designs to color for children, animals flowers nature to print and to color
designs to color for children, animals flowers nature to print and to color.
you choose of the designs to print between all those that I have inserted.
the designs, for the small like you, are important? The designs for infancy, are.
Between the designs for children, between the designs to print that I have chosen for you, to which it appeals to you? .
You prefer the designs with flowers? The designs with animals? The designs with butterflies? Designs with the nature.
Considerations on the designs that I have inserted…
Sure E' that to color designs is practical of all the children of the world.
To color designs is creativity and fantasy symptom.
Of usual the designs are found to color ready to print, but you can find also designs to unload, a download of various subjects it then allows to make a assembly and to create scenette on measure.
A lot in the School of infancy, the Asylum, the Maternal School, the Elementary School is colored and also in the Average sure with didactic designs it adapts to us to you.
you have found mine, seen? Not there are many designs, but you can find to us a little all, you them comment:.
In this series of designs to color beautiful butterfly could not lack one, tries to imagine it all colorful one to you…

designs to color online for children, designs online and to print images
You choose between the designs to color online, you choose the color on the tavolozza, clicca the piece that you want to color.
Until some year it makes the designs, or images to color online, were pochini, hour us they are some tantissimi and from little time there are also mine…
But you must know that, if interests to you to print of the designs to color by hand, there is my specific section OF DESIGNS TO PRINT AND TO COLOR THEN…
Sure E' that to color designs it appeals to to all the children, is with the computer is to small hand.
To color designs is creativity and fantasy symptom.
Of usual the designs, ready are gratis found to print, but you can find also designs to unload, a download of various subjects it then allows to make a assembly and to create scenette on measure.
A lot in the School of infancy, the Asylum, the Maternal School, the Elementary School is colored and also in the Medium School with didactic designs it adapts to us to you.
To print the designs is easy, but it remembers you to ignite printing!!! Enough to cliccare the push-button “it prints the colorful design” (is necessary Internet Explorer) and you go!!!.
They are the blue, in order to make the sea the white man and the blue you must stir.


The room is the world in which the children they are felt free to stir truth and fantasy: the furnitures represent in the designs of the participants our competition to you, like the bed, the closets, the writing desks belong to the real world, but the shape that assumes leaves to catch a glimpse a fantastic, disowned or forgotten world from the adults.
From every design it seems to emerge desire of the child of free being of being able itself to express, to fly with the fantasy and at the same time to enclose all the world in the own room the nature is a fundamental element: rooms dipped in the forest, carpets to dolphin shape, divani like boats on the sea, beds - shell, is some of the proposed natural images and expresses desire of the child of one tightened contact with the nature.
From several the designs it emerges like aquatic particular world that and marine one.
The sea, whose name is close to the Latin word “mater”, evokes a popolato world of dolphins, piovre, treasures and submergeeed city.
Riches and mostruosità, life and died are the topics that characterize the sea: sea like mother origin of life, but also rich of dangers, from the storm to the monster.
The sea, in particular for the children from the 8 years in on, symbolizes to come near to the life: a strong tie with the mother, the sure port from which leaving for the travel of discovery of the world.

Designs navy
“With the enthusiasm of who it lives in Plain - between foggy mists and icy hazes of winter, where the pungente cold frosts you boneses and neighbor to rivers pollutes to you, not-navigable, maleodoranti and sometimes it colors to you from the drainages of the tanneries I was about myself to observe the sea, which expression of the force primigenia of waters.
I turn from endured the attention to the destiny that is of everyone: to travel (that it is in reality to search and not to love an only place, but it are “seekers”).
The sea - “u mah, u badly” for the genovesi- it is my according to habitat.
Seas storm of Zoagli, winter, lived under the bridge of the railroad to listen to of in the echo the bang frangersi on reefs like a roar vaporizzar; sea in squall like that frightening one of the 87 that destroyed many hulls and swept floating like moscerini and even sail hulls from the Carl Riva until to Saint Michele di Pagana and Prelo; stormy autumnal of Riomaggiore; simple navy, soothed, of the Bay of the Fairies of Sestri Levant, or simple Leudi to the drift - in the winter months always on it runs aground it them of the citizen who marks the southern border of the Tigullio; Trigoso river and the Five Lands, until to the Coves of Byron in Portovenere, on the scogliose walls to peak on the external castle to the Gulf of La Spezia, impetuous, opened like that one of Ansedonia or the Fen seen in juvenile age.


