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Memo to nanny: no juice boxes Bonita Daily News
-- The nanny in the Seattle suburbs who may be drinking on the job.
Tokyo's dogs have never had it so good Japan Today
TOKYO — Kenneth Kato is due any moment and the buzz is palpable. Ken, as he is affectionately known, has just gotten his first designer cut, and everyone can’t wait to see it.
Reader itching to rid yard of poison ivy The Daily News of Newburyport
Q: This year, we didn't mulch our yard, and we are now experiencing poison ivy everywhere. My husband and I weeded in June, and we got a very bad case of poison ivy and had to be treated with steroids. Did we make a mistake in not mulching? How can we get rid of the poison ivy safely?
The loss of a family dog is difficult The Record-Courier
Our chihuahua named Peaches died. Her body was older than her age, but it finally gave out on her. While we mourn her loss and remember all the good times we've had with her I also remember last year our 5-month-old puppy named Moto died of a black
Prohibition and the Economists Ludwig von Mises Institute
Posted on 9/16/2006 [Subscribe at email services , tell others , or It is true, writes Mark Thornton, that economists were in substantial agreement during the formative years of national alcohol prohibition. But they were for it — not against it. How can this be?
Veterinarian's success is in sight The Bellingham Herald Online
Animal ophthalmologist Dr. Terri McCalla performs cataract surgery in Bellingham Wednesday morning on Kasha, an 11-year-old Siberian husky female.

Free Information About Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs
one pound of milk chocolate is poisonous to a 20-pound dog; one-half pound for a 10-pound dog. The average chocolate bar contains 2 to 3 ounces of milk
Why is chocolate poisonous to dogs but not to humans?
We started with a Yahoo! search by typing in the three key words -- dog, chocolate, and poison. After scanning the results, we clicked on an article titled,
Dog Poison Care
Dog Care Book - Poison treatment and control. Signs of chocolate toxicity occur within hours after the dog ingests the chocolate.
Care For Animals
Only a moderate amount needs to be eaten by an animal, typically a dog, in order to be poisonous (approx. 1/2 oz. of baking chocolate per pound of body
Home-Human Foods that Poison Pets
Human Foods that Poison Pets, Disclaimer When affected by an overdose of chocolate, a dog can become excited and hyperactive. Due to the diuretic effect

Dog Poison Care
Dog Care Book - Poison treatment and control. Signs of chocolate toxicity occur within hours after the dog ingests the chocolate.
Care For Animals
Only a moderate amount needs to be eaten by an animal, typically a dog, in order to be poisonous (approx. 1/2 oz. of baking chocolate per pound of body
Home-Human Foods that Poison Pets
Human Foods that Poison Pets, Disclaimer When affected by an overdose of chocolate, a dog can become excited and hyperactive. Due to the diuretic effect
Veterinary Information - Toxins that Affect Dogs
Call Poison Control Sugar overload Organophosphate poisoning and White Shaker dog syndrome Broccoli toxicity - Chocolate toxicity Chocolate poisoning
The Straight Dope: Is chocolate toxic to dogs?
Vets at the National Animal Poison Control Center say it's not uncommon for a 10- to 15-pound dog to eat a pound of chocolate, wrappings and all.
Chocolate is Poison to Your Dog / Animal Care / ComPortOne of
Do not test your dog's will-power on something that could be fatal if ingested. Chocolate is ecstasy to humans and poison to dogs. Oh, they like it.
Cat Fanciers' Association: Health Committee - Winter and Holiday
Holiday sweets with chocolate are not for pets. Depending on the dose ingested, chocolate (bakers, semi sweet, milk and dark) can be poisonous to many
Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs
Please see chart below for breakdown of theobromine levels by chocolate type. or even 4 ounces of hot chocolate powder can be poisonous to a small dog!

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