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The Islam is one religion monotheist risen in the WAYS century d.C as a result of the preech of Maometto (in Arab Muhammad, pronunciabile dialectally also Mohammed), the considered last and definitive prophet sended from God (in Allāh Arab) to the Muslims…. in phase of completion

ODP Links Open Directory Project at for Islam

Idris the Prophet of Islam? - Essay theorizing that the Koranic prophet Idris is not the Biblical Enoch, but rather the Egyptian Osiris.
Islam - An introduction to Islam, with links to Wikipedia's considerable collection of articles on the religion, its teachings, history, and practice.
Muslims - PBS Frontline documentary that examines Islam's worldwide resurgence through the stories of diverse Muslims struggling to define the role of Islam in their lives and societies.
Orthodoxy and Islam - Articles from a Greek Orthodox perspective covering mission to Muslims and the history of Islam.
Answering Christianity. Islam's Answers - A comparative study between Christianity and Islam.
Islam Herald - Introduces Islam to non-Muslims, with sections on politics, current affairs, inter-faith dialogue, and religion and science.
History of Islam - An account of the rise and historical development of Islam, written from a Baha'i perspective including emphasis on the Shi'ite lineage from which the Baha'i religion sprang.
eMuslim - Features information on the Quran, Mohammed, Abraham, Jesus, Islam. Also features an extensive discussion on how the Quran corresponds with scientific findings and why Islam condemns terrorism. - Islamic information portal, including discussion forums, articles, and links.
Islam and the Baha'i Faith - A brief study of the relationship between the two Faiths, from a Baha'i point of view.
In Defense of the Faith - Personal page covering issues such as cults, salvation, and Islam. Quotes, links, and articles.
Text Files About Islam - Papers by Jeremiah D. McAuliffe, a convert from Christianity. Topics include conversion, theology, answers to critics, interfaith, and Muslim-American culture.
Islam Online - A portal site, featuring information on current events and discovering Islam; includes a range of editorial comment and articles, a fatwa bank, and Q and A's.
Islam 101 - An educational site on Islam, its way of life, civilization and culture. Features introductory courses and tests on Islam as well as a glossary, email lists, articles, PowerPoint presentations, and other resources.
Beautiful Islam: the Complete Way of Life - Presents the essential tenets of Islam; also includes articles on current conflicts in the Muslim world, and comparative religion.
Prophets and Spirits of Islam: David - Profile of the Biblical king from a Muslim perspective.

Religions in the world: Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam, Aganism, Shintoism, Taoism

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