Release Dates. Late 1973/Early 1974 - Italy: gennaio 1975 circa.

Brief Statistics.

(1) Si tratta di una compilation di brani dei Floyd uscita solo in Europa, si trova anche negli U.S.A., ma solo d'importazione. Quasi tutte le versioni uscirono con la classica copertina con il titolo, in Germania addirittura in due versioni (Masters of Rock e Masters of Rock Vol. 1). Ma in alcuni paesi, come Olanda e Svezia, il disco uscì invece con una inedita copertina con un disegno stile "pop-art" che raffigurava la band, con Mason, Waters, Wright e Syd Barrett.

(2) Non tutti sanno che, stranamente, in tutte le edizioni di Masters of Rock e di The Best of The Pink Floyd la canzone Matilda Mother è riportata sulla copertina e sull'etichetta come Mathilda Mother, ma non se ne conosce il motivo, visto che la versione originale del titolo sull’album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn era comunque Matilda Mother.

(3) Nel retro delle copertine c'erano altri errori di stampa. Il primo riguardava un brano: in tutte le edizioni in vinile (sia quelle con la copertina originale, sia quelle con la copertina personalizzata da Hermann Baas), sul retro della copertina e sull'etichetta il brano "Candy and a currant bun" è riportato come "Candy and a current bun". Il secondo errore riguardava i crediti di Richard Wright: in tutte le edizioni dei vinili con la copertina personalizzata da Hermann Baas, sul retro viene riportato un errore di stampa: nei crediti dei membri della band, Richard Wright è accreditato come "Rick Wright: Bass guitar & vocals".

More news: Note ai Dischi - Site General Notes

(Per ogni approfondimento su dischi e canzoni, si consiglia la lettura dei libri dei Lunatics: PINK FLOYD. STORIE  SEGRETI (Giunti, 2012); Tutte le canzoni dei Pink Floyd. Il Fiume Infinito (Giunti, 2014)





Emi-Harvest, 1C 054-04 299 G / 6C 054 04299 (MASTERS OF ROCK, classic brown MOR cover, glossy, Made in Germany, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, catalog: 6C 054 04299, Made in Denmark, NCB right society, no rim, german matrix)

Emi-Harvest, 1C 054-04 299 G / 6C 054 04299 (MASTERS OF ROCK VOL. 1, classic brown MOR cover, matt, Made in Germany, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, catalog: 6C 054 04299, Made in Denmark, NCB right society, no rim, german matrix)

Emi-Harvest, 5C 054-04 299 G/6C 054 04299 (MASTERS OF ROCK, pop-art coloured cover Made in Holland, yellow-green Harvest labels, catalog: 6C 054 04299, Made in Denmark, NCB right society, no rim, german matrix)



Pathé Marconi Original Issues.

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (1st issue, 1974, testpressing copy, 1-sided LP, blank white cover, white blank promo labels, french matrix) [1A]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (1st issue, 1974, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: U, I.D.N. printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, STEREO-MONO credits, SACEM, english text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI") [1B]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (1st issue, 1974, mispress, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: U, I.D.N. printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, STEREO-MONO credits, mislabel "MASTERS OF LOVE" on Side 2, SACEM, english text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI") [1C]

Pathé Marconi-EMI Early Reissues.

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (2nd issue, late 1974, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: U, I.D.N. printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, STEREO-MONO credits, SACEM, english text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI EMI") [2A]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (3rd issue, 1975-76, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: U, I.D.N. printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, SACEM, french text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI EMI") [3A]

Pathè Marconi-EMI Late '70 Reissues.

