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Domenica, 21 agosto 2005

Bloggrolls, revisited. Again.

Now of course, it works. Just exported straight from NetNewsWire and it went in just fine. Check it out on the right...
10:24:43 PM    

Blogrolls revisited

I had an outrageous struggle a few days ago trying to sort out my Blogroll. It resulted in going round the web looking for ways to edit OPML files, even going to Dave Winer's site and downloading his OPML editor.

What I couldn't get to work was how to make Radio understand that the export from NetNewsWire was OK as an OPML outline. I struggled and struggled, not really getting anywhere. There doesn't seem to be much user-friendly advice on the web as to how such a straightforward thing should be handled.

In the end I went back to some Radio Userland Outliner support page and looked at the step by step how to. Until I got to the bottom of the page and realised they put the most useful stuff there.

If the preference is enabled, Radio maintains an OPML file which links to all of the sites you're subscribed to in Radio's news aggregator, and radio.macros.blogroll can render this file, along with miniature XML buttons, and little coffee mugs for subscribing to the site in Radio. To render your subscriptions, use the URL of mySubscriptions.opml for the value of the opmlUrl parameter, for example: <%radio.macros.blogroll ("")%>

I finally created my automatic blogroll by subscribing in Radio's aggregator, then turning on the auto MySubscriptions. So now, to add new subscriptions to the outliner I'll just add them in to the News Aggregator too. Even though I can't tell the difference between that one and the one from NetNewsWire...

10:06:21 PM    

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