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The Christianity or Christian religion, is born two thousand years ago in the earth of Tippet thanks to the religious message of Jesus di nicknamed Nazareth the Christ, the Messia announced from the prophets sended from God in order to complete the law of Mosè. Jesus auspicava the advent of the reign of God and I invite it continuous to the conversion of the heart like salvation condition. Its religious message met with the wish of the ebraici clergymen and with the roman empire (that it exercised a protettorato fate of in Palestine) in particular, the crocifissione of Jesus put to hard tries the faith and the salvation of the Christians. Immediately after its dead women, the disciples will even believe to its resurrezione giving life to one most active work of spreading of the faith succeeding to obtain, after along period of persecution, one protection from part of the roman empire under Costantino emperor (editto of Milan 313) From the half of IV the century to the half of YOU century put into effect the progressive cristianizzazione of the roman empire, until arriving to the great geographic discoveries of i centuries XV and XVI that did not pick of surprise the ready Christianity to announce the verbo of Christ intutto the world.

Sacred Text

The sacred text of the catholic religion is the composed Bible from two parts: ancient and the New Testament. Old Testament, saying also Jewish Bible, is constituted from the sacred Writings of the Ebraismo, than however the Christianity it interprets in way a lot divergent regarding the Jewish interpretation. Such text comes currently considered from the catholic Church expression of the period previous to the enuta of Christ. The New Testament, instead, represents the life and the works of Christ and its disciples (Gospels, Actions of the Apostles, Apostolic Letters and Apocalypse of Giovanni).

The dogma and the Christian moral doctrine

Point of departure and foundation of all the Christian dogma are the two mysteries of the Trinità and the Incarnation. The existence of a creator God of the world was already patrimony of the people Hebrew, but the Christianity has specified that God is only in its nature and Trino (Father, Son and Saint Spirit). The Father is principle, the archetype of every perfection, the Son of is the thought that expresses infinity perfection, the Saint Spirit who proceeds from both and both join them in an eternal exchange of love. Fruit of the incarnation is Jesus Christ, come in the world in order to find the word of the Getlteman. Connected to the dogma it is the Christian moral doctrine that ripone in the charity, that is the love towards God and the next one, the fulcrum of its existence reassumed in the Ten Comandamenti contained in Old Testament. The principle of the oneness of God, the goodness of the creation and the love towards all the men door the Christianity to the idea of the equality between all the men and the grace of God renders the man able to complete the good truly. The Christianity is successful to explain in full load the pain, until making to love it, making to consider it one beatitude. The scope of the life of the Christian man is that one to participate to the same life of God that does not finish with the dead women natural but it is combined after it in one condition of eternal happiness.

The Christianity today

Today the Christians distinguish themselves in three main groups: The catholic Church: those who belongs to you is joined under the authority of the Pope and the bishops. The first Pope was Saint Petro, its investitura is testified from the Gospel: “You six Peter and on this stone will construct my Church”; The orthodox Church of east: they also recognize a supremacy of the patriarch of Costantinopoli conserving the same faith and the same sacramenti; The Church protestant: not conserve no tie of unit between the several confessions, except the faith in Jesus salvatore Christ.

ODP Links Open Directory Project at for Christianity

Yeshua/Jesus and Judaism versus Paul and Christianity - An argument that the Apostle Paul was a maverick who did not found the true Church.
Exploring Religions - Overviews of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Includes an extensive crosslinked glossary for each religion.
Monastic Interreligious Dialog - Established by the Benedictine Confederation in 1978 to assume a leadership role in the dialogue between Christianity and the religions of the East, in cooperation with all others engaged in this dialogue.
Spiritual Spectrum TV Series - Topics from meditation to medicide, from love to capital punishment, from atheism to Christianity, from vegetarianism to life after death. RealVideo files of 14 years of programming.
His Grace Creations - Offers people who are unconvinced about Christianity the opportunity to read brief articles and initiate meaningful conversations about their spiritual journey.
What Christianity Is All About - An introduction to Christianity with answers to tough questions and advice on choosing a church. An article about the origin of the New Testament.
HBCM: What is the Christian Faith About? - Online courses on the Christian faith and an online book on how Christianity has impacted the development of British society.
Kundalini and Christianity - The possible connection between Kundalini and Christian spirituality from a personal experience.
A Look at Christianity - An explanation of Christianity for explorers and believers. Read information on Jesus Christ, living as a Christian and a range of other topics.
Exploring Christianity - Articles explaining basic Christian concepts and Christian perspectives on modern issues.
Exploring Christianity - Articles explaining basic Christian concepts and Christian perspectives on modern issues.
Naked Christianity Ministries - A series of seven teachings about basic Christianity.
How Freemasonry Corrupts Christianity - Describes how Masonry is blasphemous and leads Christians away from Jesus Christ.
Revealing the Truths of Christianity and Islam - Opposition to Christianity and Islam from a Hindu perspective.
Abarim Publications - An introduction to the basics of quantum mechanics and chaos theory leading in to an explanation of Christianity and the Bible.
Why Christianity? - A collection of quotes and comments made about Christianity compared to information on a variety of other religious groups.

Religions in the world: Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam, Aganism, Shintoism, Taoism

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