Dichiarazione d’impegno contro l’Aids da parte dei leader ... - AsiaNews.IT - Con le persone e per le persone che hanno contratto l’Hiv/Aids, chiederemo prezzi più bassi per farmaci e test di laboratorio e l’accesso a formazione, counseling , test volontari e assistenza.. Tribunale europeo ferma le acquisizioni di Sony: no alla posizione ... - Indymedia Italia - Up to now, the Commission has only stated that it would analyze the ruling carefully and seek intensive legal counseling before deciding how to proceed.. Campagna Pime tsunami: oltre 1 milione 600 mila euro raccolti - AsiaNews.IT - Myanmar, quindi con acquisti di barche e attrezzatura da pesca nel Tamil Nadu (India), aiuti a scuole e ostelli nelle isole Andamane, sostegno a studenti delle scuole dei padre stimmatini e counseling . Campagna PIME, oltre 1.900.000 euro per la ricostruzione post tsunami - AsiaNews.IT - è andata avanti con acquisti di barche e attrezzatura da pesca nel Tamil Nadu, aiuti a scuole e ostelli nelle isole Andamane, sostegno a studenti delle scuole dei padre stimmatini e counseling . Pime: il bilancio di 6 mesi di impegno per le vittime dello tsunami - AsiaNews.IT - Myanmar, quindi con acquisti di barche e attrezzatura da pesca nel Tamil Nadu (India), aiuti a scuole e ostelli nelle isole Andamane, sostegno a studenti delle scuole dei padre stimmatini e counseling .
Katrina counseling available (Victoria Advocate) - Those affected may call a Texas Department of State Health Services toll-free number, 1-866-773-4243, for assistance. The toll-free service is part of a crisis-counseling program administered by the department. It's funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.. Students to receive counseling (The Daily News Tribune) - WALTHAM -- Superintendent Susan Parrella said in an effort to provide some normalcy for the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year, several counseling sessions are being held for parents, students and teachers to discuss the recent arrest of Robert Dacey, a Waltham drama teacher and sports coach.. SERVICE OFFERS COUNSELING (The Buffalo News) - Child & Family Services' Cathedral Park Counseling program offers full services for crisis counseling, short-term counseling and information and referral.. Psychologists offer flood victims free counseling (New York Teacher) - Sitting at a breakfast meeting at a national union conference in July, the chairwoman of a psychologists' disaster response network was moved by accounts of the traumas of flood victims in upstate New York. Before the dishes were cleared, it was clear to June Feder how she could help.. COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD (St. Petersburg Times) - Crisis Center Alexandra provides legal assistance and counseling to victims of domestic violence. English speaking staff. 12-ya liniya V.O. 13-a, St. Petersburg 101002. Call 320-6724. Team seeks hurricane survivors (The Natchez Democrat) - VIDALIA —With a new Hurricane season upon us and effects from the last still being felt, one counseling group has their work cut out for them.. Support group wanted (The Natchez Democrat) - NATCHEZ — A local artist wants to start a support group in Natchez for anyone displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Jeanne Christie thought about starting a local support group after she called a Louisiana-based counseling group and was told it would not help Mississippi residents.. Parish considers hiring bond officers (The Natchez Democrat) - VIDALIA — A multi tasker is what Judge Kathy Johnson wants if a bond officer position is created in Concordia Parish. Johnson said she needs the officer to administer drug screens for those arrested, check curfews and monitor counseling attendance.. Counseling could have prevented family split (Pioneer Press) - Dear Abby: I was recently married. I have a daughter, 'Courtney,' from a previous relationship. Things were great before the wedding. Afterward, however, things turned sour.. BU combats mental illness (Baylor Lariat) - With a nationwide increase in mental illness among college campuses, Baylor is no exception with the Baylor Counseling Center scheduled more appointments last year than in years before, according to the center..

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