happy during those long winter months...

10:12:52 PM    

Martedì, 18 gennaio 2005

Managed to get my blogroll sorted

Guess I'm a bit late on this kind of thing, but after going through and trial and error with the home template, I managed to get a blogroll of hang gliding bloggers together. The community is coming on! Yes.

Now I just have to try out ActiveRenderer instead of constantly editing my blogroll. Well, if a real rush of blogging pilots suddenly comes on...
10:04:56 PM    

Hey, another flying blog

Yeah. Someone with a really flight only flight (b)log: And the guy (Cragin) is also no wipper-snapper 20 something geek - just shows what Google/Blogger has done for blogging.
7:57:13 PM    

Lunedì, 17 gennaio 2005

More Hang Gliding blogs

Davis relays in the Oz Report a list of news sources reporting on the 2005 worlds. Some of these are actually blogs... Tom Lanning's SkyOut is not bad, though I can't find the feed (Atom only from Blogger).

7:24:25 PM    

Sabato, 15 gennaio 2005

MarsEdit maybe

Indeed it's a bit cleaner in MarsEdit - but not sure yet if it's a bit redundant. In any case, depends still how the images get put in, etc. Maybe for editing and cleaning up afterards. And the dreaded HTML keeps coming into view.

This is better than using a 5 year-old version of PageMill, though (my other discovery on raiding the applications folder of my old iMac).
11:24:49 AM    

Firefox maybe solves blog edit problem...

Of course it now seems - opening the whole thing in Firefox - that I get the WYSIWIG view back in the blogging edit window...

So maybe MarsEdit isn't worthwhile at all. Have to test a bit more because it is still a bit clunky.

Just to maintain the hang gliding theme - me going off the Bassano ramp this August. The LZ is partially blocked by the glider's nose. A picture named bassano_ramp.jpg

11:20:03 AM    

Giovedì, 6 gennaio 2005

JPG upstreaming

Sasso take off, Oct 2001

Well, the picture upstreaming seems to work - which it never did under XP, for me at least. :-(

This should make it a bit easier to get graphics in. A bit... not a lot.

Photo from a few years back, take-off from the Sasso di Ferro ramp, Laveno, on my Laminar Easy 16, taken by my mum with some instant camera (!), scanned print. Amazing photo...

10:34:41 PM    

Other hanging bloggers...

Ed at wonderwind has a list of other hang gliding weblogs - well, some real ones and not just the Oz Report (which is, IMHO, because it has a real RSS feed, no matter it's an e-zine in nature). In fact it would seem there are now 4 of us: me, him, some Norwegians, and a guy called Jim hanging around in Quest Air for the winter.

10:21:53 PM    

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