Dog owners warned about sugar-free goodies KING 5 Seattle
If you think it's no big deal that your dog just ate some sugar-free gum or a cookie or two, think again. You may want to take a trip to your veterinarian.
Wednesday Edition: Mortgage Meltdown Poynter Institute
Softer racetrack debuts Dog owners warned about xylitol The St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times ran a two-part story on the number of homes that could be going into foreclosure because adjustable-rate mortgages are forcing people to pay much higher interest these days.
Daniel Johnston Hospitalized Pitchfork
Lo-fi king Daniel Johnston was admitted to the Tomball Regional Medical Center in his hometown of Waller, TX last Wednesday after experiencing incoherency and an inability to walk, his website reports.
Police seek answers in dog poisonings Swansea News
A farm at the end of Birchwood Drive was a favorite spot for neighborhood pet owners to walk their dogs, until Saturday, Aug. 26. Now a sign on the farm's gate warns residents in no uncertain terms not to do so.
Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs
Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs. Every holiday season, veterinarians find an bars) or even 4 ounces of hot chocolate powder can be poisonous to a small dog!
Veterinary Information - Toxins that Affect Dogs
Call Poison Control Sugar overload Organophosphate poisoning and White Shaker dog syndrome Broccoli toxicity - Chocolate toxicity Chocolate poisoning
Chocolate Poisoning :: Dog Care
How to care for and treat dog who have eaten chocolate.
Chocolate and Dog Poisoning
Why dog poisoning occurs from dogs eating chocolate.
ParkVets Chocolate A Sweet death
Chocolate poisoning in the dog by Parkvts a small animal veterinary group based in south east London, England.