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Giovedì, 6 gennaio 2005

JPG upstreaming

Sasso take off, Oct 2001

Well, the picture upstreaming seems to work - which it never did under XP, for me at least. :-(

This should make it a bit easier to get graphics in. A bit... not a lot.

Photo from a few years back, take-off from the Sasso di Ferro ramp, Laveno, on my Laminar Easy 16, taken by my mum with some instant camera (!), scanned print. Amazing photo...

10:34:41 PM    

Other hanging bloggers...

Ed at wonderwind has a list of other hang gliding weblogs - well, some real ones and not just the Oz Report (which is, IMHO, because it has a real RSS feed, no matter it's an e-zine in nature). In fact it would seem there are now 4 of us: me, him, some Norwegians, and a guy called Jim hanging around in Quest Air for the winter.

10:21:53 PM    

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