Photo by

… and down, in bottom, the sea. A travel of Federico Moroni and Tonino War
The inexhaustible topic of the sea is still the occasion in order to visit the Marino house Moretti, pointed out on the Port Channel and the sails variopinte of Cesenatico, than it is newly gotten ready to to receive the voices of the poets and the paintings of the artists who to that topic are themselves variously inspire to you.
From the 9 june to the 15 september Moretti House will down accommodate in fact the extension… and in bottom, the sea, dedicated to the presence of this topic in the pittorica production of Federico Moroni (1914-2000) and in the literary work of Tonino War.
The image of the sea, from always metaphor of the infinite and the ignoto, is come true for the two artists in that “long and blue line”, often faded in the fog, that it marks the line of border between truth and fantasy.
The suggestion for the visitor of the extension is not to renounce to the pleasure of sconfinare liberations from the sea written to the painted sea, from the language of the pen to that one of the paint-brush, searching the immaginose relations between dialetto of Tonino the War and the game of the line and the color of Federico Moroni.
In the winter between 1953 and 1954, thanks to the reputation caught up with the designs of the school of the Bornaccino, Moroni, with a scholarship Fullbright of the Italian government, os in the United States in order to specialize itself in infantile pittorica art; York resides before to Washington and therefore near Columbia University di New.

Enzo Cucchi You squared to the Buio on the Adriatic Sea/Extensions/Extensions and Events - Zètema
Enzo Cucchi Pictures to the Buio on the Adriatic Sea Scuderie Aldobrandini for the Art.
Beside six great square burlaps from the colors acids and shining, fruit of the job of the last years and sign of one new phase of the search of Cucchi, the exposure previews five slabs in terracotta with inserti metallic and a great number of designs to carboncino, matita and technical mixed on paper.

Painters of sea - Artists sec. XVI - XIX - BRAMBILLA Fernando
In every visited place it made to execute designs at sight, papers, scientific observations of every kind.
The designs were in great part are executed from F.
From that moment it followed the shipment to edge of the Descubierta, wherever executing city designs, you carry and landscapes, and distinguishing itself like the better artist of the shipment.
The relative designs you to the Malaspina shipment mostly are conserved near the Museum Naval di Madrid.


Painters of sea - Artists sec. XX - XXI - BOCCARDO Fabrizio
He has collaborated to the publication of specialistiche works and the preparation of naturalistic extensions with various national Institutions, between which Pavilion of the Sea and the Navigation (hour closed and riallestito in the 'Galata Museum of the Sea), and participates to varied initiatives of the Aquarius of Genoa.
In particular, for this last one he has realized beyond 800 designs inside of the “Plan Sea” to didactic character; he has participated to the realization of the entitled extensions “Inhabitants of the abysses” and “Shells”, and has illustrated “History of the Aquarius” for the daily paper the Republic - the Job.
In 1998 he has moreover contributed, with 32 designs of as many hydrographic ships, to the writing of 125 years to the service of the Country (Genoa, Hydrographical Institute of Navy, 1998), published from the cartographic Agency of State in occasion of the celebrations for the 125° anniversary of the foundation.
The memories of the summery vacations, with the long peregrinations in try of fungi or to peach, in contrast to the own periods of “city confinement” of the scholastic period, the loved forests or the coveted sea cannot that to feed every it turns a visceral pleasure, in the see again, symbols of a freedom that is renewed to every occasion.