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (4th issue, 1978, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: Y, I.D.N. printing company, "Réédition de 1978", yellow-green Harvest labels, STEREO-MONO credits, SACEM, english text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI EMI") [4A]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (4th issue, late '70, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: Y, covered by a gold sticker with "PM 251", I.D.N. printing company, "Réédition de 1978", yellow-green Harvest labels, STEREO-MONO credits, SACEM, english text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI EMI") [4B]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (5th issue, 1978, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: Y, I.D.N. printing company, "Réédition de 1978", yellow-green Harvest labels, SACEM, french text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI EMI") [5A]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (5th issue, 1978, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: Y covered by silver sticker w/code: B, covered by gold sticker w/PM251, I.D.N. printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, SACEM, french text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI EMI") [5B]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (5th issue, 1979, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: Y covered by gold sticker PM251, orange sticker with discount of "10FF" "valable jusqu’au 31 aout 1979”, I.D.N., yellow-green Harvest labels, SACEM, french text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI EMI") [5C]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (6th issue, late '70, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: PM 251, Glory Asnières printing company, "Réédition de 1978", yellow-green Harvest labels, SACEM, french text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI EMI") [6A]

Pathè Marconi S.A. Reissues.

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (7th issue, 1978, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: PM 251, Uden plant, "Réédition de 1978", yellow-green Harvest labels, SACEM, french text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI S.A.") [7A]

EMI-Harvest, 2C 062-04299 (7th issue, 1987, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: PM 251 covered by gold sticker with code: PM 742, Uden plant, "Réédition de 1978", yellow-green Harvest labels, SACEM, french text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI S.A.") [7B]

EMI-Harvest, 5C 058-04299/2C 062-04.299 (8th issue, NL/EEC, export issue, pop-art coloured cover with dutch catalog, gold sticker with code: PM 742, yellow-green Harvest labels, french catalog, SACEM, french text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI S.A.") [8A]

EMI-Harvest, 1042991 (9th issue, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, code: PM251, white codebar, Uden plant with EMI Services Benelux credits, "Réédition de 1978", yellow-green Harvest labels with 1042991, SACEM, french text on rim, "MADE IN FRANCE BY PATHE MARCONI S.A.") [9A]



EMI-Harvest, 054-04 299 (test-pressing release, standard cover, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, white promo labels, "Unverkäufliche Musterplatte", catalog: 054 042 99 ob white sticker)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 054-04 299 G (1st issue, 1974, classic brown MOR glossy cover, catalog: 1 C 054-04 299 G, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, GEMA, without code, rim: "URHEBER- UND...", matrix: A-1, B-1)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 054-04 299 G (1st issue, 1974, classic brown MOR glossy cover, catalog: 1 C 054-04 299 G, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, GEMA, code: LC 1305, rim: "ALLE URHEBER-UND...", matrix: A-1, B-1)


EMI-Harvest, 1C 154-042 99 (2nd issue, 1974/75, Masters of Rock Vol. 1, classic brown MOR cover, catalog: 1 C 054-04 299 G, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, GEMA, without code, rim: "URHEBER- UND...", matrix: A-1, B-1)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 154-042 99 (2nd issue, 1974/75, mispress, Masters of Rock Vol. 1, classic brown MOR cover, catalog: 1 C 054-04 299 G, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, misprint, Side 1 without text, GEMA, without code, rim: "URHEBER- UND...", matrix: A-1, B-1)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 154-042 99 G (2nd issue, 1974/75, Masters of Rock Vol. 1, classic brown MOR cover, catalog: 1 C 054-04 299 G, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, GEMA, code: LC-1305, rim: "ALLE URHEBER-UND...", matrix: A-1, B-1)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 154-042 99 (Masters of Rock Vol. 1, Germany/France, 1976, classic brown MOR cover, catalog: 1 C 054-04 299, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, GEMA, credits: Pathé Marconi-EMI, french rim text, french matrix)

EEC Reissues.

EMI-Harvest, 1C 054-04 299 (3rd issue, Made in EEC, classic brown MOR cover, catalog: 1 C 054-04 299, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, GEMA logo)

EMI-Harvest, 1C 054-10 4299 1 (4th issue, Made in EEC, classic brown MOR cover, catalog: 1 C 054-04 299, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, GEMA-BIEM logo)

EMI-Harvest, 064-7 98526 1 (5th issue, Made in EEC, classic brown MOR cover, codebar, catalog: 064-7 98526 1, 4P Nicolaus GMBH Koln printing company, yellow-green Harvest labels, GEMA-BIEM logo)



