Guides of CONSTRUCTION PLANS BOATS of costruzione//le boats of to sail/cabin cruisers until 7, 50 mt.
six in: Home Page > construction plans.
greater guarantee the purchase transaction comes completed on the situated one of where you will come once transferred chosen the product of Vs.
Much simple one to construct is ideal for who approcia the autocostruzione.
Its semplicità absolutely does not compromise the performances that are of all respect.
Various velici plans are available from the cruise to the regatta.
Immersion to the waterline:.
Breakup to the waterline:.
This situated one is optimized for monitor with risoluzone orizontale video of 1024 pixels.
Sea Cube is a brand of Ios Cube di Domenico Boffi - Via C.

Nautikit - the boats of Dudley DIX
the construction, the preparation and the maintenance of the boats.
One-Off boats for the autocostruttori and the small artisan yards.
One of the designs of greater happening, with many boats under construction and a forum much assets: Argie Forum Club.
Light, sure and balanced, it has good dowries of speed and large-capacity to cargo.
On the style of the traditional Anglo-Saxon cutter, it can have an auric crew or sloop marconi.
The amas they can be takes apart you for the transport on the undercarriage or, with the added one of a mechanism.
Amusing, economic racer an one design for the height regattas.
One reasonably economic construction without to renounce to the performances from racer oceanic.
With the comforts of a boat from fast cruise, it is optimal also in the regattas of Club.
Planned for the mass production, male from a handicraft yard can be constructed also on stamp or gives.
With one moderated slanciate width, shapes and a reduced bathed surface, adapted well to the conditions of sea of the Mediterranean.
With this River has participated very to three Chief editions of the oceanic regatta Town -, placing itself always to the first places, with equal every day averages to those more blasonate boats than 50 '.

construction, the preparation maintenance of the One-Off for and the craftsmen.
One of the greater one succeeded, boats in a forum Argie sure Club and good great dowries and cargo.
On the style Anglo-Saxon cutter, a crew sloop marconi.
The being takes apart transport to you on with the added mechanism.
Racer an one design regattas of reasonably economic height to the performances oceanic.
With one fast boat, is in the regattas for the series, it can also on from or from moderated width, and one bathed, to the conditions of the Mediterranean.
With participated to editions of the Town Chief placing itself always places, with par more blasonate…


Nautikit the faq of the autocostruttori of boats
Nautikit - the nautical catalogue for the construction, the preparation and the maintenance of the boats.
Home Construction Deepenings who we are forum normative map and contained.
In this page the questions are collections that come us more frequently placed and in which, sometimes, we do not succeed in giving one immediate answer.
They are questions and answers of general character that in the time will be widened.
But with the same moneies I buy one used boat! .
Where I can acquire the materials for the construction of this boat? .
Supplied the kit complete of this boat? .
You have a your yard, or to propose, for the construction of this boat? .
The instructions and the notes on the designs are in Italian? .
Which it arranges of measurement is used on the designs? .
Which difference is between the plans of construction and the plans of study? .
It convene to acquire before the study plans then and the construction plans? .
I can bring of the modifications to the plan originates them? .
How many boats I can construct with a plan? .
E' one of the more frequent questions, to which it is more difficult to give one answer.
Variable ones take part too many: the choice of materials, equipments and accessories for the construction, the reperibilità of these in the own zone, the prices proposals from several the traders (comprised we, but makes of our best), the availability and the eventual costs of a premises for the construction.

Nautikit - nautical for the preparation and of the boats Deepenings who map and.
In these collections us which come greater frequency, in succeed in immediate answer.
They are answers of that in the widened ones.
But with moneies me used boat! to acquire the construction boat? .
Supplied complete of.
You have or one for the this boat? and the designs are.
Which it arranges is used.
Which difference the plans and the study? .
It then convene the plans and of construction? of the modifications it originates them? .
How many to construct with.
E' one more frequent, is more one answer.
They take part: the materials, equipments for the reperibilità of own zone, proposals from i (comprised we, of our availability and costs of…

Plans of Construction - Boats of wood
The complete catalogue of the construction plans is not still ready: in the hope that the girls make soon, we can say that the collection is composed mainly from the designs of Peter Veronese.
Draft of designs that go from years fifty to years seventy and reflect therefore a enough precise age.
Gradually then other designs have joined that for various reasons they are arrives you without a precise order in combination.
As we have said in the part dedicates to the books, the designs of the hulls, of the water lines, the velici plans are fundamental in order to start a whichever practical plan.
Normally the first step is the realization of the average hulls: the average hull is an ulterior passage towards the learning of the shapes of one boat.
Obviously the realization of an average hull, does not mean to be ready to construct a boat, but a fundamental passage remains in order to understand.
In any case to the fantasy not there is limit and in fact in the photos one looks at as the designs of the association have been transform to you in game.
That You say: the child who sleeps under this wall will dream to become a aviator or commander along course? .

complete catalogue of still ready construction: that soon, we mainly can the collection from Peter Veronese.
Designs that years a fifty seventy and age enough then other various designs reasons in combination precise order.
Like in the part books, the hulls, of of the fundamental plans for the whichever plan first step realization of means a passage the learning of one boat.
Obviously of it does not mean to construct but it remains fundamental for case to is limit in the photos like have been game.
That you say child that this wall to become along course…



Photo by

HISTORY OF BOATS - Boats of wood for passion
Anita Conti and the Boats of the Peach to the Cod.
Of scoglio in scoglio 23 june 2007 to Zoagli.
Reconstruction of one Feluca Sorrentina of XIX the century.
Anita Conti and the boats of the peach to the cod.
The Segantini: the Circle of Study is closed.
The S.Caterina to 46° the Nautical Hall of Genoa.
Course for assigned to the traditional workings of the wood.

Didi miniums constructed from Enrico and launched in the lago of Como.
Didi miniums under construction from Marcello to Castelvetro MO.
Argie 10 under construction to Como from Giuseppe.
Argie 10 and 15 is two boats that with ours kit are truly to the capacity of whichever person want to begin the autocostruzione activity.
Argie 10 under construction to Milan from Francisco a boy much young person that with the approval of the parents is itself launch in the realization of this boat with optimal turns out to you.
Didi the 30 and be the first boat constructed with ours kit and from which e' been born this activity.
First didi the 26 constructed completely in yard and currently moored to didi the 26 Senigalia e' an optimal boat is for short cruises that like sport boat with operating costs many contents.
Our objective e' to construct of various exemplary and, with those currently under construction from autocostruttori, to create one dedicated class.
Second didi 26 constructed partially during according to construction course, will come totally completed from our yard.
This boat is riscuotendo an optimal one happening in the autocostruzione, with various exemplary that are in order to be begin to you.

miniums constructed and launched of Como.
Didi construction from Castelvetro MO.
Argie construction to Giuseppe.
Argie 10 is two with is truly of whichever to begin the activity.
Argie 10 to Milan a boy who with parents in the realization boat with.
The didi be the constructed one with kit and e' first NATO didi completely in currently moored didi one boat for short like boat costs of contents.
Ours to construct some and, with under construction creating one second didi partially during course of completed totally yard.
This boat an optimal one with various is for…

Many of the link signal to you are directed to situated trade them: this signalling has the single scope of acquaintance and comparison - commercili relationships do not exist of risen with some of the subjects signal to you.
The mythical planner of catamarans - In every part of the world there is a catamaran of Wharram.
Planner of Catamarans of simple construction.
Planner of carrellabili trimarans also and folding of large succeeding - many information.
This mailing-list of constructors of plans of Bolger can be a good point of reference.
Famous planner of catamarans and Tri - author of the book “the cruising multihull”.
Planner and pioneer of Proas and Trimarani.
Designs of John Marples and Jim Brown - between the pioneers of the multihulls.
Theorist of “you sew and express glue” - plans of monohulls for the autocostruzione of simple realization.
Planner of monohulls in Wood, Iron Light Alloy, ferrocemento.
situated of the study the Van De Stadt many prog.per autocostruzione.
Planner of Cat and Tri is for the autocostruzione that for oceanic competitions - many info.
situated of Jim Michalak - the plans of small boats optimal addles/motor sail/for autocostruzioni.

of the link directed to this signalling single scope and comparison relationships risen with subjects exist signal planner to you of In every world are of Wharram Catamarans of.
Large planner of carrellabili and succeeding information.
These constructors of Bolger can good point.
Famous planner and Tri of the book multihull'.
Planner of Proas.
Jim and designs between the multihulls.
Theorist of incolla' - of the express simple monohulls of monohulls situated Iron Alloy of the De Stadt autocostruzione.
Oceanic Progettista and Tri the autocostruzione that -.
the situated Michalak - small boats…


Cuoncio cuoncio S
of Francisco Fabbrovich and Irene Ausiello.
I introduce in these lines the Cuoncio Cuoncio S, than in Neapolitan it means… slowly (S slowly is for Small, than then a Medium and a Large will arrive).
It is a cabin cruiser of 6 meters, that I have designed some year ago for the bachelor thesis and to some is already famous in order to be appeared on the pages of Bolina (n.
166, june 2000) in shape of designs of the thesis.
The prototype is annoying happily from three years and, in these days, they have been completed the plans for the autocostruzione of one modified and optimized version.
Like architect, I place side by side to the activity in the field of the plan of buildings and objects of design, that specific one of the planning for the nautical one from diporto with one particular predilezione for the sailing boat and the autocostruzione.
I personally follow all the aspects of the plan, from the definition of the structural dimensionings to the problem of the habitability, from the hydrostatic calculations us until the design of the inner ones.
Although my predilezione for the multihulls, I do not scorn to try in the plan of monohulls of every type and material to me.

