Chef Stirs Up Fancy Food For Berkeley School Kids Berkeley Daily Planet
Two turkey hot dogs, Tater Tots, canned fruit and chocolate milk—that was what lunch meant for Berkeley public school students a year ago.
Xlear, Inc. Issues Response to JAVMA Report on Dogs and Xylitol SYS-CON Media
Xlear, Inc., a leading manufacturer of xylitolproducts, issued the following statement in response to the clinical reporton xylitol and dogs published in the October 1, 2006 issue of the Journalof the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA).
Xlear, Inc. Issues Response to JAVMA Report on Dogs and Xylitol Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance
Xlear, Inc., a leading manufacturer of xylitol products, issued the following statement in response to the clinical report on xylitol and dogs published in the October 1, 2006 issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Where did they get these names? Poughkeepsie Journal
Chances are, you know the name of those bright red, candied orbs that ornament the summit of your favorite sundae, but what exactly is a maraschino cherry, and where on earth (or beyond) do they come from? If like me, you find the genealogy of food interesting, keep reading.
Doorway smokers risking fines The Scotsman
SMOKING ban enforcers are warning city pubs and clubs they will not tolerate smokers sheltering in doorways as the weather takes a turn for the worse.
Prohibition and the Economists Ludwig von Mises Institute
Posted on 9/16/2006 [Subscribe at email services , tell others , or It is true, writes Mark Thornton, that economists were in substantial agreement during the formative years of national alcohol prohibition. But they were for it — not against it. How can this be?
For serious Writers - and everyone else St. Petersburg Times
No matter what you write - a blog, a love letter, the next great American novel - Writing Tools offers practical advice that is a pleasure to read.
VistaPrint Announces New Foil Accented Business Cards PR Web
VistaPrint today announced the availability of foil accented premium business cards. Customers can add foil to 250 premium business cards for an additional cost of just $14.99. (PRWEB Sep 14, 2006)
City Council meets Tuesday, Sept. 12 Bakercityherald.com
WHEN: Tuesday, 7 p.m. WHERE: City Hall, 1655 First St.
9/11 | FIVE YEARS LATER San Francisco Chronicle
Some people are surprised that five years have gone by. For others, it all seems like a long time ago. On the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, America is at war, suicide bombers appear in video games, Osama bin Laden is
Dogs and Chocolate Danger
Dogs and Danger of Chocolate. The company Armitage says on its new packets, that the choc drops are a chocolate substitute, when in effect they have a,
Veterinary Information - Toxins that Affect Dogs
What are some things that are toxic for dogs besides chocolate and onions? There is a diuretic effect as well. So the sign seen with toxicity include
The Straight Dope: Is chocolate toxic to dogs?
However, my four dogs have stolen chocolate cakes, pies, and candy bars without ill effects. What gives? --Jason Eshleman, Berkeley, California. Dear Jason:
Chocolate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
However, noticeable effects of chocolate related to this mechanism in humans have not been Cacao bean shell poisoning in a dog. JAVMA 1984;185(8): 902.
Dogs and chocolate
How much chocolate is too much? It is important to know just how much chocolate can produce toxic effects on your dog and that amount is one hundred to one
The Straight Dope: Is chocolate toxic to dogs?
However, my four dogs have stolen chocolate cakes, pies, and candy bars without ill effec. What gives? --Jason Eshleman, Berkeley, California. Dear Jason:
Chocolate Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
However, noticeable effec of chocolate related to this mechanism in humans have not been Cacao bean shell poisoning in a dog. JAVMA 1984;185(8): 902.
Dogs and chocolate
How much chocolate is too much? It is important to w just how much chocolate can produce toxic effec on your dog and that amount is one hundred to one
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Cocoa Mulch
affec the heart, central nervous system, and kidneys, causing nausea and vomiting, Do not feed chocolate to dogs or ca. If you keep a pet,
ParkVe Chocolate A Sweet death
Potentially a lethal situation for a dog as they are much more susceptible to the toxic effec of chocolate compared to people.
Toxicology (Poisons) Veterinary Medicine
It is important to remember that ca and other species are susceptible to the toxic effec of chocolate, too. Veterinary Q & A: Poisonings in Pe
Chocolate Poisoning
In addition to this, the very slow deactivation of theobromine by dogs means that the effec of chocolate poisoning can be very prolonged up to three
PE 911 Â pet adoptions thru local shelters
Large amoun of chocolate can poison dogs and other pe including hamsters and ra due to the toxic effec of theobromine a component of chocolate.