Nautical school “the Gull” Rome
The nautical patent within twelve miles and without limits from the coast qualifies to the commando of unit from diporto of lenght overall until 24 mt, to sail with auxiliary motor, meaning therefore to comprise also the commando and the conduct of the motor boats.
They Puts into effect normative, in fact, upon request does not preview the release of one clear valid for the sun unit to sail, while the possibility is previewed, of the examinee, to limitedly achieve the qualification to the units to motor, excluding, therefore, the necessity of having to support also the test to sail.
The practical preparation, therefore, previews exited in sea with suitable means to the type of patent demanded from the student.
As an example, if one clear nautical within twelve miles to motor (that is limitedly to the units to motor is wanted to be achieved) the practical examination will have to be supported on one boat to motor.
But if the demanded patent is without limits from the coast to sail and motor, the examination will have to be supported to edge of the single sailing boat, with which they will come carried out is the maneuvers to sail that the maneuvers to motor.

Nautical Rome run
Restaurants in the center of Rome (Prati zone).
Course innovated you of preparation to the nautical patent from diporto without limits.
It carries out underwater activity and course of whichever level with Didactics SSI (Scuba Schools International), taking advantage itself of several dislocated structures sport in several zones of Rome.
In the winter period they keep course in order to achieve the nautical patent for boats is to sail is to motor, without limits of distance from the coast.
Course of celestial navigation and nautical meteorology.

in the center (Prati zone) of nautical preparation from limits.
It carries out activities run of with Didactics Schools International), several several structures in Rome.
In the period they hold course the patent boats is is to coast limits.
Course of…


Nautical Rome
Restaurants in the center of Rome (Prati zone).
Course innovated you of preparation to the nautical patent from diporto without limits.
Group Sub Rome Carries out underwater activity and course of whichever level with Didactics SSI (Scuba Schools International), taking advantage itself of several dislocated structures sport in several zones of Rome.
Shipyards of Este Experience in the nautical one from diporto, first place in the construction and maintenance of boats from diporto to sail and motor.

in the center (Prati zone) of nautical preparation from limits.
Sub group underwater activity of whichever Didactics SSI International), taking advantage structures sport several Naval zones of nautical Este from place in the maintenance of diporto to…

Granlasco - School of sail - Regattas - Clear Nautical - Chartering - Rome and Riva di Traiano
course of nautical patent: beginning 28 biweekly February monday and Wednesday to Rome Regatta “Pasquavela 2007” 5-9 you open them Regatta “Rome for all” 21-29 you open them Run of initiation from the 28 you open them to 1 May P erfezionamento 1 from the 28 you open them to 1 May Improvement 2 22, 25, 29 April-1 May.

of patent the 28 monday and Rome Regatta 5-9 you open them for all " Course of initiation you open them to P erfezionamento 28 you open them May Improvement 25, 29…



Photo by

Granlasco - School sail - Cruises - Charter - Chartering
The price comprises the course of theory of 48 hours near the center of Rome or River of Traiano of the Circle Velico Granlasco, pantries, book exercises, nautical paper, squadrette and calipers, taxes and bulletins from € 2, 52 + € 12, 91 + € 25, 00, n.
(it unloads the Planning of the course of theory of the nautical patent).
The price comprises 10 lessons of theory of three hours and 9 lessons of practical of 4 hours, pantries, book exercises, nautical paper, squadrette and calipers, taxes and bulletins from € 2, 52 + € 12, 91 + € 25, 00, n.
Course of initiation Euro 240, 00 (only for the enrolled one to nautical clear course) N.

Course of nautical Patent
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting - marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding the examination to you for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
the course of preparation to the attainment of the nautical patent without limits sail and motor (vmo) full immersion is articulated…
it characterizes them of participation: the 690 euro quotas characterize include them: set from correspondence (calipers, nautical paper and squadrette (Run of nautical Sport to Milan).
the course of preparation to the attainment of the nautical patent without limits sail and motor (vmo) standard is articulated in 20…
in order to exceed, with happening, the examination of nautical patent sail and/or motor within the twelve miles plus staff of expert instructors… a course is articulated in a cycle from six theoretical lessons (for the patent sail-motor seven evenings) more one evening (Run of sport Activity d´acqua to Monza and Brianza).
the course of nautical patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies…
the patent can be limited to the single commando of unit from diporto to motor without limits from the coast.

you want to take nautical, we.
following the asinara yachting of marineria to support the examination for of the patent to motor sail.
the course to the nautical attainment without and motor immersion participation: 690 quotas characterize them from nautical correspondence and of Milan Sport).
the preparation to the nautical patent sail and standard 20…
in order to exceed, the examination of sail and/or twelve one staff… the course in expert six lessons the patent evenings) more (Run than d´acqua to Brianza).
the nautical patent from the coast to those people to achieve qualifies…
the patent limited to of unit to motor…

Course of Navigation
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting - marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding the examination to you for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
the course of nautical patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto (until 24 meters), to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats.
upon request the pate ones (Run of Navigation and captain to Rome).
course for nautical patent in the fine week: until to 02 May and from 01 October until to year-end, escapes to blackboard, gulf of the tigullio, five lands.

you want to take nautical, you address the course yachting - marineria you will be able to support with for the nautical patent sail that run of without limits is turned that they mean tito it that commando of the diporto (until meters), to sail with and of pate Navigazione and Rome).
course nautical in until to and from until to escapes to of the tigullio,…


