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I created this website for all of us who love to see images of woman in beautiful slips and who find the site of a soft, lacey slip on a woman to be wonderfully stimulating and erotic beyond compare!

This entire website is free. Please thoroughly enjoy your visit. I must credit and thank Fabio and UK for the image content, and for causing me to want to create this website.

For this website to continue to grow and get even better, I need support and images from all who care to contribute and help. Any and all collaboration is most welcome. Please send images, photos, stories, announcements, news, or whatever. The only stipulation I make, is that whatever you send, be related to our shared passion for slips and the beautiful women who wear them. All submitted materials will be 'considered' for inclusion into my website as future updates are made.

I'd love to correspond with any ladies who wish to model and/or submit their pictures for inclusion into "Slips, than passion!!!"

I look forward to any criticisms or corrections of errors I've made. Again, I don't write English well.

If you'd like to advertise on my site or do a banner swap, please email me: sottoveste@virgilio.it

For all those that have had the possibility to surf the site to the old address I render publishes the motivation that "tripod" one has arrogated and that me, indeed, little uneasiness has forced us not. The email has only arrived after one demanded of explanations:


R: disappearance of the site
Dear customer,
I inform that its site has been disability because, from a carried out control, turned out to introduce pornographics  contrary contents to politics of Tripod.

Rest to its disposition for ulterior clarifications
In greet Them I augur good job and one profitable surfing.

Service customers Tripod Italy: webmaster@tripod.it
P.zza Prince Clotilde, 8 - 20121 Milan
Phone: +39 - 02 - 65 58 48 1
Fax: +39 - 02 - 65 58 48 209
www.tripod.it - www.lycos.it

Naturally the definition pornography is highly opinabile, but in this case the thematic one of the website is clearest and poichè it is spoken about feminine an intimate garment does not seem just the sections to me of pornography (to whichever level) why if we accepted this then would be pornographic also all the sites that the greater companies that they produce underwear have in the net and all their production would not be other that an article from pornoshop.

But for mind goodness I think that the personsof tripod they do not support that the intimate garment is itself pornographic object, but the underwear worn from one woman "yes" and like such very far away from their politics.

I hope that all this is not repeated newly, but unfortunately always it has been exposed to the so-called moral of who arrogates the right to judge the others and it knows that the moral is made pure personal and if also for the majority of people the vision of a girl in slip does not represent more null than a beautiful erotic image for who that one has been waked up badly to the morning is pure pornography, indifferent about the fact that on its preferred weekly magazine from years girls even propose it naked even if to the inside the Mafia and war speak about or that the dancers of a whichever television show make more to contest in exhibition of "cm" of skin rather than qualified.

Pardoned the vent, but I hope that also you, that you have resisted to this reading, are solidary with me.