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Spot on
Posted by Joe Kraus, JotSpot OK, I can finally blurt it out: JotSpot is now part of Google, and I couldn't be more excited. Three years ago my friend Graham Spencer and I set out to start a new company. We'd both recently left Excite,
Triple Treat
Today we're launching three new features: guest pass, a new mobile site and camera finder. Here's the scoop on each:. 3 generations Guest Pass Ever wanted to share private photos with friends and family without making them go through
Great shot - where'd you take that?
You can get a link to particular map search by clicking on "Link to this" in the bottom right corner of the map - cut and paste from the address bar if you want to put it in an email or blog it. You can search by text/tag in a given
IE7 Is Coming This MonthAre you Ready?
Read the IE Team Blog – Use the search feature on the right to find previous posts on almost any topic you can think of with regard to IE7. What if my organization is not going to be ready for IE7 in time?
Blogging is great
Blogs provide a gently evolving network of pointers of interest. As do FOAF files. I've always thought that FOAF could be extended to provide And, fortunately, we have blogs. We can publish what we actually think, even when misreported
Adieu to Google Answers
Posted by Andrew Fikes and Lexi Baugher, Software Engineers Google is a company fueled by innovation, which to us means trying lots of new things all the time -- and sometimes it means reconsidering our goals for a product.
Google and Indiana University's Net Trust
Post by L. Jean Camp, Associate Professor, Indiana University Net Trust is a new approach to security being developed at Indiana University's School of Informatics, with funding from Google's Open Source Program Office and released
Simplicity and power
Posted by Justin Rosenstein, Product Manager When we launched Google Page Creator on Labs earlier this year, we had one overriding goal: take making a website -- traditionally a complex process involving HTML, CSS, FTP, and $$$ -- and
Gentlemen Stop Your Linking
Cases involving pro se defendants are usually quite dangerous, not only to the defendant, but also to the rest of us: plaintiffs who are represented by decent enough law firms, if before a district judge without copyright experience can
Digg is killing itself with domain banning
While admittedly I've never been a huge user or submitter to Digg, I think Digg's predilection of late of banning real blogs and sites from submitting posts is going to cause its demise. Granted they have to protect themselves from true

La Stampa Web
Con i blog de La Stampa da oggi puoi diventare editore di te stesso! Crea subito il tuo diario online: potrai pubblicare opinioni, dialogare con i lettori,
Il Disinformatico (attivissimo.blog)
Un blog di Paolo Attivissimo, giornalista informatico e cacciatore di bufale. Questo blog è tutelato dal diritto d'autore, ma se ne citate la fonte potete
Oggi si saldano due settori di intervento e insistenza del presente blog: le cazzate dei giornali, e la musica online. La stampa di mezzo mondo - e non solo
:: Sito di Paolo Gentiloni ::
Non è possibile, come invece sostenuto in una recente sentenza del tribunale di Aosta che ha fatto il giro del mondo, equiparare i gestori dei blog ai
<edit> - Il blog di HTML.it
Il blog di HTML.it su web design, web development, sicurezza.
Libero Ricerca Blog: Home
http://baciograndeconlingua.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!9D458BA Vai al blog &quot;La Vita Può Essere Una Fantast &quot; Vai al blog &quot;P2P Forum Italia&quot;
ShinyStat™ - Free Counter with Web Statistics, Free Web counter
Real-time measurement and detailed web site traffic analysis. A free counter is also available.
Libero - News - Libero Blog
Ed ecco la galassia dei blog italiani: scopri dove sei Il Natale si avvicina: un blog per incontrarsi e scambiare desideri e auguri per le feste in
Francesco Fullone pubblica notizie e commenti dal mondo informatico.
L'espresso | Blog
La direzione de L&#39;espresso si riserva il diritto di sospendere e/o chiudere quei blog che, per il loro contenuto, dovessero ledere il prestigio e la linea blog: blog default index.php link linus.koh.name op , baby blog celebrity , blog default index.php link linus.koh.name op , baby blog celebrity , blog
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