Cults, Mind Control, Fundamentalism Info, News + Help: FACTNet Help regarding Cults, Sects, Human Rights Abuses, Brainwashing and
Mind Control.
Specializing in breaking news.
Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard Part directory, part archive: books, articles, and other documents related to Hubbard.
Metatech: Top class information on aliens, mind control etc. Conspiracy theory and reptilian articles.
Becoming a victim of mind control Listen to an interview with the founder of the Cult Information Centre about his
experience of having been in a cult and the abusive tactics they can use to
... The Dangers Of Cults This is a page linking to an interview with the founder of the Cult Information Centre about the tactics cults use to recruit people, which includes his own story of his brief experience of being in a cult

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Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies Newsletter A bimonthly newsletter showing the possible connections between secretive
organizations, ritual abuse and
mind control. Includes an overview of ritual abuse,
... Operation Clambake Major anti Scientology site, with extensive news articles, analyses, and criticism
of the alleged Scientology cult, Dianetics, and L. Ron Hubbard,
...After 25+ years as top executives in Scientology, it seems like the cult is rewriting history by purging their names from all official sources
Will the cult succeed in trying to emend history? Consider using this leaflet against CoS
The true story of L
THE ORG Documenting the history of the para-military "elite" Scientology organization
An example of how CoS tries to edit history
Read the moving story from a mother of a Scientologist and her 25 year effort to keep her promise
Why are these people dead, Scientology? 30 years on the front lines for Scientology, now out and here is her story!
A personal story on how CoS can mess you up
This is a true story from inside the cult from 1977 to 1991
A weblog offering opinions on current events, as well as humor and personal notes.
posted at 08:47 PM by Glenn Reynolds MORE ON THE REUTERGATE STORY from and plus new photo analysis from posted at 08:36 PM by Glenn Reynolds JOE LIEBERMAN'S WEBSITE Stay tuned
Mind control
Article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
In an article by the writers Bob and Gretchen Passantino, first appearing in magazine, titled Overcoming The Bondage Of Victimization: A Critical Evaluation of Cult Mind Control Theories they challenge the validity of mind control theories and the alleged 'victimization' by mind-control, and assert in their conclusion: [...] the Bogey Man of cult mind control is nothing but a ghost story, good for inducing an adrenaline high and maintaining a crusade, but irrelevant to reality

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Guardian Unlimited - A genius explains Interview of mathematical and linguistic whiz Daniel Tammet by Richard Johnson.
Scientists are asking whether Tammet's exceptional abilities are the key to
...To him, pi isn't an abstract set of digits; it's a visual story, a film projected in front of his eyes
'We shared so much - our love of key dates from history, for instance
After leaving school with three A-levels (History, French and German, all grade Bs), he decided he wanted to teach - only not the predictable, learn-by-rote type of teaching
Rick Ross
Information on controversial groups, cult movements and cult activity. This vast
archive contains thousands of individual documents.
Mind control or brainwashing
Article over the phenomenon, from the Skeptic's Dictionnary (A collection of
strange beliefs, amusing deceptions, and dangerous delusions and how to think ...
One such book even claims to be based on a true story: The Control of Candy Jones (Playboy Press, 1976) by Donald Bain
The People's Temple, Jim Jones
Doomsday cult committed mass suicide in 1978.
She has a website at: She was " contacted by an Angelic Presence four years prior to what the world would come to know as 'The Jonestown Tragedy.' " She has written an essay " About Jonestown: An open letter to scholars, activists, and advocates for religious freedom " which is online at: " Scholars present request to declassify Jonestown documents, " at: http://www.cesnur.org/guyana_doc.htm Deborah Layton, " Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor's Story of Life and Death in the People's Temple, " Anchor (1998)
" The Jonestown Massacre: CIA Mind Control Run Amok?, " at: " Peoples Temple (Jonestown) , " at: Tim Reiterman & John Jacobs, " Raven: The untold story of Reverend Jim Jones and his people, " E.P
Brainwashing and mind control in religious cults and elsewhere
Resources about brainwashing, ordered by types of sources.
Subtitled "The Strange History of the Brainwashing Conjecture in the Sociology of Religion." By
Source: Benjamin Zablocki, The Blacklisting of a Concept: The Strange History of the Brainwashing Conjecture in the Sociology of Religion, Oct
Benjamin Zablocki, The Blacklisting of a Concept: The Strange History of the Brainwashing Conjecture in the Sociology of Religion, Oct
by Robert Vaugh Young • Books Click On Titles To Order At Discount » by by Deborah Layton's story of her involvement in, and escape from, Jim Jones' Peoples Temple cult
Prime-Time Propaganda
The Clinton Administration has admitted to paying the television networks to give
the government editorial control of television shows. Not a joke.
Boing Boing
A directory of wonderful things.
I've been with him nonstop since early afternoon, listening as he teases employees, flying on his private jet, eating fast food and watching young women hurl themselves against his 6-foot-2-inch frame, declaring, 'We want to go wild!' to LAT story
to news story
posted by David Pescovitz at 03:36:48 PM | Death of Garfield? On October 23, 1989, Jim Davis began a Garfield storyline that are some of the most depressing, existential, moody strips I've ever read
Jonestown Massacre Plus 20: Questions
Article written on the 20th anniversary of the Jonestown massacre; from CNN.
EST (1756 GMT) In this story: SAN FRANCISCO (CNN) -- Twenty years after the world was shocked by the mass murder-suicide in the supposedly known as Jonestown, the questions linger: How and why did 913 people die? Some believe answers may lie in more than 5, 000 pages of information the U.S
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