Curriculum.Books.Video & MM.Work.
Video & MM.

Works in progress or to be done,  recent or outcoming produces, events...

Spring 2008. The video of the Cruzada Teatral is now available in a version with Italian subtitles.

camion russo


9.10.2008. The 1 minute video Como se hace un vídeo, made with the children of Timba area in Havana in December 2007, is hosted and reviewed in the blog “Telekids”, by Prof. Jacqueline Sánchez Carrero of the University of Sevilla.

The photo exhibition  Concittadini inaspettati (unexpected citizenz) is out:


1 - 30 Oct. 2009, in Brescia, Santa Giulia, Museo della Città.

11 Sep. - 12 Oct. 2008. in the town hall of Rudiano (BS).

23 Oct. - 8 Nov. 2008, in the Feltrinelli bookshp of Genova, via XX settembre, during the Festival of Science.


6-14 Dec., 2007 Cuba. I attend the first time at the Foro de la niñez, during Havana Film Festival, speaking about "The 'developped' child and the technological media, between familiarity and illiteracy" and a workshop with children about using video, in the slum Timba.




In the Foro de la niñez, (forum of childhood) during the XXX Havana Film Festival, from 2 to 12 Dec. 2008, I took part with a long distance paper, thoughts and a project, from the video workshop with the children of Timba in December 2007.

28 september 2008: my first video is uploaded on YouTube

At the XII Fòrum Mundial de la TV Infantil, Festival Internacional de TV di Barcellona, organised by the “Observatori Europeu de la Televisió Infantil, that will take place from 10 to 15 Nov. 2008, on 12 morning it is programmed Scopriamo e raccontiamo la natura sotto casa and on 13 morning  Taller video en la Timba.


On 30 november 2008, h.21, screening of the video La Cruzada Teatral at the ARCI cuban circle “Malanga Amarilla of Cinisello Balsamo (MI), via A..Lincoln 67, in the presence of the author.

On 21 May 2009 is on line the blog “Bambini oggi, alla scoperta del villaggio globale” (Children to day, discovering the global village), as a part of the network Blogosfere.


5 e 6 May 2009, during Raccontare i Robot, by biblioteca De Amicis in Genova, workshop “Il TG dei robot”.


Bellaria, on 20- 21 October 2009 I attend at the meeting Medi@tando, and from 21 to 24 at Euromeduc.

During the Foro de la niñez, XXXI Havana Film Festival, from 3 to 13 Dec. 2009, I have some video workshops for children and educators in several zones of the Cuban capital.

Duraning Festival Tuttestorie of children literature “MALANOTTE”, Cagliari, from 13 to 17 October 2010, I’m holding with children the workshop  “The night TV News”.

For XIV Festival Internacional de TV of Barcellona, by the “Observatori Europeu de la Televisió Infantil,  from 16 to 18 November 2010, they were selected my videos Taller video con los niños, Storia di Robot and The quarreling wasps.

In primary schools of Brescia they are starting workshops about Insetcs and Robots, with the School of Robotics of Genova, towards Science Festival and Arte e Scienza in Piazza in Bologna, while the exhibition “Concittadini inaspettati” is back in Brescia, in the precincts of Ambiente Parco.