

Instructions for use


  what is it for, how to use, questions for the practice, considerations, adapation to the instrument


The FOCUS was meant to help the musicians to identify and resolve the problems caused by defects of emission: not correct speed and air quantity, movements of throat, not continuous flow of air, tightened throat that obstructs the sound.

 what is it for, how to use, questions for the practice, considerations, adapation to the instrument 


First of all, play the chosen musical phrase with the instrument (if possible, at the beginning of your practice a phrase in which a continuous flow of air is needed, or a scale that goes up and then down) then repeat it with the FOCUS.


You must perform imagining the tones and trying to use your body exactly as you did before with the instrument. The attention should be addressed to the sound resulting this way.

Playing with the FOCUS the sound should be good, continuous, with the diminuendo and crescendo determined by the melody and the phrase. You should feel the sensation of easiness, spontaneousness of emission. The movement of fingers, of tongue and of melody shouldn’t influence continuity and quality of the sound, in the staccato too.


Irregular air flow (evidenced by an irregular volume or by a different pitch) or movements of the embouchure or other things will be evidenced.

Normally you must play in the same pitch: the intonation of this sound can have very small variations when you decide to change tone or you want use different resonance in the mouth or in the throat.

It's very interesting to compare whit other musicians and verify which tone they play at source: for example the tone too high in the FOCUS determines sound little and sour in the clarinet.

 what is it for, how to use, questions for the practice, considerations, adapation to the instrument

So, studying with FOCUS, you have to listen very well and ask yourself:


All the questions posed above and others that may emerge from practice inevitably bring to FOCUS the attention, to try to correct yourself, to try to blow with continuity, to be on pitch etc.

 what is it for, how to use, questions for the practice, considerations, adapation to the instrument

The FOCUS cannot substitute the practice with the instrument but it can help a lot in eliminating certain defects because in the simulated play there is a "reset" effect in the emission.


My suggestion is to use it only a bit, as a reference point to understand what happens within you, how you should blow when you are playing. I think you can use it for five – ten minutes when you practice.


Studying with FOCUS you can notice that it makes your throat become wider, it relaxes it and allows the air to flow undisturbed: this way you get conscious of the air column, that goes in continuum from diaphragm to your lips: then you should try to reproduce this sensation with the instrument, without being distracted by notes.

 what is it for, how to use, questions for the practice, considerations, adapation to the instrument


Insert the FOCUS H between mouthpiece and barrel, the FOCUS L between barrel and instrument.

In the case it will be difficult to insert it, raise and move the OR out of the seat with a small screwdriver, scrape them with fine sandpaper and put them back in the seat.

If it is too easy to insert it, put under the OR some cigarette paper, or change the OR.

If instead the mouthpiece moves, you can internally apply some nail varnish to the FOCUS.

FOCUS H has four holes: if you need normal resistance, open two big holes; if you need more resistance, you can open one big and two little holes.


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