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The Oz Report




Martedì, 15 marzo 2005

An open thank you to Davis and Gerry

It's been a while for me to get around to writing this, but better late then never.

I consider the OZ Report subscription equivalent to what I used to pay for those glossy magazines, that used to wind me up for two hours every month or so. Better to place my money into a kind of low level daily fix.

Improvements for me in 2004:

getting the RRS up and running, tuning it to work better. The structure has become more regular, more disciplined, and I can read the articles that interest me most, first.

Those pop-up photos - really adds the personal touch. So are the in line links.

The map search features I think are cool, even if I don't use them much.

Increased use of photos: I think that adds a nice feel.

Improved graphics and design in general - although it starts to get a bit busy (main pages, the article pages are fine)

The podcasting is a bit whacky, personally I'm not into that much yet, but who knows... maybe one day.

What about 2005 ;-)

Well, at the moment, I don't have a big wish list - I'm just really enjoying reading it 4 or 5 times a week.

One idea: how about a HG blogroll? (Well, you could put PGers in there too). I managed to collect together a few (the XML OPML is here, but it is visible on my blog), but maybe there are more. I couldn't find where you might have one on the Oz Report.

Also your logo is a bit too large (for me) so I haven't put it up on my site - but the link is there,


After starting using my Radio Userland aggregator a lot a year ago, I finally gave up in the summer when it seemed to get blocked on the connection at work. A computer upgrade at home (iMac, plus broadband) and I started searching again for a decent aggregator, and finally decided on NetNewsWire. This meant I started using the RSS feed much more, virtually daily.

But another cool way to use the RSS feed is to switch to the Firefox browser (PC as well as Mac), and there you can place feeds as "livelinks" directly on the browser bar. I can just click on a link and get the list of the latest feeds from Oz... very cool, no reader involved, and free.

So once again thanks guys for doing a great service to us all and keeping us happy during those long winter months...

10:12:52 PM    

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