Home - davidonzo's blog : Semplicemente il mio blog personale :-) george@bush:~$ rm /bin/laden. rm: cannot lstat `/bin/laden': No such file or director IL FOGLIO Lascia anche Bolton, ora Bush dovrà fare nomine più piacione. Il Foglio, 5 dicembre Il blog americano di Alberto Simoni, di Avvenire. Indovinate chi è Wolfie. 7 dicembr Max Udargo's Blog: Bush Losing Core Supporters WASHINGTON, May 11 – President Bush appears to be losing support among a key group of voters who had hitherto stood firmly with the president even as his poll numbers among other groups fell salgalaluna 3 anni dopo l’ inizio di salgalaluna , un nuovo inizio! Stavolta con 4 giugno - No Bush; appunti per il centrosinistra; ascoltati/riascoltati; blog e dintorni; blond space; buone/cattive notizie; cazzate Antonio Montanari Nozzoli: Bush e gli evangelici Non c'è da scandalizzarsi, anzi viene da sorridere davanti alla storia del reverendo Ted Haggard, leader spirituale di 30 milioni di evangelici, che è stato accusato da tale Mike Jones, omosessuale blog | Messaggi recenti del blog Jenna and Barbara Bush reveled in Argentina's favorite pastime Sunday, taking in a soccer victory by Gianni Vernetti | Blog : La vittoria dei New Democrats Blog di Gianni Vernetti (Ulivo) I Democratici non vincono soltanto “contro” Bush e grazie alla difficile situazione in Iraq, ma environmentalist blog progressive blog anti-Bush blog Watching the Junta in the White House and other stories of note with stagehand Scott Supak, backstage in Hollywood. Features links, quotes, pictures, and free stuff Free Thoughts Free Thoughts. This blog is: right-wing,pro-U.S.,pro-free-market,pro-israel,anti-islamist Blame Bush. Blog Bis. Blog Caribe. Blog che dice la verità sull'Islam. Blog de Bolivi L'espresso blog Bush & Dio. "The Economist" lo riprocessa e assolve. George W. Bush va fuori misura, quando parla di Dio? In Europa molti sono convinti di sì, anche in campo cattolico
Rock the Vote Blog: Bush and Kerry Debate Idea of Military Draft Question 6 : President Bush, how will you maintain our military strength without a draft? BUSH: Let me answer what he just said, about around the world. Joho the Blog: Bush Binoculars You don't need this photo to make a case that Bush is not the brightest prez we've had, but without it the blog would be most dull: PERRspectives Blog: Bush on the Couch I actually read the book, "Bush On The Couch" and the author is a He has also listed Perrspectives: Blog in his What I Read in the Waiting Room of Hell :N:O:T:G:S:: Da " XXI century blog" Bush e' un fascista? Da " XXI century blog" Bush e' un fascista? Class discussion, questo pomeriggio. Ho ammirato il buon senso anglosassone, ancora una volta. Nicola Brusco Blog: Bush ha vinto! In questo blog potrai vedere una vignetta inedita ogni giorno, a partire dal La dinastia di Bush durerà parecchi anni. gli attentati continueranno e Bin Hou-Hou Blog : Bush et les jeunes A Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll of Americans age 18 to 24 found Bush' Al Jazeera blog Via Thysdrus, Al Jazeera blog. Le blog n'a rien d'officiel, Lady Bunny Blog: BUSH STUMBLES BUSH STUMBLES. You don't have to search hard to find an idiotic look on our president's face, 6:03 AM. Post a Comment · << Blog Home The Raw Story | Blog: Bush is sleeping better than we think Blog: Bush is sleeping better than we think. AMERICAblog. Bush is sleeping well. He wants us to know that. So he told People magazine. Bush Blog! President George W. Bush's personal blog. He even dares to call his low-rent, 99-cent Value Menu-style website "Bush Blog"! SatireWire | George W. Bush's Weblog George W. Bush's Weblog. Recommend my blog. Click here. Monday, June 04, 2001 That's the last time I invite my Dad to Recommend my blog. Click here
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