The modelling room has been equipped with ten working places all provided with drawers where it is possible to put tools, materials and the residues of the workmanship. Each place is equipped with a drill, motor, whip, handepice, speed regulator, Bunsen burner and air compress. All the benches are equipped with a conforming illumination for dental technician profession. Two benches have incorporated aspirators so that four working places have the possibility to operate in the full respect of technician's health. This room presents three pieces of furniture, a small table, a box for the artificial teeth, a sink and two wardrobes; on the wall a blackboard has been situated that is used during the lessons. In this room are realized the different steps that carry to manufactured construction like: planning, lay out, preparation of the die, personal trays and mastication waxes, wax modelling with sprues, artificial teeth set up, finishing touch of the fixed, mobile and framework prosthesis, reparations, relines, orthodontics appliance and, for the moment, the aesthetical covering of crowns and bridges.