New Dimensions Broadcasting Network
An independent, listener-supported producer and distributor of public radio and
shortwave programs...
Jim Romenesko's Media News
News, commentary and links about journalism and media.
Media Bias News
Mission statement, how to identify bias, press releases, current actions, guestbook,
chat and contact...
Project for Excellence in Journalism and the Committee of Concerned...
An initiative by journalists to clarify and raise the standards of American
journalism through research...
ARC Dehooker
Fish-hook remover, sea turtle handling equipment, and a reef fish venting tool.
Includes a mission...
Mystery of E-Books: Who Reads Them?
Report on the suggestion that anybody actually reads e-books. [USA Today]
Jon's Mind
Weblog presenting an often-humorous perspective on current news.
History: 1900s
Important events and people of the twentieth century from