Virtual recovery to the rescue TechWorld
Ian Masters examines how protecting multiple production applications with one disaster recovery server provides an enterprise-class high availability and disaster recovery solution.
ThinSpring will be Sponsoring and Exhibiting at the Evolving Language Of Electronic Labeling Conference by Marcus Evans PR Web via Yahoo! News
Washington, DC (PRWeb) November 21, 2006 -- ThinSpring, a leading provider of XML-based solutions such as SPL Serverâ„¢ and the FDA's Electronic Labeling Information Processing System (ELIPS), will be sponsoring and exhibiting at The Evolving Language of Electronic Labeling Conference by marcus evans at the Four Points by Sheraton in Washington, DC, on December 4-6, 2006.
Virtual recovery to the rescue IT Observer
For most businesses, ‘protecting the data’ – getting it out of the building – is the lynchpin that all other disaster recovery aspects rely on. But often, other measures need to be considered in order to ameliorate data replication and provide a robust business continuity solution.
Synchronous Buck Controller targets POL dc/dc applications. ThomasNet
Featuring minimum on-time of 30 ns, Model MIC2159 operates from 3-14.5 V input voltage range, allowing device to deploy step down voltages for systems using 3.3, 5, and 12 V power busses. With 0.8 V programmable minimum output voltage it can power CPUs, DSPs, FPGAs, and ASICs. Internal gate drivers allow device to power external MOSFETs that can provide up to 30 A output current. Unit runs at 400
Fabulous 22: High School Football All-Star Team Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
This was a season of junior achievement in district high school football. The annual Fabulous 22 team, a Post-Gazette Thanksgiving Day tradition since 1980, includes five juniors who all had major impacts on their team.
Vista complies with US antitrust ruling ARNnet
Microsoft's Windows Vista OS doesn't pose antitrust issues so far, according to the latest status report on Microsoft's compliance with the US antitrust settlement.
ThinSpring Sponsoring and Exhibiting at the Evolving Language Of Electronic Labeling Conference by Marcus Evans on PR Web
ThinSpring will be sponsoring and exhibiting at The Evolving Language of Electronic Labeling Conference by marcus evans at the Four Points by Sheraton in Washington, DC, on December 4-6, 2006. Come early on Monday to participate in the pre-conference workshop, "Closing the Loop: Full Life Cycle Management of Structured Content," given by Ron Celeste, President of ThinSpring and assisted by Gary
Juniper Pitching Fast Applications RedNova
By Greene, Tim Juniper recently introduced hardware and software that can speed remote-site and data centre traffic while helping customers reduce hardware and save money.
Neiman Marcus Chooses Netezza Data Warehouse Appliance to Broaden Data Warehouse Footprint across the Enterprise Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
FRAMINGHAM, Mass.----Netezza Corporation, the global data warehouse appliance market leader, today announced that Neiman Marcus, Inc., a renowned retail company dedicated to merchandise leadership and superior customer service, has selected the Netezza Performance Server data warehouse appliance to provide high-performance business intelligence for customer marketing and merchandise analytics.
Patents include ID assembly Deseret Morning News
Thirty patents were awarded to Utah inventors on Oct. 24, including:
Guida DC ++ (Direct Connect plus plus)
Guida a DC++ (Direct Connect plus plus) ITA - DIVX-ITA 2° 10Mbit, divx-ita2.dns2go.com, Shara 5GB di soli DivX/DC++ max 1 hub/10 Mbits server
P2PItalia.com - Il portale italiano sul mondo P2P - Content
NABUCODONOSOR, NABUCODONOSOR ITALIAN HUB SERVER, 68, matrixshare.no-ip.com Fibra Dc =-, Hub per sola FIBRA e per soli registrati - per registrarsi
Windows 2000 Server/DC Recovery Procedure
Now type select server <failed DC server number> and press enter. Type quit and press enter. To remove the failed domain controller from Active Directory,
Mailgate: italia.bologna.universita: Re: Nuovo Hub DC BOLOGNESE 07
Mailgate.IT Web Server: newsgroup italia.bologna.universita: Re: Nuovo Hub DC BOLOGNESE 07/06/2003 by giacomellir@bo.infn.it (Roberto Giacomelli)
Mailgate: italia.bologna.universita: Re: Nuovo Hub DC BOLOGNESE 07
Mailgate.IT Web Server: newsgroup italia.bologna.universita: Re: Nuovo Hub DC BOLOGNESE 07/06/2003 by bowlingBPSL@vene.dave.it (BowlingBPSL)
Mailgate: italia.bologna.universita: Re: Nuovo Hub DC BOLOGNESE 07
Mailgate.IT Web Server: newsgroup italia.bologna.universita: Re: Nuovo Hub DC BOLOGNESE 07/06/2003 by giacomellir@bo.infn.it (Roberto Giacomelli)
Mailgate: italia.bologna.universita: Re: Nuovo Hub DC BOLOGNESE 07
Mailgate.IT Web Server: newsgroup italia.bologna.universita: Re: Nuovo Hub DC BOLOGNESE 07/06/2003 by bowlingBPSL@vene.dave.it (BowlingBPSL)
Red Flag Advanced Server, DC Server 4.1 on x86 with WebLogic
Red Flag Advanced Server, DC Server 4.1 (32-bit). Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed. Xeon, Pentium II or higher, x86, and compatible chip
Red Flag Advanced Server, DC Server 4.1 on Itanium with WebLogic
Red Flag Advanced Server, DC Server 4.1. Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed. Itanium. SDK. WebLogic JRockit 1.4.2_04 SDK. WebLogic Server 8.1 SP3
Project Zone - Statistiche Server DC - Files - Piero Tofy.it
Project Zone - Statistiche Server DC - Files. Vieni a trovarci su IRC! irc.eu.azzurra.org - #pierotofy.it. Cosa cerchi? Username: Password:
Visualizza sorgenti - Statistiche Server DC - DC_Stats.php - Piero
Visualizza sorgenti - Statistiche Server DC - DC_Stats.php DC Stats v2.0 # # °°°°°°°°°°°°° # # DC_Stats file # # DC_Stats.php #
P2PItalia.com - Il portale italiano sul mondo P2P
Pagine più visitate 1: DC Hub List - FastWeb 2: Liste DC Hub - Come f 3: DCHub Script Archive #1 4: [FAQ] Recupero File c 5: Aggiorniamo i server .
SysAdmin.it Forum: Nuovo DC
Ho una rete che ha un dc primario e altre sedi collegate con una rete sono configurate) il cliente mi chiede di fare in modo che se il server (dc) della