BOEING 737 overhead panel construction - page 1
The 737 overhead panel is a very complex part that requires a lot of components, both as subpanles and as hardware (switches, knobs, leds) and control boards.
One immediate issue that you face if you don't have a full cockpit structure, is that the overhead panel can't be positioned without a holding structure. This question
stopped me from even trying to include the overhead within my projects for a long time.
The first attempt I made was to build a panel with some of the overhead controls between the MIP and the throttles quadrant (where the FMC/CDU and MFD should be).
The "mark II" version of the overhead - made in white plexiglass painted in RAL7011 an laser engraved (thanks Fabrizio and Checco!).
The effect seems a lot better...
The new closet layout in dark environment. Finally a decent monitor - the LG34WK650, a 34" 21/9 ultrawide monitor.
But now is time to step forward with a new, more realistic overhead...
After long search I choose the FlightsimPM custom overhead.