Filters One Way to Block Spam RedNova
By Anne Krishnan, The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C. Nov. 22--Q: How can I block the increasing volume of spam I'm receiving? I have tried blocking the sender, the server and even the recurring content (the words "company,""symbol," etc.).
Microsoft fixes e-mail log-in problem CNET
Blog: Microsoft says it has fixed a server problem that prevented some people from logging into their Hotmail and Windows Live Mail
Distorting the Name of the "Persian Gulf" Continues Payvand Iran News
Until about a year ago a Google search for the term "Arabian Gulf" in the news, would generate almost 900 results. But this number has now gone down to less than 400 thank to the efforts made by an independent and small group of Persians (Iranians). -Pejman Akbarzadeh
Telstra, NatWest admit DNS problems theRegister via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
Telstra Europe and NatWest have blamed domain name server problems for the service downtime both suffered yesterday. In a statement, Telstra said: "Telstra
Telstra, NatWest admit DNS problems The Register
Start of winter flu season? Telstra Europe and NatWest have blamed domain name server problems for the service downtime both suffered yesterday.…
UK internet throws a wobbly The Register
Who kicked the plug out? Several major corporate websites in the UK and parts of Microsoft’s MSN service and Hotmail have been down today.…
Push mail ready for masses in cities Hindustan Times
The elitist days of the Blackberry is over. With competition catching up, devices of the kind (that offer to push your email onto your mobile) might soon become commonplace in cities.
Six steps to stopping spam Guardian Unlimited
More and more junk mail is finding its way to our inboxes every day. But what can be done to combat the viagra merchants? Charles Arthur examines some solutions.
Ten Tips Organizations Can Use to Better Protect Their Proprietary Data and Customers' Personal Information From the SYS-CON Media
Content security expert and founder of Palisade Systems, Dr. Doug Jacobson, today announced the following top ten tips organizations should consider when protecting their proprietary data and their customers' personally identifiable information from the holiday Grinch, (aka accidental prone and/or malicious employees). The tips follow a new study by research firm Harris Interactive, that
Ten Tips Organizations Can Use to Better Protect Their Proprietary Data and Customers' Personal Information From the PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Content security expert and founder of Palisade Systems, Dr. Doug Jacobson, today announced the following top ten tips organizations should consider when protecting their proprietary data and their customers' personally identifiable information from the holiday Grinch, .
Usare un account Hotmail con Mozilla Mail - Mozilla Italia
Nome: tuo nome (è indifferente); Indirizzo e-mail: vostro_userID@hotmail.com; Server di ingresso: localhost (oppure
Controllare una mail esterna da Hotmail
Come si configura Hotmail Dopo aver raccolto indirizzo del POP server, A questo punto, Hotmail si connette a POP server per ricevere i messaggi a voi
Liste mit POP3- und SMTP-Servern
Bei Hotmail gibt es keine POP3- und SMTP-Server, die Sie nutzen können. Wenn Sie sich allerdings für das kostenpflichtige Hotmail Plus oder Hotmail Premium
Configurazione di Outlook Express
Nota: se si seleziona il tipo HTTP per il server della posta in arrivo, ad esempio per un account Hotmail o MSN, questa pagina della connessione guidata
FastMail.FM FAQ - Pop Links screen
Timed out connecting to Pop/Hotmail server - FastMail.FM will allow up to 60 seconds to connect to an external server. If it takes longer than this,
MAIL-ITA archives -- June 1997 (#223)
Outgoing (SMTP server)??? >Nella reply non Û indicato, server = hotmail.com SMTP server=hotmail.com il collegamento a internet naturalmente lo devi fare
Sito Hotmail
Da tre mesi non riesco a collegarmi con il collegamento mobile (a 115 kbit) alla posta di hotmail nè da outlook nè dal server. solo con la fibra ottica di
OLEXP: Outlook Express Cannot Connect to Hotmail through Proxy Server
When you try to use Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0 to connect to a Hotmail e-mail account, you may receive one or more of the following error messages: