nautical clear course
to) more close posizionare degree 90 of the squadretta nautical on the meridian.
to) more close posizionare degree 90 of the squadretta nautical on the parallel.
One ortodromica route appears like one straight line on the globe and like one line curve on one flat nautical paper based on the projection of Mercatore.
The nautical paper filler in the angles the coordinates of the angles.

Notes Clear nautical -
Test cosí: nautical patent within the 12 miles.
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting 8211; marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding l 8217 to you; examination for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
nautical patent bologna_scuola sail bologna_ company sailors run of group or personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent sail and motor beyond the 12 miles the course personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent.
in order to exceed, with happening, l 8217; examination of nautical patent sail and/or motor within the twelve miles plus a staff of expert instructors and prepares a personalized and elastic course to you sessions reduced to max of 8 students one location comfortable to catch up l.
the course of nautical patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto until 24 meters, to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats.


Notes Nautical -
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting 8211; marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding l 8217 to you; examination for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
nautical patent bologna_scuola sail bologna_ company sailors run of group or personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent sail and motor beyond the 12 miles the course personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent.
in order to exceed, with happening, l 8217; examination of nautical patent sail and/or motor within the twelve miles plus a staff of expert instructors and prepares a personalized and elastic course to you sessions reduced to max of 8 students one location comfortable to catch up l.
the course of nautical patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto until 24 meters, to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats.
the course of nautical patent within the 12 nm from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto until 24 meters, to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats within the 12 miles.

Notes Clear nautical
Nautical clear test cosí within the 12 miles.
More it tries to you on baseball, naval mechanics, international commerce, notes of chemical products, as/400, notes of navigation, notes of sport and free time, design (other), notes of audiovisional production, notes languages, notes of fiscality, contemporary history notes, stenografía, methodologies of software production, medicine of the sport, notes of administration of systems, notes of right to the health, cad, c++, notes of programmable controllers, notes of logistics, notes history of music, notes furniture production, Public Administration and sport, notes of digital photography them, notes accounting.


Nautical Quiz clear examination
The quota comprises the course of theory, presentation of the questions and documents of examination near the Harbor Master's Office of Anzio (Rome), attendance of the instructors to the theory examinations and practical, valigetta composed they give: book for Didactics, quiz to multiple answer with solutions, exercises of correspondence with solutions, pantries of sail, calipers and squadrette to nautical use, didactic nautical paper, matita, rubber, pen, notebook for notes.
Quiz of examination for the nautical patent.
Verification your nautical preparation answering to the questions proposed from the cards that you can approach selecting the link below.
If you want to improve your preparation or you feel yourself ready to support the examination and have need of attendance, to contact to us immediately! We will be lieti to put to your disposition our boats and our professionality in order to support to you in the attainment of the nautical patent! .

BluTribu: sail, surf and windsurf
Begun E' 10 January 2006 the Course for the attainment of the Nautical Patent to sail and motor without limits from the coast.
For the Associates of the Association BluTribu, the quota registration to the Course of Navigation of Height, finalized to the release of the Nautical Patent to Sail and Motor without some limit from the coast, it comprises: .
(notes, issues, pantries, exercises of correspondence and relative solutions, nautical paper, squadrette and nautical calipers.
With the same sail boat, the patent to motor will be able to be achieved also, after to have executed some maneuver in port, naturally to dry of sails.

Nautical Clear course Beyond the 12 Miles (Without Limits) - Standard - 20 Lessons to MILAN
Guantalavela takes care of course of sail, course clear nautical, regattas, cruises in sailing boat, chartering and lease in all the seas of the world, outd oor business and incentive.
the course of preparation to the attainment of the nautical patent without limits sail and motor vmo full immersion is articulated in 3 weekends, 6 days of eight hours ciascuna from more 09.30-13.30/14.30-18.30 weekends full-immersion near center d 8217; and (Run of nautical Sport to Milan).
Nautical Clear course (Within and Beyond the 12 Miles.
nautical clear course the club of the sail mareaperto holds every year two course for the attainment of the nautical patent.
The course of preparation to the attainment of the nautical patent without limits sail and motor (VMO) standard articulates in 20 theoretical lessons collective serali of two hours ciascuna, the monday and the Wednesday from the 21,00 to more 23,00 weekends full-immersion near the examination center.
set from correspondence (calipers, nautical paper and squadrette).
Attendance during all the iter from the registration to the course to the delivery of the patent;.


Course Clear nautical -
course for nautical patent in the fine week: until to 02 May and from 01 October until to year-end, escapes to blackboard, gulf of the tigullio, five lands…
nautical patents sail-motor without limits for the clear course can be chosen two options: four fine week (Run of Navigation and captain to Connecting rod).
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting 8211; marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding l 8217 to you; examination for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
cd rom containing all the video on the nautical paper and the correspondence; 4.
to the blue clear Harbor Master's Office it offers the possibility to you to follow the course for the attainment of the nautical patent within the 12 miles also like…
in order to support the examination for the nautical patent they can follow our course from privatista saving therefore on the registration price.
: harbour and coastal marine structures; elaboration of nautical cartography; batimetrici reliefs; marine and airport agencies; armament and societies (Run of Bachelor of naval Mechanics to Naples).
recently also the industry of the nautical one from diporto and the ipmrese that operate (Run of Bachelor of naval Mechanics to Messina).


232, bringing approval of the “regulations of emergency for navigation from diporto”; Seen article 19 of cited the decree legislative n.436 of 1996 that previews the adoption of modifications of the regulations of emergency for navigation from diporto, in consideration of the dispositions introduced with the decree legislative same; Considered therefore the necessitˆ to harmonize the enforced discipline in matter of emergency of navigation from diporto with the modifications introduced from cited the decree legislative n.436 of 1996; Considered altres” that taken place the normative and technological evolution in the field of the nautical one demands a modernization of the contained dispositions in the regulations of emergency of navigation from diporto, approved of with 21 decree ministerial January 1994 n.

Handbook Clear nautical -
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting 8211; marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding l 8217 to you; examination for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
nautical patent bologna_scuola sail bologna_ company sailors run of group or personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent sail and motor beyond the 12 miles the course personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent.
in order to exceed, with happening, l 8217; examination of nautical patent sail and/or motor within the twelve miles plus a staff of expert instructors and prepares a personalized and elastic course to you sessions reduced to max of 8 students one location comfortable to catch up l.
the course of nautical patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto until 24 meters, to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats.

Handbook Nautical -
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting 8211; marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding l 8217 to you; examination for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
nautical patent bologna_scuola sail bologna_ company sailors run of group or personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent sail and motor beyond the 12 miles the course personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent.
in order to exceed, with happening, l 8217; examination of nautical patent sail and/or motor within the twelve miles plus a staff of expert instructors and prepares a personalized and elastic course to you sessions reduced to max of 8 students one location comfortable to catch up l.
the course of nautical patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto until 24 meters, to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats.
the course of nautical patent within the 12 nm from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto until 24 meters, to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats within the 12 miles.

Competitions Clear nautical -
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting 8211; marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding l 8217 to you; examination for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
nautical patent bologna_scuola sail bologna_ company sailors run of group or personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent sail and motor beyond the 12 miles the course personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent.
in order to exceed, with happening, l 8217; examination of nautical patent sail and/or motor within the twelve miles plus a staff of expert instructors and prepares a personalized and elastic course to you sessions reduced to max of 8 students one location comfortable to catch up l.
the course of nautical patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto until 24 meters, to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats.