
Stupid Sister 

Short monologue of Astaroth when Astarte dies, his thoughts and the truth about his feelings

Toki Doki


After book 3 (the anime). Rociel had rescued Katan, but in the process created new wounds in the Cherubim's soul. The hunter, hunted, and the ones who are drawn into the conflict.

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five


The day the sky fell 

The end of Assiah.. But what if certain things had changed/remained the same? Alternate Universe. A glimpse into the 'fates' of Setsuna, Sara, Katou, Kira, Rociel, Mad Hatter, and the other marionettes.

To the end 

Goodbyes between old friends. Katou Yue meets Kira in an unlikely place and have a little talk. Slight swearing, as it is Katou. Spoiler for end of book 18

Pick the pain 
Michael. The things that pierce, the things that burn.


Eddy   www

I say nothing/We sink

Spoilers up to v.06: Katan with Rociel after v.06 stuff. PG for hinting at some inappropriateness. Slash/yaoi, non-explicit