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Sweetener blamed in dog deaths Orange County Register
Xylitol, a common sugar substitute, is used in a variety of human foods. Xylitol, a sugar substitute used in chewing gum, candy, toothpaste and other products, is being blamed in an increasing number of dog poisonings.
A new twist on hair of the dog Inside Bay Area
IHAVE BEEN in Denver this past week attending the 25th annual Great American Beer Festival, so this is a good time to talk about a Rocky Mountain beer that's one of my favorites and one that is
WILLIAM BRAND: BEER OF THE WEEK: Spirit of irreverence lives on in Road Dog Contra Costa Times
I'VE BEEN IN DENVER this past week attending the 25th annual Great American Beer Festival, and I thought, what better time to talk about a beer from this Rocky Mountain beer nirvana that's one of my favorites and one that is fairly easy to find in good condition in the Bay Area.
Incredible Inman: A question of Oompa Loompas Louisville Courier-Journal
"Dear David: I know only you can answer this for me. I said the Oompa-Loompa in 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' is the same one from the first Willy Wonka movie. My daughter says no way. Can you please help us? A week of dog walking rides on this. — R.T., Louisville"
Brrr, time for an oatmeal stout NorthJersey.com
When there's a slight chill in the evening air, there's nothing I enjoy more than sipping silky oatmeal stout. Oatmeal adds a nutty, earthy flavor and a silky texture to this member of the stout family. Dark grains combine with malt sweetness for flavors of milk chocolate and coffee cream.
With our dog quest over, it's time to seek the cheese Orlando Sentinel
Our dedicated super sleuths cover a lot of ground every week, hunting for your missing products in every corner of Central Florida. And they don't ask for mileage reimbursement.
Dog owners warned about sugar-free goodies KING 5 Seattle
If you think it's no big deal that your dog just ate some sugar-free gum or a cookie or two, think again. You may want to take a trip to your veterinarian.
Teen chases down mom's torturer Independent Online
A Somerset West schoolboy has rescued his mother from an attacker who had kept her captive and tortured her for more than three hours - taking a break only to eat chocolate.
Wednesday Edition: Mortgage Meltdown Poynter Institute
Softer racetrack debuts Dog owners warned about xylitol The St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times ran a two-part story on the number of homes that could be going into foreclosure because adjustable-rate mortgages are forcing people to pay much higher interest these days.
Willy Wonka wanna-be Wisconsin State Journal
Slices of chocolate pizza. Syringes that squirt liquid chocolate into your mouth. Warm double chocolate fondue. Restaurateur Max Brenner's new chocolate bar off New York's Union Square, Chocolate By The Bald Man, caters for chocoholics of all ages.

Dogs and chocolate
Everyone has heard that dogs and chocolate can be a deadly combination so what should you do if your dog eats chocolate?
Phouka Dog Pages: Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs
Hershey's kisses are milk chocolate, but a few aren't usually dangerous for larger dogs. Good chocolate bars and bittersweet chocolate are risky.
The Straight Dope: Is chocolate toxic to dogs?
Many people have tried to convince me chocolate is toxic to dogs. However, my four dogs have stolen chocolate cakes, pies, and candy bars without ill
Pets Health
While most lethal cases of chocolate poisoning occur when small dogs eat large If you witness your dog eating chocolate or if it shows any signs of
Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs - Tips to Identify Symptoms, Treating
Chocolate poisoning in dogs is the first thing that usually comes to mind when thinking about natural poisons to dogs, something that most households have

The Straight Dope: Is chocolate toxic to dogs?
Many people have tried to convince me chocolate is toxic to dogs. However, my four dogs have stolen chocolate cakes, pies, and candy bars without ill
Pets Health
While most lethal cases of chocolate poisoning occur when small dogs eat large If you witness your dog eating chocolate or if it shows any signs of
Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs - Tips to Identify Symptoms, Treating
Chocolate poisoning in dogs is the first thing that usually comes to mind when thinking about natural poisons to dogs, something that most households have
Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs
Milk chocolate has 44mg/oz (154mg/100gm): toxic dose for 50 lb dog - 50 oz of milk The problem with feeding a dog milk chocolate as a treat is that it
Can I give my dog chocolate: dog eating chocolate
Can I give my dog chocolate? Eating behaviors questions, include; dog eating chocolate. Should I give my dog chew bones?, How can I stop my dog from going
Chocolate Toxicity - Veterinary Medicine
About.com article on chocolate toxicity in dogs, cats and other animals.
Labrador Retriever Puppy Dog Breeders Directory - Black Labrador
Labrador Retriever Puppy For Sale Guide - Labrador Retriever Dog and Puppy Mississippi Black Lab, Yellow Lab and Chocolate Lab puppy breeders - Top Dawg
Dog Information: Chocolate - Dog.com
Dog information presented by dog.com provide dog lovers with Chocolate to read and find about helping their loved ones. Dog information by dog.com has all

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