EMI-Harvest, 2J-062-04299 (testpressing copy, 1st issue, classic MOR cover, 3 addresses, 26/14/182, credits: EMI-Lambropoulos Brothers Limited, white DEIGMA labels with M.T. 2738, "Made in Greece by C.G.C.G. Ltd.", french matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 2J-062-04299 (1st issue, 1974, classic brown MOR cover, backcover: 2J 062-04299, 3 addresses, 26/14/182, credits: EMI-Lambropoulos Brothers Limited, yellow-green Harvest labels, 2J-062-04299, credits: "Made in Greece by C.G.C.G. Ltd." on left, single english rim, french matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 2J-062-04299 (2nd issue, 1974/75, classic brown MOR cover, backcover: 2J 062-04299, 3 addresses, 26/14/182, credits: EMI-Lambropoulos Brothers Limited, yellow-green Harvest labels, 2J-062-04299, credits: "Manufactured in Greece by C.G.C.G. Ltd." on rim, double rim, greek matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 2J-062-04299 (3rd issue, 1976, classic brown MOR cover, backcover: 2J 062-04299, 3 addresses, 26/14/13, credits: "Columbia - EMI Greece S.A.", yellow-green Harvest labels, 2J-062-04299, double rim, french matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 14C 062-04299 (4th issue, 1976/79, classic brown MOR cover, backcover: 14C 062-04299, 3 addresses, 26/18/13, credits by EMI Greece S.A., different addresses, yellow-green Harvest labels, 2J-062-04299, double rim, french matrix)

EMI-Harvest, 14C 062-04299 (5th issue, 1979, classic brown MOR cover, backcover: 14C 062-04299, 3 addresses, 127/3/35, credits by EMI Greece S.A., yellow-green Harvest labels, 2J-062-04299, double rim, french matrix)



EMI-Harvest, 3C 054-04299 (1st issue, january 1975, classic brown MOR cover, Grafica Centonze Como printing company, plant text only, yellow-green Harvest labels, dates: both 11-12-74 I)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 054-04299 (1st issue, january 1975, classic brown MOR cover, Grafica Centonze Como printing company, plant text & "Made in Italy Mod. 04299", yellow-green Harvest labels, dates: both 11-12-74 I)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 054-04299 (1st issue, january 1975, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, Grafica Centonze Como printing company, blue translucent vinyl, yellow-green Harvest labels, dates: 11-12-74 I \ 11-12-74 I)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 054-04299 (2nd issue, 1982, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, Grafica Centonze Como printing company, "Grafiche Centonze" text & "Made in Italy Mod. 04299", yellow-green Harvest labels, with "3C 054-04299", dates: 27-10-82 II \ 20-12-82 II)

EMI-Harvest, 3C 054-04299 (3rd issue, 1982, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, Graphyche Magica 2000 Milano printing company, "Made in Italy" text, yellow-green Harvest labels, with "54 1042991", dates: 27-10-82 II \ 20-12-82 II)


EMI-Harvest, 3C 054-04299 (4th issue 1982, 1st Talent series, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, 3C 054-04299 on back, Graphyche Magica 2000 Milano printing company, yellow-green labels, with "54 1042991", dates: 27-10-82 II \ 20-12-82 II

EMI-Harvest, 3C 054-04299 (4th issue 1982, 1st Talent series, misslabelled with Deep Purple label, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, 3C 054-04299 on back, Graphyche Magica 2000 Milano printing company, yellow-green labels, Side 1: "Deep Purple in Rock", Side 2: "Masters of Rock", dates: 27-10-82 II \ 20-12-82 II)

EMI-Harvest, 54 1042991 (5th issue 1982, 2nd Talent series, classic brown MOR cover, 54 1042991 on back without codebar, Graphyche Magica 2000 Milano printing company, yellow-green labels, with "54 1042991", dates: 27-10-82 II \ 20-12-82 II)

EMI-Harvest, 54 1042991 (6th issue 1982, 3rd Talent series, classic brown "Masters of Rock" cover, codebar, Graphyche Magica 2000 Milano printing company, yellow-green labels, with "54 1042991", 27-10-82 II \ 20-12-82 II)



EMI-Columbia, 5C 054.04299 (1st issue, pop-art cover, NV Interprint Haarlem printing company, "nv interprint, haarlem" on back, black Columbia labels, catalog: 5C 054-04299, STEMRA, Bovema Heemstede credits)

EMI-Columbia, 5C 054.04299 (2nd issue, pop-art cover, NV Interprint Haarlem printing company, no plant credits on back, black Columbia labels, catalog: 5C 054-04299, STEMRA, Bovema Heemstede credits)

EMI-Columbia, 5C 054.04299 (2nd issue, US export copy, pop-art cover, Odeon-Capitol stickers, no plant credits on back, black Columbia labels, catalog: 5C 054-04299, Bovema Heemstede credits)

EMI-Columbia, 5C 054.04299 (3rd issue, pop-art cover, NV Interprint Haarlem printing company, blue Columbia labels, catalog: 5C 054-04299, STEMRA, Bovema Heemstede credits)

EMI-Columbia, 5C 058-04299 (4th issue, pop-art cover, NV Interprint Haarlem printing company, black Columbia labels, catalog: 5C 058-04299, STEMRA, no LC code on labels, Bovema Heemstede credits)

EMI-Columbia, 5C 058-04299 (5th issue, pop-art cover, black Columbia labels, catalog: 5C 058-04299, STEMRA, code: LC 062, "Made in EEC" credits)

EMI-Columbia, 1A 058-04299 (6th issue, pop-art cover, EEC, black Columbia labels, catalog: 1 A 058-04299, BIEM/STEMRA, code: LC 062, "Made in EEC" credits)

EMI-Columbia, 1A 058-04299 (6th issue, pop-art cover, EEC, misspress black Columbia labels, Side 1: 1st issue with "5C 054-04299" & STEMRA; Side 2: 6th issue with "1A 058-04299", BIEM/STEMRA & code: LC 062, 6th issue matrix)

EMI-Columbia, 1A 058-04299 (6th issue, pop-art cover, EEC, black Columbia labels, catalog: 1 A 058-04299, BIEM/STEMRA, code: LC 062, "Made in EEC" credits, mislabelled with two labels)



Stateside, 8E 062-04299 (1974, classic brown MOR cover, catalog: "8 E 062-04 299" on cover & labels, Costa & Valerio printing company, black Stateside labels, credits: "FABRICADO EM PORTUGAL", local matrix with "A/B")

Stateside, 8E 062-04299 (1974/75, classic brown MOR cover, catalog: "8 E 062-04 299" on cover & labels, Costa & Valerio printing company, black Stateside labels, credits: "Valentim de Carvalho CI SARL" and "FABRICADO EM PORTUGAL", local matrix with "A/B")



EMI-Harvest, 062-04.299 (testpressing release, white generic cover, white blank labels, catalog: 062-04 299 on white sticker)

EMI-Harvest, 1J 062-04.299 (1st issue, 1975, promotional copy, classic brown MOR cover, plant: Tuset, yellow-green Harvest labels, promo gold sticker "MUESTRA INVENDIBLE DESTINADA A PROMOCION")

EMI-Harvest, 1J 062-04 299 (1st issue, 1975, classic brown MOR cover, plant: Tuset, yellow-green Harvest labels, catalog: 1 J 062-04.299)

EMI-Harvest, 10C 064-04.299 (2nd issue, classic brown MOR cover, backcover catalog: 10 C 064-04.299, Tuset plant, yellow-green Harvest labels, catalog: 1 J 062-04.299)

EMI-Harvest, 10C 064-004299 (3rd issue, classic brown MOR cover, backcover catalog: 10 C 064-04.299, Tuset plant, yellow-green Harvest labels, catalog: 10 C 064-04.299)



EMI-Columbia, 4E 054-04299 (1st issue, pop-art cover, code: EMI 30-1, SIB-Tryck Tumba printing company, black EMI-Columbia labels, title on left, credits: "The Gramophone Co. Ltd.")

EMI-Columbia, 4E 054-04299 (2nd issue, pop-art cover, code: EMI 30-1, SIB-Tryck Tumba printing company, black Columbia labels, title on centre, credits: "EMI Records Ltd.")






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For help and adds about the records details, email me at tarquinis@gmail.com


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