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Sabato, 15 gennaio 2005

MarsEdit maybe

Indeed it's a bit cleaner in MarsEdit - but not sure yet if it's a bit redundant. In any case, depends still how the images get put in, etc. Maybe for editing and cleaning up afterards. And the dreaded HTML keeps coming into view.

This is better than using a 5 year-old version of PageMill, though (my other discovery on raiding the applications folder of my old iMac).
11:24:49 AM    

Firefox maybe solves blog edit problem...

Of course it now seems - opening the whole thing in Firefox - that I get the WYSIWIG view back in the blogging edit window...

So maybe MarsEdit isn't worthwhile at all. Have to test a bit more because it is still a bit clunky.

Just to maintain the hang gliding theme - me going off the Bassano ramp this August. The LZ is partially blocked by the glider's nose. A picture named bassano_ramp.jpg

11:20:03 AM    

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