The plaster room is equipped with a long bench dressed with plastic in way to avoid that the plaster sticks; on this structure have been lodged the gas stove, the vibrator and the press for hydroflask. For utilization of the sink attack/ unloaded of the water in this area have been locales the steam machine and the trimming machine. Sink and plaster bench areas are dressed with tails in way to facilitate the cleaning. On the opposite side of the plaster bench two furniture lodge the containers of hard and soft plaster for models. In this room side there is the vacuum mixer, the oven for the tempering of the models in refractory and the flask presses. In the plaster room -separate from the rest of the dental laboratory- are make the "dirty operations" like: impression casting, models trimming, articulators set up, models duplication in refractory for the framework with the relative tempering, masks, preparation of the flasks their washing and packing, refractory investing of fixes and framework, caster removal from the casting rings.