Il Tao Te Ching
Consultazione in linea del libro della Regola Celeste.

  • Il Tao Te Ching Clicca sull'immagine per consultare il Tao Te Ching - |

    Tao Te Ching
    A translation by JH McDonald, with hyperlinked table of contents.

  • Tao Te Ching - Written by A Translation For the PUBLIC DOMAIN by j.h.mcdonald 1996 To review and/or buy a copy of the Tao Te Ching, click here: () ()

  • Few in the world can comprehend the teaching without words, or understand the value of non-action

    Lao Tse - Tao Te Ching
    Por Lao Tse. Traducción al español por Antonio Rivas Gonzálvez.

    Tao Te Ching
    A modern, humorous and loosely phrased translation by Ron Hogan.

  • The TAO TE CHING adapted by Ron Hogan This work is licensed under a

  • Figure them out, and you've got it made.' Donations gladly accepted Download the complete text of Ron Hogan's interpretation of the Tao Te Ching in for Palm OS handhelds prepared by Jeff Wischkaemper , also prepared by Jeff, suitable for two-sided printing, followed by folding and stapling, or slicing and binding NEW: , created by 'frantik' of the blog

  • This one's a zipped file; after you unzip it, copy the The Tao Te Ching folder to the Notes folder on your iPod, and you're good to go

  • Click on the Creative Commons logo to find out how you can distribute these versions of the Tao Te Ching once you've downloaded your copy

  • info: TAO TE CHING

    Photo by www.artofwarsuntzu.com

    Tao Te Ching
    Translation by Steven Mitchell.

  • Tao Te Ching Written by Lao-tzu From a translation by S

  • The ordinary man keeps reaching for power; thus he never has enough

  • Teaching without words, performing without actions: that is the Master's way

    Laotse: Tao te king
    Laotse Tao te king Das Buch vom Sinn und Leben Übersetzt von Richard Wilhelm,
    HTML Herausgabe von Dan Baruth.

    Comments on the Tao Te Ching
    Translational information and comparison, based on DC Lau's translation.

  • Comments on the Tao Te Ching using the D.C

  • Lau translation (Penguin Books, 1963) Book I: The Tao Te Ching , the ' of the Way and Virtue' (or, the 'Power of the Way, ' etc.), is divided into two books

  • Chapter I: Comparing our edition with other translations of the Tao Te Ching , you may discover that they can be wildly different

  • Verse 1 [see Chinese text and literal translation at right]: 'The Way that can be spoken of/ Is not the constant way.' The Tao Te Ching begins with a pun: 'Way' and 'spoken of' ('said') are the same character ( Dào )

  • The quality of a translation of the Tao Te Ching can usually be determined from the rendering of these lines

  • Hua-Ching Ni in 1979, with what appears to be more an 'elucidation' than a translation: 'Tao, the subtle reality of the universe cannot be described' [Seven Star Communciations, 1979, 2003, p.7]

  • Michael LaFargue in 1992, who insists on completely rearranging the chapters, displacing the 1st to the 43rd, under the larger heading of 'Knowledge, Learning, and Teaching, ' with ten other chapters: 'The Tao that can be told is not the invariant Tao' [State University of New York Press, 1992, p.84]

    The web page you requested is now served from the new site of the ...
    Lao-tzu Tao Te Ching auf Deutsch Übersetzung von Rudolf Bachofen.

  • Benefits

    Photo by www.edepot.com

    Tao Te Ching - Translated by J. Legge
    James Legge's version.

  • Tao Te Ching by Lao-tzu J

  • How still it was and formless, standing alone, and undergoing no change, reaching everywhere and in no danger (of being exhausted)! It may be regarded as the Mother of all things

  • Therefore a wise prince, marching the whole day, does not go far from his baggage waggons

    About the Tao - Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching
    Translations and commentaries on some chapters including Chinese characters for each.

  • Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching , left, and was never heard of again

  • The Tao Te Ching (also called "The Tao", "The Dao" or the "Dao De Jing"), by Lao Tzu, is one of the most influential books in history

    Tao Te Tjing vertaling Advayavada Buddhism Infocenter - Amsterdam
    Tao Te Ching, met inleiding op een Boeddhistische site.

  • Watts prijst de Engelse vertaling van Ch'u Ta-kao, waaraan hij overigens als jongeman zijn medewerking verleende, en die werd uitgebracht met een voorwoord van de voornoemde Lionel Giles onder de naam Tao Tê Ching in 1937, maar volgt deze vertaling later steeds minder vaak in zijn citaten

  • Rajneesh citeert vrijelijk op zijn bijzondere, uitdagende wijze uit die van James Legge, zoals die voorkomt onder de naam The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu in The Texts of Taoism uit het einde van de vorige eeuw, en die samen met The Canon of Reason and Virtue van de Amerikaan Paul Carus, lang een van de meest verbreide Engelse versies was

  • Lau verscheen onder de titel Lao-tzu - Tao te ching vrijwel gelijktijdig met die van Chan en wordt door deze niet aangehaald; wel noemt hij in een voetnoot eerder werk van Lau

    Laotse und das Tao Te King China
    Verzeichnis zu den europäischen Übersetzungen des Tao Te Ching und eine neue
    Übertragung von Matthias Claus. Text zur historischen Person Laotse.


