TECH CHRONICLES / A daily dose of postings from The Chronicle's technology blog San Francisco Chronicle More DVD players than VHS players We've known for a while now that DVD players have been overtaking those old-fashioned VCRs. But it now appears to have reached a tipping point, according to Nielsen Media Research. Its survey showed that 81 Survey says: Preteens pack Net smarts, politicians don't get it CNET Blog: Do you think the next Bill Gates will come from a country other than the United States? Do you think the average 12-year-old knows Florida Employment Report: Employee Confidence Index Reaches Highest Level Since 2004 PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance Rising to its highest level since 2004, the Florida Employee Confidence Index increased six points to 66 in November, according to the Spherion® Employment Report. The monthly survey conducted by Harris Interactive® on behalf of Spherion Corporation, shows that more workers are optimistic about the strength of the economy, job market and confident in their personal employment situation. Texas Employment Report: More Workers Optimistic about the Strength of the Economy Despite Uncertainty in Personal Job PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance The Texas Employee Confidence Index decreased 2.1 points to 61.2 in November, according to the Spherion® Employment Report. The monthly survey of Texas workers, conducted by Harris Interactive® on behalf of Spherion Corporation, shows that while more workers have concerns about their personal employment situation, more are optimistic about the strength of the economy. Illinois Employment Report: Employee Confidence Index Holds Steady; Fewer Workers Likely to Look for New Jobs PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance The Illinois Employee Confidence Index dropped only 0.8 points to 56.1 in November, according to the Spherion® Employment Report. The monthly survey of Illinois workers, conducted by Harris Interactive® on behalf of Spherion Corporation, shows that as more workers reported confidence in the strength of the economy and future of their current employers, the percentage believing fewer jobs were Latest Blog Real Estate News Will you increase your online marketing budget in 2007? Loading Are you in the know? Subscribe to RISMedia’s Power Broker Network Report and find out what the nation’s top brokers are reading! Blog: Who's Better: Bush, Nelson, Martinezor Wal-Mart? Orlando Sentinel Chip thieves strike Silicon Valley CNET Blog: Several thieves made off with about $190,000 worth of microchips this week after deliberately crashing into a van carrying the Action Line: Customer survey shows near-record satisfaction San Jose Mercury News You are probably a happy customer. I don't know this from the flow of mail, e-mail, faxes and phone calls with your complaints because, after all, I am the complaint department. IT in 2006: Google, Linux, Digg, Web-based Apps Datamation A review of some big stories that flew under the radar, plus a few that simply deserve a bit more scrutiny.
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