
Mountain Bike, Free Climbing and a site dedicated to the free climb and the mountain bike in the extreme west Liguria, in that strip of land, between France and Italy, that from the sea arrives since up the low Piemonte. We'll let you know the more interesting ways and the news crags of this area, in particular of the Nervia, Roya and Argentina valleys. We'll keep you informed about the news cliffs and the make up of the old ways, the cleaning of the paths and the tours organized by the various associations.

We'll talk about the various sport activities that, thanks to the morphology of the territory, is possible to practise in the open air ……….without disregard the recreational one, like wine feasts or gastronomic marathons! We'll try to give you more information, technical and tourist of the Nervia Valley, Roya Valley and neighbourhood, from the close Costa Azzurra (France) to the Ventimiglia and Bordighera hinterland, from S. Remo to the Argentina valley. Than not only mountain bike and free climb, but a site where you will be able to find several news concerning the extreme west Liguria.

photos | views | mountain bike | free climb |


Marco Pukli and Roberto Scialli replaced olds bolts with cemented and inox rings the Via delle Streghe to Loreto in Argentina valley.

Always in Argentina valley, near the village of Corte, the A.L.A. S. Remo working to equip news routes, the first sector is finished, for the others is necessary to wait much time. Will give you news detailed soon.


Peo Vernassa and the Argentinabike association are working very hard to clean the ways and the muleteers in Argentina valley.


The last autumn, in the month of October, the president of the A.L.A., Roberto Scialli, helped by Marina, had springed the performance in Nebida (CA), some months after, the 16 June more or less at the 12 p.m, was born Gaia !!!!!! Yeahhhhh!!!!!!!


Ostello del Volo Libero - Bar Ristorante "il Sogno di Bacco"
Via Flaminia 32 Villa Scirca 06028 Sigillo (PG)
tel. fax 075 9170761 - http://www.univoli. -

The new portal of the Ligurian Appennini

Enrico Pelos GpIS/SIT Web PhotoMultimedia developing url sito :

Sport and tourist organisation Argentinabike - trips, competitions, maintenance ways, free ride, service of transport :

The official site of Bordighera (IM) :


We want to thank everyone that has help us for the creation of this site: Ugo Rebaudo for the techniques advices, Marco Pukli and the 'Pro Triora Editore' (author and publishing of the guide 'free climb in the Roya and Argentina valleys, Stefan Viard for the correction of the French version and Sabrina Meggetto for the English version, Roberto Scialli, Peo Vernassa and Flaviano Bessone for the information (mountain bike and free climb), Dario Meggetto for the interesting page of the alternative sport.

Copyright © 2001 Diego Miseria