Ethics [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
Describes the field and its division in metaethics, normative ethics, and applied
ethics. By James Fieser.
Ludwig Wittgenstein [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
Entry by Duncan J. Richter outlining Wittgenstein's thought and place in philosophy.
As for his career, Wittgenstein studied mechanical engineering in Berlin and in 1908 went to Manchester, England to do research in aeronautics, experimenting with kites
During World War II he worked as a hospital porter in London and as a research technician in Newcastle
ALA | Info Lit for Faculty
An introduction to the concept of information literacy and model information
literacy programs. It is designed specifically for academic administrators and ...
Research literacy - The ability to understand and use information technology tools to carry our research including discipline-related software
Publishing literacy - The ability to produce a text or multimedia report of the results of research
Clark the article originally appeared in College & Research Libraries News , February 1999
'Desperately Seeking Citations: Uncovering Faculty Assumptions about the Undergraduate Research Process.' Journal of Academic Librarianship (May 1996) pp.201-208
Last updated: March 21, 2006 ACRL, Association, College, Research, Information, Literacy, Information, Institute, Academicians' Guide to Information Literacy, Academicians Guide to Information Literacy The following brief guide provides an introduction to the concept of information literacy and model information literacy programs
The ABCs of KM - Knowledge Management Research Center - CIO
Defines KM and its application in the workplace. By Megan Santosus and Jon Surmacz,
in CIO Magazine.
Advertisement Free Newsletters CIO Insider CIO.com updates CIO Enterprise Strategy how-to CIO Leader Management tips E-mail address: > > > The ABCs of KM Knowledge Management Research Center Additional KM Resources Click over to the Visit the Or read the The ABCs of KM Meridith Levinson What is knowledge management (KM)? Advertisement Unfortunately, there's no universal definition of knowledge management (KM), just as there's no agreement as to what constitutes knowledge in the first place
Included among the former are assets such as patents, trademarks, business plans, marketing research and customer lists
SPONSORED LINKS: Dated: December 27, 2005 http://www.cio.com/research/knowledge/edit/kmabcs.html | An Company Problems/complaints/compliments about this site can be sent to

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Danger, Inc.: Home
Produces a PDA based mobile units.
Podcasting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Encyclopedia entry covering basics of the topic.
Terrorism Research - What is Terrorism?
Examines the various definitions of terrorism along with common behavior,
organization, and characteristics of terrorist groups.
terrorism RESEARCH International Terrorism and Security Research Navigation Resources What is Terrorism? Terrorism is not new, and even though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history it can be relatively hard to define
Office of Research Integrity
ORI Indices of publications, guidelines and regulations, and other resources.
MAIN SECTIONS Top Links Annual Report ORI Newsletter Federal Offices Associations The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) promotes integrity in biomedical and behavioral research supported by the U
ORI monitors institutional investigations of research misconduct and facilitates the responsible conduct of research (RCR) through educational, preventive, and regulatory activities
Research Misconduct Finding Web Version Peer Review New Articles ORI Conferences Request for Applications RCR Expo 2006 - Quebec City, Canada DeVries, R, Anderson MS, Martinson BC Martinson BC, Anderson MS, Crain AL, DeVries R Keith-Spiegel P, Koocher GP, Tabachnick B Keep in touch with ORI by joining one of our listservs
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Qualitative Research in Information Systems aims to provide qualitative researchers in IS - and those wanting to know how to
do qualitative
research - with useful information on the conduct,
... Qualitative Research by Michael D
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [ [] [] [] [] [][] Qualitative Research in Information Systems Section Editor: Welcome Welcome to the ISWorld Section on Qualitative Research in Information Systems (IS)
This section aims to provide qualitative researchers in IS - and those wanting to know how to do qualitative research - with useful information on the conduct, evaluation and publication of qualitative research
Introduction This section is dedicated to qualitative research in Information Systems (IS)
Qualitative research involves the use of qualitative data, such as interviews, documents, and participant observation data, to understand and explain social phenomena
Qualitative researchers can be found in many disciplines and fields, using a variety of approaches, methods and techniques
In Information Systems, there has been a general shift in IS research away from technological to managerial and organizational issues, hence an increasing interest in the application of qualitative research methods
After a general overview of qualitative research, philosophical perspectives which can inform qualitative research are discussed
Aurora Research Institute
Provides research licensing and logistics support to researchers working in
Canada's Western Arctic.
