Webcast: Demonstrating SQL Server Consolidation 12/6/2006 @ 12:00
Many have talked about consolidation of your SQL Server farm as one of the meaningful ways to get more out of your systems. By using instances, and the right approach and tools, you can save money, increase capacity and at the same time
Virtual Server -- wouldn't it be nice if
Ideally, you should be able to clone the real server onto a virtual server first so the upgrades, etc reflect the real server as much as possible, then perform the upgrades, test, etc. before copying the changes back to the original
'Longhorn' Server End of the Road for 32-Bit Servers
I think Microsoft enjoys the fact that they can control the adoption of 64-bit much more effectively in the server space than they can on the client. Part of the issue is memory servers are memory hogs. Most home computers can't
New release of XmlIndexer search server
Previous versions had some nasty locking issues that could kill the server quite dead. Of related interest is the new Apache Incubator Solr project, which provides a fancy search server based on Lucene, doing the same as my indexer,
Server Load
Our web server and network are seeing extremely high traffic with demand spikes during the weekday "rush" period (typically 10:00-13:00 EDT) and during special Visiting outside these rush times will provide the fastest server response
Gartner says virtualization is impacting server sales
Gartner's latest report on servers, released Tuesday, shows that worldwide sales grew by 4.4 percent, based on revenue, "Server sales are still growing, but because of virtualization, customers don't have to buy as many servers.".
Update - Trial - Net Time Server Client v2.1.0.297
Net Time allows you to synchronize the time of a standalone PC, or an entire network. In client mode, the program supports Time protocol (RFC868), and Simple Network Time protocols (SNTP-RFC2030, inc
Server Intellect Adds Private SSL VPN Capabilities to All
Server Intellect, a leading provider of Windows-based Shared, Virtual Private Server (VPS) and Dedicated Web hosting solutions, announced today it has added the capabilities for Encrypted Virtual Private Networks (SSL VPN) to all of the
JSON: Breaking the same-server-policy Ajax barrier
Ajax/JavaScript inside a browser has a same-server policy limitation which allows XMLHttpRequest to request information only from the server where the javascript came from. Unfortunately, this also almost completely shuts down any
Team Foundation Server vs SubVersion
Comparing Team Foundation Server with Subversion. Who will win the battle of Version Control ? Microsoft or Open Source

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Server Donne - home
Server Donne - Associazione Orlando, una scelta etica per tutte le donne.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
La famiglia di prodotti Windows Server 2003 è il sistema operativo per server Windows di ultima generazione.
Server |
Home page della sezione Server. Guide, articoli di approfondimento e risorse su Server.
Welcome! - The Apache HTTP Server Project
The most popular web server on the net.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
La famiglia di prodotti Windows Server 2003 è il sistema operativo per server Windows di ultima generazione.
Server |
Home page della sezione Server. Guide, articoli di approfondimento e risorse su Server.
Welcome! - The Apache HTTP Server Project
The most popular web server on the net.
Welcome! - The Apache Software Foundation
We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.
:: WinMX ITALIA :: - Server OpenNap Italiani -
WinMX Italia Server OpenNap, elenco dei server OpenNap aggiornato ogni giorno.
Web server - Wikipedia
Fotografia del primo Web Server sviluppato da Tim Berners-Lee per il CERN Normalmente un web server risiede su sistemi dedicati ma può essere eseguito
Server Virtuali
Soluzioni di Hosting evoluto a 99 euro + IVA all'anno, ideali per chi desidera un servizio completo ed altamente professionale. Lo spazio è disponibile,
::: - Server News Pubblici - Indice
News Server pubblici ordinati per velocità, numero di messaggi e di gruppi · Cerca su quale server pubblico si può trovare un gruppo

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