    The Tao and the Te
    "Fundamentals of Taoism and Mind in General" explores the connection of the Tao
    Te Ching to neurological patterns in the brain, by CJ Lofting.

  • The Tao and the Te : Fundamentals of Taoism and Mind in General (Copyright © 2000 ) Abstract we show the ways in which the I Ching has a bilateral structure which parallels that of the brain

  • Here we wish to show that the classic daoist text "Tao Te Ching" also shares this structure

  • "Tao" means the way, "Te" means virtue, and "Ching" means classic or book

  • The philosophy/religion of Taoism (Daoism) stems primarily from the work of Lao Tsu "Tao Te Ching" (Dao De Jing) (additional sources are referenced later)

  • The Tao Te Ching, and Taoism in general, serve as metaphors for describing what the neurology responds to, objects and relationships

  • If we consider the Tao Te Ching and the writings called Zhungzi then the former is biased to Tao and the latter to Te

  • We can extend our analysis by including the thoughts of the sinologist Richard Wilhelm, a translator and interpreter of the I Ching

  • Less abstract than yin and yang are the concepts of the Creative and the Receptive (Ch'ien and K'un) that originate in the Book of Changes [I Ching], and are symbolized by heaven and earth

    Taoism - Tao Te Ching Translations
    Several on-line translations of the classic of the way.

  • Taoism Information Page Tao Te Ching ~ Dao De Jing in English An Explanatory Translation: Stan Rosenthal ~ is prefaced by a lengthy introduction and a lot of background material

  • Merel ~ Peter Merel's interpolation is based on several translations of the Tao Te Ching

  • A German Translation ~ of the Tao Te Ching into German

    Articolo divulgativo a cura di E. Riva.

  • Arrivato al passo di Han-ku, il guardiano Yin Hsi gli chiese di scrivere un libro per lui e Lao tzu espose allora le sue dottrine nel Tao Te ching

  • In seguito fu suddivisa nel numero mistico di 81 capitoletti, e il nome di Tao Te ching fu dato, sembra, da uno dei suoi commentatori, Ho-shang Kung

  • Tao Te Ching , 1)

  • La pratica sessuale consiste essenzialmente nella ritenzione del seme maschile: l'orgasmo dovrebbe essere ripetuto più volte e con diverse compagne, senza però lasciar sfuggire il ching maschile, in modo che torni indietro e si diffonda nell'organismo dove, unendosi al ch'i, darebbe nascita al corpo immortale

    The Tao by Lao-tse
    Rick Harbaugh's Chinese text of the Tao Te Ching, hyperlinked to definitions of
    Chinese characters and to an English translation.

  • Taoism classic Dao De Jing (or Tao Te Ching) ½u¤W¹D¼w¸g ¦Ñ¤l One of the supplements to

    EAWC Essay: Reflections on the Tao Te Ching
    Reflections on the Tao Te Ching, an essay by Mike Carson.

  • In the poems which he wrote down and gave to the gate-keeper of the city who asked him for teaching as he left his people behind, he records the tensions between living 'naturally' (as all recorded 'Ways' suppose that we can) and living falsely

  • While the Tao Te Ching acknowledges the need for an ideal world, one uncomplicated by competition, weapons, and wars, it allows us to live in a world fallen from that ideal and still conform to the deeper truth in our own souls

    Le Tao Te Ching
    Le libro del Via e Virtute, per Lao Tse.

    TAOISMEN - TAO TE CHING - tolkning av Stefan Stenudd - ARRIBA ...
    Taoismens urkund skrevs i Kina några hundra år före vår tideräkning. I denna
    svenska version har 1970-talets revolutionerande gravfynd i Kina inkluderats.

  • Tao te ching Taoismens källa NY UPPLAGA Från 130:- ed de traditionellt trubbiga instrumenten från europe­iska betraktare, brukar tao­ismen sorteras till religio­nerna - det går i högsta grad att ifråga­sätta

  • Skriften, som numera på de flesta håll anses ha tillkommit nå­gon gång under 200- eller 300-talet före Kristus, kallades länge just för Lao Tzu, vilket helt enkelt betyder den gamle, men tog sedan namn av sina två delar, där den ena börjar med ordet tao , vägen, och den andra med ordet te , dygd - medan ordet ching står för klassiker

  • Österländskt tänkande är lika djupt impregnerat av taoismen och Tao te ching, som till exempel det europeiska har sin grund i Platon

  • I den här versionen har hänsyn kunnat tas till gravfynd från 1970- och 1990-talet, med de hittills äldsta manuskripten av Tao te ching

    The Daode Jing (Tao Te Ching) of Laozi (Lao Tzu) Daoism Taoism Tao ...
    Chad Hansen's translation of the Tao Te Ching.

  • The Daode Jing (Tao Te Ching) of Laozi (Lao Tzu) Translated by Chad Hansen This is work in progress

  • (Pro-sage Commentary:) Using this: sages fix social issues without deeming ; administer a 'no words' teaching

  • Forced to deem it as named, we say 'great.' Being great, we say 'comprehensive.' Being comprehensive, we say 'far reaching.' Being far reaching, we say 'reverting.' So our dao is great; Nature (heaven) is great, Earth is great, and kings are also great


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