
A.L.A. Ligurian association climb

The Liguria is a wonderful earth, and is a wonderful and rich earth for whom he loves to climb; am enough thinking to the Finalese (European principal climb centre,) with more than 1500 very well equipped streets, up to arrive to our splendid valleys of wonderful walls, to have us what immense understood luck have within reach.

It is for this immense luck that in the far 1988 we created the A.L.A.

Unfortunately in that period the situation was not so favourable; the sports climb was beginning shyly to take possession of its one identity and detach him from his older brother, the MOUNTAINEERING. The equipped routes of feasible and well-stocked climb were not many, concentrated in a particular way in near France or the zone of the Finalise; artificial walls (panels) were pure fantasy, in other words already one were glimpsing huge possibilities but the most beautiful one was still all to find out; only thinking Albenga hits the centre of climb as Triora, Corte, Gorbio, Sospel practically they were not existing yet. One was opening an all world made of stone to explore in front of us: Virgin walls to equip, old streets to restore, torrents to get down, meetings between climbers to organize. Took her ball to the jump or better her hold to the fly and began to equipped climb and equipped and already since his first come her ALA obtained some understand you of quality give her creation some first streets on the fantastic slab of Borniga followed from everything one series of new routes in the famous zones of Loreto in valley Argentina to the Bausu of Veravo in val Pennavaira up to arrive opening of several streets of print alpine sports Cayre de Cougourde and horn star Alps maritime. Have equipped integer climb sectors using the innovative technical news's for the first turned in our zone and expensive of positioning of the anchorages with epoxy resins (Scimarco, Montesordo, Boragni, Rian Cornei, Sospel). We were the first to equip the brook Barbaira in val Nervia, goal yearned by the French numerous keen on Canyoning between which many downhill skiers. Further on to all the jobs in wall, the ALA carries out strictly cultural and popular, also many activities what projections of slides, editing of the annual bulletin for internal use of the partners, meetings, and besides the creation of a training prepared indoors of the gymnasium BODY STYLE to San Remo wall. These experiences give us the chance to take part in that life of group that is in a certain way the lifeblood of the association: A way of working pure and funny, set that allows to share important experiences, obtain some collective results, consolidate human a simple and natural way relationships. All our activity is carried out without profit and we wish to simply transmit our passion to that all that love to live this sport to contact with the nature, respecting her and interacting with her purposes.

M.Pukli R.Scialli

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Works crags:

  • Summer 2000: the ALA Sanremo equipped with cemented rings the crag of Camelot 2 in Rian Cornei (Finale Ligure).
  • Summer 2001 In this period, August 2001, the beautiful man you see on the background is equipping beautiful crags in Corte in the Argentina Valley. In a pair of months will maybe have, finished a first sector, for them other walls is necessary still waiting a long time.


Copyright © 2001 Diego Miseria