Tutorial Outpost Links to photoshop and flash tutorials.
| Tutorial Categories News July 11, 2006 Well as you can tell, Tutorial Outpost has received a lovely facelift as well as a bit of restructuring
We want to let you get straight to the point of viewing tutorials instead of overloading you with features that aren't necessary
Over the next couple of days we will resume tutorial posting, so sit tight
May 15, 2006 We've now added a Tutorial Outpost Newsletter! You can subscribe via the form right below the news here
Be sure to check them out! April 6, 2006 If you sign up for a free Mac mini, I'll give you a link here on Tutorial Outpost for 6 months
New Tutorials Draw a logo that creates mountains that look as though they were sketched
29 views | Submitted by on 8/10/2006 Categorized in » In this tutorial, I will show how to create a slide show
31 views | Submitted by on 8/10/2006 Categorized in » This tutorial will teach you how to design and create your very own unique vector brushes with ease! 17 views | Submitted by on 8/10/2006 Categorized in » This tutorial explains how to create text similar to that shown above, this effect works differently depending on which style of font that you use
Grafika jinak - stranky o 3D Studiu MAX - Infopage
Modelování a animování v 3D Studiu MAX. Tutoriály a galerie obrázků a fotografie.
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1.6.2002 Tutorial na obzoru V brzke dobe bude zverejnen dalsi odkaz na tutorial - clanek bude umisten na
27.1.2002 Par obrazku Pracuji na dalsim tutorialu - tentokrat se bude venovat nastaveni "matematickych" vztahu mezi jednotlivymi parametry objektu
14.1.2002 Tutorial Tak tutorial uz je hotov
12.1.2002 Tutorial Pracuji zrovna na tutorialu ukazujicim alespon zcasti moznosti a schopnosti dynamiky ve 3D Studiu
31.10.2001 Info Velmi rad bych pridal neco noveho na stranky, at uz obrazky nebo tutorial
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top 5 clicked (64911) Hundreds of FREE 3D Models (most of them are for 3ds max), Free 3ds max tutorials (from beginers to advanced users), ..
(08-Aug-06) In this tutorial you'll learn about the material editor and how to make several different reflective materials
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Artykuły, przewodniki, modele, galeria i dyskusje na temat grafiki i animacji 3D.

Photo by www.cagedflame.com
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Latest Forum Topics Tell A Friend Your Friend's Email Welcome to Tutorialized.com, where everything is a tutorial
Oprah Magazine Tutorialized.com is mentioned in the January 2006 issue of Oprah magazine (page 135)
[Tutorials] There are currently 9, 646 Free Tutorials in 515 categories! [Top Tutorial Categories] , 270 Users Online in the past 5 minutes
- View the in the past week! New Tutorials by Date: , Tutorialized.com: Newest Submissions / This photo manipulation tutorial will show you how to enlarge certain parts of a face
08/09/2006 160 Hits (160 this week) | : (2 votes) [] No Comments / Part 2 of the exciting animated shooting video tutorial
Learn how to automate tedious jobs such as database backup!! 08/09/2006 19 Hits (19 this week) | : none (0 votes) [] No Comments / In this tutorial I have explained how to create a Blackberry phone using different photoshop tools.I have used pin tool, Rounded rectangle tool, Pen tool etc
Rendering e Animazioni 3D, Presentazioni Multimediali ...
[Firenze] Presenta l'attività, che si rivolge al rendering di edifici pubblici
e privati, modellazione...
Scripting, plug-ins, tutorials, FAQs, gallery.
Walkthrough Mode) in 3ds max 7 Go With The Flow - Custom Scripting and the Particle Flow Extension On this page, you will find several tutorials explaining tricks and techniques related to scripting the Particle Flow Extension for 3ds max 5.1, now part of the 3ds max 6 and higher
WHAT'S NEW: 2004/04/23 : tutorial 2004/04/10 : tutorial 2004/04/08 : tutorial 2004/04/02 : tutorial 2003/05/10 : tutorial 2003/05/09 : tutorial 2003/05/09 : tutorial 2003/05/09 : tutorial 2003/05/09 : tutorial 2003/05/09 : - script and tutorial Related Links: Brandon Davis published a large number of MAXScript Resources for 3ds max 6 Most MAXScripts for 3ds max 6 are compatible with 3ds max 5 (unless stated otherwise).
MAXScript Tutorials for 3ds max 5 will be added to this section in the near future
These tutorials might be added to the "How To" section of the MAXScript Online Help in the future
Feedback, especially concerning the readability and the learning curve are welcomed! WHAT'S NEW: 2003/05/02 : - new Script and Tutorial for 3ds max 5 MAXScript Resources for 3ds max 4 On this page, you will find several MAXScripts for 3ds max 4 (mostly compatible with 3ds max 5 ) to go to the max4scripting page

Photo by www.treddi.com
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A detailed guide to shooting video for compositing. How to composite a 3D animated
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ben cowell Compositing a 3D rendered object into Video This is a very simple tutorial demonstrating how to take 2D video footage and composite a 3D animated object in the scene
In this tutorial we'll be using TIFF files or TARGA files when we require an alpha channel
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