Home Research in the NWT Apply for a Licence Research Guide Current Research Maps Community Contacts Scientists Act Definition of Research Search Compendiums Research Programs Distrib
Generation Monitoring Ethnobotany Archive Education & Training Aurora College Bursaries GIS & GPS Internships Scholarships Schools Youth Employment Publications All Publications Compendiums Guide for Researchers Scientific Reports Research Survey Resource Directory Document Request NWT Research Trends Graphs Maps Support for Research Logistics Grants & Fellowships Fee Schedules Northern Research Networks C-CIARN EMAN-North Online Forum Library About Search Contact Us About Us History Facilities Staff Other Sites Illisarvik Bibliography Simply Science Inuvik Virtual Tour Project: CIGEMON CANOE Taking the Chill Off? Employment Tenders Friday, September 15, 2006 A view of Inuvik , Northwest Territories
The Aurora Research Institute is responsible for licensing and coordinating research in accordance with the
We also promote communication between researchers and the people of the land, in which they work
Aurora Research Institute is located in Inuvik and Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada
Traffic Psychology at the University of Hawaii with Dr. Leon James
Research articles on the social psychology of driving and road rage, by Leon
James, Professor at the University of Hawaii.
Institut für Graffiti-Forschung - Graffiti und Street-Art ...
Everything you want to know about European graffiti (in German and English).
MSN Learning & Research: Fascism
Encarta Encyclopedia article.
Tobacco Use Behavior Research
Publications of the Social Sciences Data Collection, UCSD. Reports and raw data
available on tobacco sales, prevalence, attitudes, behaviors, ...
Tobacco Use Behavior Research DATA AND REPORTS: RESOURCES: California Tobacco Surveys (CTS) The California Department of Health Services conducts surveys of attitudes, behaviors, and media exposure regarding smoking and tobacco use as components of the smoking cessation evaluation effort required by California Assembly Bills AB75, AB99 and AB816
- Research, data and reports
How to Read a Scientific Research Paper--
A guide on how to critically read a scientific research paper, one of the key
components of the scientific method.
How to Read a Scientific Research Paper-- a four-step guide for students Ann McNeal, School of Natural Science, Hampshire College, Amherst MA 01002 Reading research papers ('primary articles') is partly a matter of experience and skill, and partly learning the specific vocabulary of a field
What larger question is this a part of? The author should summarize and comment on previous research, and you should distinguish between previous research and the actual current study
Often, the simple questions may contain the seeds of very deep thoughts about the work--for example, 'Why did the authors use a questionnaire at the end of the month to find out about premenstrual tension? Wouldn't subjects forget or have trouble recalling?' Here are some questions that may be useful in analyzing various kinds of research papers: Introduction: What is the overall purpose of the research? How does the research fit into the context of its field? Is it, for example, attempting to settle a controversy? show the validity of a new technique? open up a new field of inquiry? Do you agree with the author's rationale for studying the question in this way? Methods: Were the measurements appropriate for the questions the researcher was approaching? Often, researchers need to use 'indicators' because they cannot measure something directly--for example, using babies' birthweight to indicate nutritional status
Research - The Spinal Muscular Atrophies - Welcome to MDA ...
Provides information aimed at health professionals about this disease. Includes
definition, classification, epidemiology, clinical features, ...