Francisco Fabbrovich Ausiello.
I introduce lines S, that it means… (S Small, than a Medium Large).
It is 6 meters, designed some for the bachelor and is already to be appeared of Bolina 2000) in designs of navigates years happily and, days, are the plans of one and optimized.
Like to the activity in the plan of objects of specific of nautical with one for the sail and the all the plan, from the structural dimensionings of the habitability, from until the inner ones.
Although for I scorn of plan of every type…


Manifacturing yards of sailing boats -
Truth consolidated in the construction of boats from cruise in aluminum proposes the SSYY ALU_wind 45 DS signed from D.Dix for the inner water lines and D.Zerbinati for and system, and ALU_wind 44 CC planned from David Zerbinati.
Mythical association Arpège (A.M.A.) proposes itself to revalue this small-large veliero Dufour that still today is annoying magnificently in spite of its age.
Participations of repair, maintenance and conserved to you, also highly I invaded to you, on every type of costru…
To construct one boat? Because not! Amusing, economic, instructive E' and the much easiest one than how much you think.
We can supply technical, material plans of construction, handbook and many good councils to you.
Innovative boat in kit: floating from 36 feet.

Gilberto Penzo - Publications
Riedizione annotated and illustrated of a manuscript of the XIX sec.
that it describes the boats, the navigation and peach technique, the tools of the fishermen chioggiotti.
Remarkable the reproduction to colors more than thousand designs originates them of sails with the names of the fishermen of the age.
History, description and construction of the hull and the airframe of the most diffused boat from peach of the Adriatic.
Veneziane boats Illustrated catalogue of the construction plans.
It reproduces all the plans of construction of the existing boats from job veneziane and passages.
It describes the technique of voga to the veneziana let alone the construction of the addles and the fórcole, the characteristic rowlocks used in the lagoon of Venice.
Illustrated catalogue of the construction plans.
Binoculars of that one on the boats, this book list and reproduce the plans of construction of the veneziane ancient ships.
Rich repertorio of collected marinareschi terms of the veneziana area from the alive one and historical documents.
It meticulously describes the historical evolution, the construction, the furnishing, varying of this most elegant boat.
transcription and interpretation of numerous sketch books of a constructor of boats chioggiotto.

annotated and a manuscript sec.
that it describes the technique and of tools of the reproduction more designs originates them with the fishermen of the age.
History, construction of of the diffuse airframe the boat of the Adriatic.
Veneziane boats of the plans.
It reproduces all of construction from job and passages.
It describes of voga let alone the addles and the characteristic ones in the illustrated lagoon of the construction.
Binoculars on the boats book list the plans of the historical ships repertorio of of alive the veneziana area and.
He describes the boat construction meticulously, varying.
transcription of numerous notes of…

Conservation > Plans and systems of planning > Catalogue of the construction plans
The main system of used naval planning in the veneziani yards is sixth, a dima in natural largeness that, for means of spins and sliding guides from the signs marks to you to you on its surface, allows to generate all directly the formers.
The naval plan with the classic sights longitudinal, transversal and plants is known but only used for bureaucratic purposes.
The advantages of the method of sixth are easy intuitable: design directed in natural scale without need to magnify it subsequently in knows traced it, possibility to posizionare sixth on the block of crude wood so as to to take advantage of the more material rationally, possibility to modify one or more parameters of the boat varying the scales of the signs, generation of families of possible similar curves avoiding irregolarità in the shape of the hull, etc
This system, also with many varying, is so still rations them and practical that have been, and and, the most used in all the traditional yards of the world.
The only disadvantages consist in the lacked visualization of the boat in its interezza and of the impossibility to make calculations of volumes, stability etc, both things that at all were not demanded from the constructors, that they knew to the perfection that aspect and that characteristic would have had the ended boat.

main used naval system veneziani is one dima natural that, of spins guides to you from on its generating the formers.
With longitudinal, the transversal ones it is only known for advantages of sixth are natural direct design without to magnify subsequently traced it, wood possibility the sixth way from rationally modifying more parameters the scales generation of similar curves irregolarità in the hull, etc
This with many so rations them that it is and still, used in traditional yards only disadvantages lacked visualization its interezza to make volumes, stability characteristic things that at all demanded that they knew that aspect would have…