Foundation CARIGE - Distribution Contributions and Financings in Province of Genoa and Imperia
Its studies on the life of the sea (met till now in sixteen volumes, many of which illustrate to you from same he, and in beyond one hundred specialistici articles) have carried it to explore oceanic atmospheres and the animals that them popolano in great part of the world.
But to the passion predominant of science and the sea, Ellis has joined since the most tender age a singular pittorico talent, cultivated from always in the assiduous rappresentazione of the animal microcosm: its designs and its pictures, than, naturally, favouring also on an aesthetic plan the derived pleasure, today, from acquaintance, professional competence and daily frequentation, have for monothematic subject the sea and its wonders, have been exposed in important museums and galleries, not only in America.
The extension “the Universe of the Sea”, than has kept to the Galata Museum of the Sea from 27 slid October to 8 November in the within of the third edition of the Festival of Science, has given the possibility also to the genovesi to discover the estro artistic of the eclectic student.
Through eight oils on burlap and a cinquantina of illustrations originates them, nearly all in black and white - illustrations met in the monumental Encyclopedia of the Sea of Ellis, published in Italy, anch'essa with the contribution of the Foundation, just in occasion of the genovese extension from Code editions, -, “the Universe of the Sea” has introduced a fascinating covered for images of the fauna and the aquatic flora.

News island - 9 July 2002 - Culture: THE LUPO OF MAREIL LUPO OF SEA IN QUIZ
The experience matured in sea and the numerous years of instruction addressed to who love the sea living it from diportista or, quite, making of one chosen of same life, it has induced Captain Bruno Cossu to write this text.
The LUPO OF SEA will be of most valid aid, it is for who means to achieve the nautical patent (sail and/or motor within the twelve miles and/or without some limit from the coast), it is for all those who must necessarily acquire of the titles marine professional them for being able to lead ships and boats.
Originally conceived like a simple tidy collection of notes, the LUPO OF SEA has become book also for kind the how much insistent sollicitation of the same held professional students who have attended the course from the Author.
Also in the knowledge of the dangers that are run to go for sea, the Author offers, with this deepened job, a reading instrument whose practical usefullness is destined to constitute the foundations for the concrete acquaintance from the seamanship without never to compromise the clarity of the exposure.
The LUPO OF SEA is subdivided in ventisei understood them that they contain is a simple technical exposure of the several parts that compose a boat and of several the necessary accessories to its conduct, is most useful councils and suggestions for one sure navigation.

Istria on the Internet - Literature - Critiques
The much numerous public yesterday evening for the presentation of the book of Aldo Cherini and Paul Valenti, the sea of Triest and the Istria - Editions July, Trieste 2004.
From the propeller of Ressel to the modern motor-ships of the Gulf of Trieste, from the seaplanes to the sinking of the Viribus Unitis this publication, enriched from the designs of the Cherini and the meticulous historical search of Being worth, describes several the periods by now passes you of the life on the sea of the populations of the High Adriatic.
From the propeller of Ressel to the modern motor-ships of the Gulf of Trieste, from the seaplanes to the sinking of the Viribus Unitis this publication, enriched from the disengi of the Cherini and the meticulous historical search of Being worth, describes several the periods by now passes you of the life on the sea of the populations of the High Adriatic.
The following text is drawn from understood it “the Istria source from the sea”, of Pier Antonio Quarantotti Gambini, than after to have described the full of rocks coast that gives Salvore it catches up Abbey and Volosca, therefore it concludes: .
“Also to kilometers from the coast, run from breezes of the Adriatic, it is perceived, species of night, the breath of the sea.

The Designs of DAKA Protegge the Rights of proprietà intellectual | Dexigner
The Designs of DAKA Protegge the Rights of intellectual property Daka plan the srl, a based planning Hong Kong and the company of sale, announced that the Council trades them of development de Hong Kong (HKTDC) has been behaved on the relative claim against Co.
srl of the apparatuses of Zhejiang Shenmao and imp de Schang-Have Winsun & Co srl of Exp for the visualization of the versions pirated of the products of SeaScooter of the Sea-Doo of the DAKA to the giocattoli de Hong Kong & the fair of the games.
DAKA universal possesses the copyright for the design of the SeaScooter Sea-Doo.
Our model of transactions depends on the creation and the protection of our product and designs and we of engineering will be behaved in order to conserve our rights of intellectual property in all the markets, 'has said picchiettio the Mah, executive president of DAKA.
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