Director, Neuromuscular Research Unit, New England Medical Center Hospitals, Professor of Neurology and Pharmacology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
Munsat M.D., a long-time MDA Researcher
The search for the SMA gene has necessitated clinical diagnostic criteria that are precise and acceptable to researchers and genetic counselors throughout the world
These issues were recently reviewed by Dubowitz.(12) It is hoped that the nosology will soon be resolved to the patient's benefit and researcher's relief
The landmark report by the Columbia University researchers mapping the SMA gene to chromosome 5 (1) has ushered in the molecular genetic phase of attempts to understand and treat SMA
In the initial paper linkage was reported only for chronic cases (types II and III), but shortly thereafter it was shown that type I mapped to the same locus.(36) These observations were almost immediately confirmed by French researchers.(37, 38) Subsequently, although the suspect region has been progressively narrowed and the mapping refined, (39, 40) as of this writing the gene has not been identified
CERT® Coordination Center Research
A dissertation analysing Internet security incidents.
This research analyzed trends in Internet security through an investigation of 4, 299 security-related incidents on the Internet reported to the CERT ® Coordination Center (CERT ® /CC) from 1989 to 1995
Prior to this research, our knowledge of security problems on the Internet was limited and primarily anecdotal
This research accomplished the following: 1) development of a taxonomy for the classification of Internet attacks and incidents, 2) organization, classification, and analysis of incident records available at the CERT ® /CC, and 3) development of recommendations to improve Internet security, and to gather and distribute information about Internet security
Estimates based on this research indicated that a typical Internet domain was involved in no more than around one incident per year, and a typical Internet host in around one incident every 45 years
The taxonomy of computer and network attacks developed for this research was used to present a summary of the relative frequency of various methods of operation and corrective actions
Data from all incidents and these three subgroups were used to estimate the total Internet incident activity during the period of the research
Research report (Psychology)
Article reviewing the content of each section with some general advice and fixes
for common mistakes.
Information on the influential librarian and teacher.
QUANTITATIVE 'VERSUS' QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: THE WRONG QUESTION Hope Olson School of Library and Information Studies 3-20 Rutherford South University of Alberta Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2J4 e-mail: holson@slis.ualberta.ca Résumé: Avec un étude déconstructif des textes sur des méthodes qualitatives et ses contrastes avec des méthodes quantitatives et avec l'étude des besoins informatiques à l'égard des populations spécifiques de femmes cette document conclut que le focus sur les méthodes utilisées ne devrait pas motiver la recherche
Abstract Through a deconstructive reading of texts on qualitative method and its contrast with quantitative method and through information needs studies regarding specific populations of women this paper concludes that the focus on method should not drive research
Rather, the ontological and epistemological stances of researchers assessed on a spectrum from subjective to objective are more indicative of the perspectives represented in library and information science research
Mathemagenic: learning and KM insights
This klog (knowledge blog) is used as a learning diary that documents journey of
Lilia Efimova in the land of knowledge workers' networks, learning, ...
on personal productivity in knowledge-intensive environments, weblog research, knowledge management, PhD, serendipity and lack of work-life balance..
I wonder if there is any research on this aspect of relationships between geeks and their family/friends - strategies of supporting someone else's encounters with technologies and lessons learnt from it
This would be such a great source of insights with lots of technology design/technology introduction implications (itching to do some of that myself, but probably should try not to get distracted :) And a funny side-not observation - I always thought I was much into workplace uses of technologies research, but it seems that my personal experiences get me more into home and family stuff
I think some of us straddle all three types of blogging -- I am a blog-centric blogger with Conversations with Dina, a topic-centric blogger with a loosely-knit communities around social media, ethnography, qualitative research; and have been and am a community-centric blogger with Worldchanging (GULP - no posts there for ages from me) and all the Help blogs
Next to being a tool for communication, it could work reminder for to-dos, organiser of work and even turn into at work (for those who want more - look at and studies that touch email as part of personal information management research)
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