Homemade Easter Egg Anemometer
Describes in words and pictures how they build an anemometer.
Lastly, lay out the 3 holes for the cup spokes at exactly 120 degree angles
Be sure to drill all 3 holes to the same depth so hub balance is maintained
To build the cups and spider, first carefully drill 2 holes into the rim of each Easter egg half, about 1/4' to 3/8' in from the edge
Be sure the holes are aligned so the egg will hang straight on the rod
Black Box Voting: Ballot-Tampering in the 21st Century
Online book examines the potential problems with the present generation of
computerized voting machines and the software that runs them.
Amherst Golf Club
A par 71, eighteen hole course in an open setting on rolling countryside.
Lists history, description, services, fees and location. Soft spikes required.
Links Green Fees - 200 6 18 Holes - $42.00 (guest $35.00) 9 Holes - $21.00 Twilight - $25.00 Visa Only Accepted Booking Policy: Tee times may be booked 2 days in advance
Call Pro Shop: 902-667-8730 Non members 30 days in advance with credit card Playing Restrictions Non-metallic spikes Facilities and Services 18 Holes Putting Green Practice Range (balls not available) Professional Instruction (CPGA Pro) Pull Carts Power Carts Clubs Rentals Pro Shop Club Storage Locker Room and Showers Food & Bar Service Banquet facilities Amherst Golf Club Phone: Pro Shop: (902) 667-1911 Fax (902) 667-3822 Office: (902) 667-1097 Location: John Black Rd, East of Amherst Scenic Trail : Travel Directions: Take Exit 4 off Hwy 104, Turn right at 2nd set of lights on to Robert Angus Dr
In 1912 the course was moved to its present location in East Amherst and remained a tight 9-hole layout until the 1960's when it was redesigned and expanded to 18 holes with a new clubhouse constructed and opened in 1971
As a centennial project, beginning in 1967 and continuing over a three year period the course was expanded to 18 holes
Salon - The Hole Story
Article by Jon Bowen discussing this procedure citing the pros and cons.
They tried making holes in the skull to treat slit ventrical syndrome, a brain malady brought on when shunts inserted to drain excess fluid end up robbing the brain of its natural buffer
Afterwards he said, 'Come back with more people with holes in their heads.'') And more people will be getting holes if Halvorson gets his way; he and his ITAG cohorts -- about 60 trepanned people worldwide -- are lobbying to make trepanation available from surgeons on demand

Photo by www.americansouthwest.net
World Golf
Complete listing of Kootenay golf clubs.
Daily Golf Caddy! Golf Courses of British Columbia Kootenay Region BALFOUR Balfour Golf And Country Club Address: Box 139, Balfour, BC V0G 1C0 Holes: 9 Yardage: 6159/5737 (18) Par: 72/73 Rating: 70.1/72.9 Slope: 123/129 Telephone: (250) 229-5655, Fax: 229-4672 E Mail: Web Site: CASTLEGAR Holes: 18 Yardage: 6677/6178 Par: 72 Rating: 72.6/71.6/75.9 Slope: 127/125/133 Telephone: (250) 365-5006 Very hilly, mature pines and many doglegs
CHRISTINA LAKE Cascade Par Three Holes: 9 Yardage: 1012 Par: 27 Telephone: (250) 447-9705 CRAWFORD BAY Kokanee Springs Golf Resort Address: Box 96, Crawford Bay, V0B 1E0 Holes: 18 Yardage: 6537/6193, 5747 Par: 71/71, L; 74 Rating: 72.0/70.4, L; 68.4 Slope: 135/132, 128 Telephone: 1-800-979-7999, Fax: (250) 227-9362 Very challenging layout
CRESTON Creston Golf Club Holes: 18 Yardage: 6418 Par: 72 Rating: 71.6/69.9/72.2 Slope: 136/132/129 Telephone: (250) 428-5515 FRUITVALE Champion Lakes Golf And Country Club Holes: 9 Yardage: 2866 Par: 36 Rating: 68.5/68.5 Slope: 114/115 Telephone: (250) 367-7016 GREENWOOD Porter Creek Golf Address: PO Box 10, Hwy
#3, West, Greenwood, V0H 1J0 Holes: 9 Yardage: 6035, Ladies; 4776 Par: 71, L; 71 Rating: 65.3, L; 70.3 Slope: 120, L; 132 Telephone: (250) 445-6443, Fax: 445-6443 E Mail: Web Site: 18 separate tees
Golf Courses of Indonesia - World Golf
daftar lengkap lapangan golf di seluruh Indonesia.
