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Wednesday Edition: Mortgage Meltdown Poynter Institute
Softer racetrack debuts Dog owners warned about xylitol The St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times ran a two-part story on the number of homes that could be going into foreclosure because adjustable-rate mortgages are forcing people to pay much higher interest these days.
Dog owners warned over sugar-free items Reuters via Yahoo! News
Keep those sugarless treats out of Fido's reach. Veterinarians warned on Friday that a commonly used sweetener might cause liver failure in dogs, and perhaps even kill them.
Dog owners warned over sugar-free items AAP via Yahoo!7 News
US veterinarians have warned that a commonly used sweetener might cause liver failure in dogs, and perhaps even kill them.
Dog owners warned over sugar-free items Sydney Morning Herald
Keep those sugarless treats out of Fido's reach. Veterinarians warned that a commonly used sweetener might cause liver failure in dogs, and perhaps even kill them.
Area farm operations on 14-stop weekend tour Mirror
The second annual Kaw Valley Farm Tour this weekend will feature several area farming operations. And the lineup offers opportunities to learn a lot about all types of farming.
Dog owners warned over sugar-free items Reuters via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
Keep those sugarless treats out of Fido's reach.
Dining out El Paso Times
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar: 7956 Gateway East, $$, 598-7006. Chase a warm batch of spicy buffalo wings with the steak-and-riblet platter. Bennigan's: 10497 Gateway West, $-$$$, 592-7200. Featuring the world-famous Monte Cristo sandwich, fried and served with raspberry preserves.
Pair of pit bulls shot in Lantana Sun-Sentinel
Lantana · Hershey and Rocky are buried beside their kennel.
Doorway smokers risking fines The Scotsman
SMOKING ban enforcers are warning city pubs and clubs they will not tolerate smokers sheltering in doorways as the weather takes a turn for the worse.
Book excerpt The Charlotte Observer
From "Stop Dressing Your Six-Year-Old Like a Skank: And Other Words of Delicate Southern Wisdom," by Celia Rivenbark (St. Martin's Press; $19.95).

The Foods that Can Kill Your Dog
The Foods that Can Kill Your Dog. From Krista Mifflin, Chocolate, staggering, laboured breathing, vomiting, diarhea, abl pain, tremours, fever,
Chocolate and Dog Poisoning
Larger amoun of chocolate, particularly of the most toxic type, can bring about epileptic seizures in some dogs, and in all dogs, can kill.
InfoHub Can chocolate kill a dog?
Online discussion forum for specialty el around the world.
Rat Lab where all the mad scientis go chocolate kills dogs
Can chocolate really kill dogs? I once ate a chocolate dog treat and it was really horrid. This was because, as I now w, the treat was not really
Dogs and Chocolate
Chocolate can kill a dog. However well trained a dog is it is still a dog and like us is tempted by the smell and tastes of things it finds.

InfoHub Can chocolate kill a dog?
Online discussion forum for specialty el around the world.
Rat Lab where all the mad scientis go chocolate kills dogs
Can chocolate really kill dogs? I once ate a chocolate dog treat and it was really horrid. This was because, as I now w, the treat was not really
Dogs and Chocolate
Chocolate can kill a dog. However well trained a dog is it is still a dog and like us is tempted by the smell and tastes of things it finds.
Can I give my dog chocolate: dog eating chocolate
Too much chocolate can produce diarrhea and something kill a dog. Chocolate contains Caffeine derivatives to which dogs dog react well.
10 Common Poisons found in your home that can kill your dog
Common poisons that can kill your dog include antifreeze, chocolate, bleach, tylenol, watch batteries, moth balls, fabric softeners, detergen, mouthwash,
Chocolate could kill your dog
Chocolate could kill your dog Death by chocolate? "clinical signs of toxicity can occur with ingestion of ~0.04 oz (1.3 mg) of baker's chocolate or 0.4
Over consumption of chocolate can cause serious illness and perhaps death. Cardiac arythmia can precipitate a myocardial infarct which can kill the dog.
Dog owners be aware
Even an ounce or two of chocolate can be lethal to a small dog (10 lbs. or less). Larger quantities of chocolate can poison or even kill a medium or large

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