Friday, December 22, 2006 Wassail1 gal apple juice2 oranges2 lemons1 lime1 tbsp cloves1 tbsp allspice2 cinnamon sticks1 qt water1 cup sugar1. Heat the water to boiling. Cut the lemons and oranges (and lime if using) in half and squeeze the juice into a Love… I’m in the midst of a holiday crafting frenzy/moving all my stuff. I just made chocolate soaps for all the women in Marc’s family. I went through some stuff and found some red felt. I think I’m going to make an embroidered ornament or Three Times' a Charm [500 Blog Posts!] I cleaned up (almost all) of my craft supplies (non-knitting related). and the destash yarn I purchased (knit picks and regia) Actually, I think I started this blog exactly a year and 2 months ago (Oct. 21st 2005 I think! Recap. Barely. Dressing up as a Jedi for a Knit Bit about light-up knitting needles. If you're feeling crafty and have the time to buckle down and knit or crochet for the next day or two, might I suggest making my Daisy Chain scarf from the The Knit that Ruined Me For All Other Knits A beautiful shawl which I'm knitting in beautiful yarn - nah. I want to STILL be knitting Ariann, but also wearing the Ariann I finished. People who get tagged need to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as craft blog - knitting iris Knitting iris - a wonderful sock knitter blog. One of the best things about this blog is the photography and the family snippets and the occasional bit on plant dyeing yarn. But what I really love are the colour co-ordinated socks to A Shocking Revelation at Casa De Bron I loved the pattern, though, and am thinking it would be great knit up with Noro Lily.that I happen to have on my shelf. ::Grin:: However, those extra 7 pounds need to some off first.and maybe another 15 after than before I try it Knitting: the hottest craft around Sorry, that’s probably more information than you wanted out of a knitting blog. But it couldn’t illustrate any better the point that sometimes you have to wonder if it is too hot to knit. (I carried on after sensibly moving to a shadier Knoxville, Underwear Capital of the World Back in the 1930's there were around 20 or so textile and knitting mills The biggest of all was the Standard Knitting Mills on Washington Ave. in He even wrote a song about it one time called "The Standard Knitting Mill Blues. Six Weird Things About Me People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”
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