
Roya Valley

The part Italian of the val Roya, that from Ventimiglia arrives up to old frontier of Fanghetto, is long about about twenty of kilometers. Even if most of the valley is in French territory the strip in Italian zone is of remarkable interest. The hills around to the make-up fraction, the small villages of Trinity, Baloi pretty brown and Verrandi, dipped in the uliveti, offer very beautiful foreshortenings.

Airole is maybe country plus important of the valley with his about 500 living. The village, situated to 149 meters on level of the sea, is castled on a hill that dominates the river Roja. Of medieval origin, Ghibelline's Folco Curlo of Ventimiglia, then of the monks possession was of Pesio and at last, from 1435, of Ventimiglia. To the proclamation of the Ligurian Republic autonomous council became. Country develops, in the part more ancient, to concentric 'rounds' that climb up remains of the castle up to few. The church is baroque and the near sanctuary of the graces preserves beautiful one statue in Madonna's wood. In the last few years chosen what residence primary or secondary from a foreigner colony state is. Several am the demonstrations in the summer period, among everybody to mention gathering of the Vespa (Piaggio!).

Olivetta San Michele is chief town of a group of working-class suburbs, that were including full hips and books, passed in 1947 at France. For this reason the 'community of the pen' was dismembered and to visit the various members crossing the frontier twice, is necessary to pretty olive to reach flood and Fanghetto to arrive to books. The castle of the pen was reason of several people contested some Val Roia because of the position strategic that was allowing to check the traffic along the "road well "of the salt." The more important monument is Madonna's Romanesque church some lean.

In French territory the val Roya goes from Fanghetto old frontier up to with the of curtain. Countries are colletted valley between calcareous high throats in this grasp and thick woods, Saorge, Breil, her Brigue and curtain supplement perfectly in the environment giving the sensation that are them from always.

Sospel is a typical country of the high valley that allows century since the XVI the passage from the Val Bevera to the Val Roya. Of remarkable interest the old bridge, the cathedral, St baroque square are. Michel, the chapel S.te Croix the strong ones, St. Roch and some Barbonnet and the botanical path that connects Sospel at Italy.

Breil sur Roya is a quiet country that rises on the banks of a lake formed from the river Roya. Old small roads small and monuments are visible in the center and the immediate neighbourhood: The church baroque Sancta Maria in Albis, the chapels of the penitents, the Madonna of the mountain of the olive-trees, the door in Genoa, them vestigia of the fortifications and St Jean bell tower that is the more ancient monument of the first Romanesque art of the county in Nice. In 1947 were of the Italian fractions of Piène and Libre.

Saorge Village is a delicious, his porches and his narrow alleys do a little masterpiece. Deserve one visits the Franciscans' of baroque style, convent, the cloister, church our gentleman of the miracles, the church of St Sauveur, the Madonna some lean of Romanesque style, the chapels of the penitents, the rural chapels, the fortifications and the forest of the Caïros.

Fontan finds it its in the heart some Roya goes, village spreads along the river among his rocky throats. Notre baroque church ladies de the Visitation and his bell tower to coloured bulb, St Jacques chapel and Causséga castle are the sites more interesting to visit to Fontan.

Berghe is an ancient small town of the XIV century from the painted façades and the precious architraves and one finds parallel, the valley of the Levenza in a valley. And 'passed to France in 1947, as some rest all the countries of the val Roya. This council has an enclave of territory in the curtain neighbourhood: Them Marguareis. To mention are the church of Saint Martin, the chapel of the annunciation, the deep valley of the dry brook, them vestigia of the earls' Lascaris, castle, the chapel Saint Michel, the chapel Notre ladies des Fontaines and his frescos signed since the main Piedmontese of the XV century, Canavesio and Baleison.

Notre Dames de Fontaine is sheer placed above a torrent, surrounded by woods she is connected with her intrigues and Triora from an ancient muletrack. Needing is his sanctuary frescoed with the history of Christ's life

La Brigue is placed on a little plateau cut Livenza, affluent of the Roya from the torrent. The country, whose name would have a Celtic origin, preserved many by concerning testimonies of the past. Today her intrigues is a quiet country, dipped in the green, goal of whom loves to pass the holidays in a quiet and easeful place.

Tenda is the more wide council of the department. The village castled by the roofs made of stone is surrounded by typical cultivations to terrace. In the historical center and the neighbourhood we can visit sites of remarkable interest: The collegiate Notre ladies de the Assomption, the chapels of the penitents, iforti of the hill of curtain, Saint Sauveur chapel and the museum of the wonders. From San Dalmazzo di Tenda near country one enters into the valley of the wonders, a frugal of ambient and historical, very big interest rocky cuts of the age of the bronze are present in the park more than thirtythousand.

Granile is a fraction of streches with about ten of living, typical much the laid houses, the balconies in wood and the roofs made of stone.

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