The first telematico periodical of information and insertions car, motion, nautical, transports, practicability, etc
They cannot moreover obtain the nautical patent for navigation without some limit from the coast and for the commando of the ships from diporto.
Adverse the lacked release the nautical patent for the reasons of which to codicils 1 and 2 it is admitted resorted to the Minister of the transports and navigation.
he is free from physical or psychical diseases, organic deficiencies or anatomical minorities or works them or psychical that can, however, pregiudicare the emergency of the commando of the means to which the patent qualifies or to prevent it the development of the several duties apt to make forehead to the emergency or danger situations that can be taken place during navigation; it does not turn out given over to the use of alcoholic drinks or other inebrianti or narcotic substances; for the attainment or the validation of the nautical patent it is necessary that interested possegga the normal field of vision and sufficient chromatic sense in order to quickly distinguish and with emergency the colors in use in the marine signalings and the rules in order to avoid the boardings in sea, one sufficient nocturnal vision and the vision to binoculare.

first periodical information and motion, nautical, etc
They cannot the patent navigation limit from for the ships from lacked clear nautical the reasons codicils 1 is admitted Minister of of navigation.
it is physical diseases anatomical organic deficiencies or psychical that pregiudicare the commando of which it qualifies it or development of the apt ones to to the situations or of can take place navigation; to the use of or inebrianti or the attainment validation of it is not necessary possegga field and sense in order to distinguish with emergency in use marine and in order to avoid in sea, nocturnal vision…


Organization Sea
In trent'anni of experience, we have understood that the persons that they wish to achieve the nautical patent, they above all need clarity in the explanations, since after a day of job it is difficult to succeed to having the maximum concentration.
In order to lead floating boats and 4 types of patent are previewed:.
What I can make with the patent within the 12 miles from the coast.
Example: from Saint Felice Circeo (LT) to the island of Ponza, the distance is 19 miles, percorribili with the patent within the 12 since, when we exit from the 12 miles of distance from the firm earth, we enter in the range of the 12 miles of the island.
With this type of patent we can be annoying in all Mediterranean.
What I can make with the patent without limits from the coast.
I can lead the same boats that are concurred to carry with the patent within the 12 miles from the coast, with the only difference that we do not have more some limit and we can ourselves be allowed as an example to carry out one traversata Civitavecchia Cagliari “straight in order straight”.
As to choose the type of patent more adapted to my requirements.

trent'anni of understood that that wishes nautical patent, above all of explanations, since day of difficult to succeed the principle 4 boats and previewed patent:.
What I can the patent 12 miles from Saint (LT) to the island the distance miles, percorribili clear within since, when 12 miles from the earth in the beam 12 miles type to be annoying in the Mediterranean.
What I can the patent from the coast.
I can same boats concurred to carry patent within miles from the only difference we have more and us as an example one traversata “straight for the type more adapted…

Nautical Lazio
Experience in the nautical one from diporto, first place in the construction and maintenance of boats from diporto to sail and motor.
It carries out underwater activity and course of whichever level with Didactics SSI (Scuba Schools International), taking advantage itself of several dislocated structures sport in several zones of Rome.
In the velico circle you will be able to attend course of sail and for the nautical patent.
Chartering boats on linens in all Mediterranean, course of sail for the Nautical Patent, insertion announcements used sail and motor, embarks.
The Diving Club Crazy Horse is a founded underwater circle to Rome in the 1989 from Antonio Carascon.
Company that offers in chartering sailing boats from six to twelve meters with or without patent.

Nautical Lazio
School of sail is born from the requirement to disclose nautical and the sail in complete and deep way.
Our geographic position in the port of Neptune, Rome, allows us to be caught up with extreme facility.
In the winter period they keep course in order to achieve the nautical patent for imb.
It is born to Rome from the passion and the experience of the promotori associates for the sea and the world of the sail, in order to diffuse the pleasure of navigation to tightened contact with the nature.
The company rents boats and organizes course of sail to all the levels for the attainment of the nautical patent.

Nautical Clear course Without Limits to ROME
Near the NAUTICAL BOOKCASE of Rome they come carried out course theoretical and prati revolts to diportisti and lovers to us of the sea.
The course of nautical Patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto (until 24 meters), to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats.
Upon request the patent can be limited to the single commando of unit from diporto to motor without limits from the coast.
The nautical patent is obligatory in order to lead floating or boats beyond the six miles from the coast.
Within the six miles from the coast the patent is obligatory equally if to edge is installed a motor with advanced power to 40, 8 CV, or with: advanced piston displacement to i 750 cc (if to two times), i 1000 cc (if outboard motor to quatto times), i 1,300 cc (if inboard one to four times), i 2,000 cc (if diesel ones).
The course of NAUTICAL PATENT carries out in a classroom limitrofa the NAUTICAL BOOKCASE of Rome, in 14 theoretical lessons held the Wednesday from the 18 to the 21.
They are from paying to part the practical escapes to sea and the didactic material necessary in order to support the examination: book of text, didactic nautical paper, two squadrette and nautical calipers.

the Rome BOOKCASE comes theoretical and to diportisti of the sea.
The nautical Patent from the coast to those people to achieve qualifies to to the 24 unit gives motor, to auxiliary motor motor-sail boats.
Upon request patent if it is installed with power 40, 8 can be single commando from diporto without limits clear nautical in order equally leading boats beyond miles from the six miles with: piston displacement 750 cc two times), cc (if quatto times), cc (if four times), cc (if of PATENT carry out in the Rome BOOKCASE, in theoretical held from the 18 to pay the escapes necessary didactic sea and the examination: book nautical paper squadrette and…