The casting room is equipped with three casting machines: a spring centrifugal TS1 Degussa with electron flask, a motorized centrifugal Junior MultiHertz induction and an modern motorized centrifugal SAID induction. In the aspirant cloak the two ovens have been situated for the cylinders pre heating and the electric stove for the acid. On a bench the two sand blasters have been disposed one used for the fixed prosthesis while the other for the frameworks. On an other bench some refractory bricks have been placed in way to make the area suitable for weldings performance and for a safe location of incandescent rings and crucibles deriving from casting operations. On an other piece of furniture the flask boiler has been disposed. In this room are realized the rings pre heating operations and the metals melting/ casting, metal cleaning with sand blaster or acids, metallic pieces welding and flask curing. For elevated use of air from present apparatuses, this room has been provided with an independent compressor.