THE STRUCTURE condition of the environments: the laboratory


Comboni Centre's Dental Clinic, inaugurated in 1993, is in a modern and functional structure. It stretches on a surface of around 170 square meters and it is composed of five rooms. The reception where patients are received and where they does the operations of recording and payment after treatment. The main operational room equipped with two new dental units, one transportable x-ray machine, two sinks and all the necessary elements, tools and materials for a European level dentistry. A sterilization room where tools are clean and sterilized; it is furnished with two sterilization machines. A small store and the second operational room with two dental units that are mainly used for prosthesis purpose and scaling. The clinic is equipped with a centralized aspiration plant plus two transportable aspirators. Comboni Centre's Dental Clinic is equipped to perform any teeth extraction, root canal treatments, amalgam or composite fillings, scaling, x-rays, prosthesis and the harvest of epidemiological data. In the 1999, Comboni Dental Clinic has satisfied an average of 85 patients per month.


the Dental Clinic


Dental Laboratory is in the new wing of the Dental Clinic whose construction was finished at the end of the 1997. It consists of six rooms with a surface of 120 square meters and a volume of 300 cube meters. The structure is equipped with the modern European standard as concern the distribution systems of electric current, gas and air compressors. It has an excellent distribution of the windows that allows an excellent natural illumination of the environments assuring an adequate change of air. The structure is equipped with an independent entry for the students and operators that, thanks to a brief corridor, allow the attainment of the dressing room that does not cross other rooms. It presents a connection with the Dental Clinic that allows the passage of the employees and the transfer of the prosthesis jobs between the two environments. Outside the structure there is, in order to avoid troublesome noises in the lab and for increase the safety, a vain covered and well-ventilated separated in two parts where are lodged the compressor and the gas cylinders. Always to the outside of the structure has been situated the extractor for the lathe/ rapid that is used for frameworks finishing off. To make the use of compressor and extractor easier they are commanded from switches that are inside. Comboni Dental Laboratory is able to satisfy any dentist prosthetic application and it is structured in a way to encourage students' professional growth.


The six environments are: modelling room, plaster room, casting room, the store, dressing room (provided with two closets in way to furnish to students and operators an appropriate area for changing dress) and the small room where there is the old laboratory that will be updated in a way to realize a suitable environment for the aesthetical covering of bridges and crowns with resin or ceramic.

laboratory entry

To date the intrinsic dangerousness of gas escapes, the structure is equipped with an efficient plant for his distribution. The plant flows, deriving from the outside, under the laboratory floor in copper pipes to avoid the casualties and the usury. In order to increase security only one faucet commands gas feeding. Bunsen burner on benches get a special valve that in case of improper put out stop gas feeding. Is opportune behavior creating a stock of cylinders in case of difficulty to obtain the gas, stock that will be stored outside the structure. Outside, but sheltered from the atmospheric agents, to avoid annoying noises, there are the air compressor and the aspiration motor.