Perigi Raja, Lagoi, North Bintan, Indonesia Holes: 27 Web Site: Chanpionship layouts (Ocean and Forest Courses)
Woods and Ocean holes with panoramic vistas
100, Kuala Kencana, Irian Jaya, Indonesia Holes: 18 Metres: 6210/5850/5239 Par 72 Phone: (62) (901) 301555, 394949 (SHERATON) Email: Managed by Sheraton Timika Hotel
Cabe Raya Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang, 15418, Banten Holes: 18 Par: 72 Telephone: (6221) 7405386-9, Fax: 7405383 E mail: Web Site: Driving Range, Sauna, International Restaurant
Raya Lemah Abang Cibarusah Cikarang Baru, Cikarang Baru, Bekasi, Indonesia Holes: 18 Yardage: 6589/5902/5624 Par: 72/72/72 Rating: 73/71.1/67.9 Slope: 117/123/109 Telephone: 62-21 893 6148 Email Address: Web Site: Driving Range, Restaurant, Swimming, Tennis
1 Pangkalan Jati, Sawangan Indonesia Holes: 18 Yardage: 6340/6300/6270 Par: 72 Telephone: 62-021-7513326, 7510762, Fax: 62-021-7657836 Email Address: Web Site: The friendly course in South Jakarta
Citanyere Golf & Resort Holes: 18 Par: 72 Telephone: (6221) 601 0033, Fax: 601 7575 Situated in the cool mountain area of Cipanas this course designed by Ronald Fream will be flanked by residential complexes
yoga golf golfers hole in one kripalu wholein1 ronni diamond
Media, Springfield - Ronni Diamond offers yoga classes in Kripalu yoga.
Special workshops, video and audio programs for golfers.
It helps you to concentrate and let it flow!" - Joan Cesarini - Member - Edgmont Country Club Jan Davis - Member - Hershey's Mill Golf Club, said "I actually did not have the usual tight feeling I used to have after 18 holes." "After strenuous exercise (six consecutive days of golf) I did not have the usual soreness or joint achiness." - Bob Perrone - Member - The Springhaven Club Daniel Shafer - Member - Hartefeld National, said that he can best apply what he learned through..
Pinhole Photography
History of pinhole photography, including theory and construction details.
Cameras have been cast in plaster like a face mask, constructed from beautiful hardwoods, built of metal with bellows and a range of multiple pinholes
He noted that images were formed only by means of small holes and that the candle to the right made an image to the left on the wall
Their camera had a rotating disc with six pinholes, three pairs of similar sizes
Coincidentally, many of these artists were working with multiple pinholes
The June 1975 issue of Popular Photography published the article "Pinholes for the People", based on Phil Simkin's month-long project with 15, 000 hand-assembled and preloaded pinhole cameras in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Multiple pinholes became rare
A few links to the use of pinhole cameras in science: one pinhole or multiple pinholes
Pinhole cameras may differ with regard to (a) focal length, (b) pinhole diameter, (c) number of pinholes, (d) image format, (e) flat or curved film plane, (f) type of light-sensitive material, and (g) other characteristics
a disc with a circular configuration of pinholes in various sizes

Photo by ontario.twoguyswhogolf.com
How to Build a Bluebird House Brief information on Western Bluebirds and how to build a house for them.
In the wild, bluebirds live in holes, or cavities, in trees and there are no perches available
Bottom vent holes need to be small, no more than the corners trimmed
Mice and even snakes get into the bottom holes if they're very big
CD's new RIMS
Detailed description of RIMS with diagrams and photographs.
This allows for easy assembly/diassembly for construction and cleaning although I've seldom had to clean the manifold since not much makes it thru the small slots manifold at the bottom of the tun and what does readily clears the 7/64' holes in the return manifold
New Mexico Golf
Information about New Mexico golf, such as golf courses and tournaments.
Integrated Pest Management
Pest management strategies in Libraries.
Silverfish and firebrats can reach up to 12.5 mm in length; they feed on paper sizing, chew holes in paper (especially glossy paper), and damage book bindings and wallpaper to get to the adhesives underneath
They are much smaller than silverfish and firebrats (about 1-2 mm), and may also feed on pastes and glues, but they do not produce holes in paper
Cockroaches will chew holes in paper and bindings, but also can badly stain materials with their secretions
Look at collections for stains and signs of insect grazing (small holes in paper, or areas of loss on the surface of paper or bindings)
A nice introduction to the various forms of needlelaces, this site also illustrates
the stitches.
Blog with news summaries, game information, and photos.
While we are all lamenting the holes in the wide receiver corps (even assuming Deion Branch ends his hold-out), the new formula for success may be more of a running-back, tight-end-oriented offense
posted by FN Chief @ Monday, May 01, 2006 Bill And Scott's Offensive Adventure Boring and predictable, huh? Not bloody likely! Coach Bill and his loyal minion, Scott Pioli, probably caused many a beer-laden spit-take over the weekend as their top 3 picks in the 2006 draft were a running back, a wide receiver and a tight end.With seemingly gaping holes in their defensive structure, the selections of ; ; and were somewhat surprising
Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Making a Hammer Dulcimer
Article and plans by Sam Rizzetta. Detailed instructions, pictures, and links.
Drill holes for the screws before gluing and screwing
Next, calculate the positions for all pin holes and drill the pin blocks
The holes must be slightly smaller in diameter than the pins
Soundholes are unnecessary because the space at the frame rails provides for air pressure equalization between the inside and outside of the sound box
Holes can be added for decoration in any design you choose, but the openings should be kept small to prevent weak spots and warping
The Diatonic Harmonica Reference
Free diatonic harmonica reference with over 100 pages of tips, techniques,
diagrams, pictures, sound clips, music theory, how to play blues, ...
Single notes Because of the close proximity of the holes on diatonic harmonicas, some technique and practice is required in order to get clean single notes
If you can draw holes 1-2-3 and hear the 2 draw note, you know the harp is okay
Shakes A shake is a rapid alternation between adjacent holes
as ornaments When beginners first achieve draw bends, which are available on holes 1-6, they are primarily quick changes from the natural note, like a quick flattening of a note continuously bending a little down and then back up to the primary note
Blow Bends as ornaments Blow bends are available on holes 7-10
Draw bends in holes 2 and 3 have bend ranges more than a single half step (semi-tone), while draw bends in holes 1, 4, and 6 have a half step range
Blow Bends for note production Holes 8 and 9 have a half step blow bend, while hole 10 has a whole-step bending range
This technique is often used on the bottom 3 holes where lip blocking is more difficult
Double stops can be played using bent notes and combinations of bent and un-bent natural notes, especially on holes 1-4
The most common split interval is an octave, for example holes 1 and 4 blow or draw at the same time, with the tongue blocking out holes 2 and 3
Embroidery Tips
Offers a selection of tips from Berlin Embroidery Designs.
The side bars slot into the holes on each end of the scroll bars and are screwed on so that the fabric is tight
The side arms slot into the holes on each end of the main bars and have holes drilled into them
A is screwed into a and then holes are pricked along all the pencil lines on the tracing paper puncturing the design lines at 1/8th of and inch (3 mm) intervals, when all the lines have been pricked the tracing paper is held up to the light to check that all the lines have been pricked
Watch Your Garden Grow - Mustard
Recipes, and tips for growing it successfully.
The damage caused by diamondback larvae looks like shot holes in the leaf
The larval or worm stages of these insects cause damage by eating holes in the leaves
Time Travel Portal :: View topic - CERN to spew black holes
A forum about time travel.
• • • • • • • • • • • » Author Message Jorune Site Admin Joined: 24 Feb 2004 Posts: 925 Location: United States of America Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 7:37 pm Subject: 6 Mini black holes could reveal hidden dimensions of space
02 October 2001 Physicists at may soon be manufacturing copious quantities of black holes
And these high-energy events will generate vast numbers of minuscule black holes, Savas Dimopoulos of Stanford University in California and Greg Landsberg at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island now calculate1
Black holes are the dark and massive pirates of interstellar space
Because the LHC will cram vast amounts of energy into tiny volumes, this too should form black holes
The physicist Stephen Hawking predicted in the 1970s that black holes would evaporate by radiating away their energy
For astrophysical black holes this is a very slow process, but extremely small black holes should last about as long as a snowflake in hell
The radiation from evaporating black holes in LHC experiments should signal their brief existence, say Dimopoulos and Landsberg
Sycuan Resort
Offers three professional quality courses along with fine dining and a hotel
resort atmosphere.
click4_alttext bonus_a bonus_b 54 Holes of True Golfing Paradise Sycuan Resort and Casino boasts some of the best golf in Southern California
The Sweetwater River occasionally runs along the course and its channel comes into play on many of the holes, providing for fantastic scenery and challenging shots
The course contains several dogleg holes and many elevation changes and water crossings that will challenge and entertain the golfer throughout the day
Call ahead to book your tee time or reservation at (800) 457-5568 or (619) 442-3425 or to book online! One of the most visually pleasing holes on the course is the par-4 fourth
One of the more demanding holes on the back nine is the 350 yard par 4 14th
Oak Glen starts out with two great and challenging holes that lead to 16 more
This demanding and enjoyable hole is one of the best golf holes in San Diego
Pine Glen Pine Glen's 18 par 3 holes takes advantage of the area's natural terrain using the mountains, natural rock outcroppings, and aged oaks and sycamores to add character to individual holes
Ranging from just under 100 yards to just over 200 yards, the elegantly designed holes test all facets of shotmaking, but are not overly punishing to the beginning player
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